Desa Sawit Mandiri | Upaya Asian Agri Mengangkat Perekonomian Desa

Program Desa Sawit Mandiri Upaya Asian Agri Mengangkat Perekonomian Desa

Desa Sawit Mandiri | Upaya Asian Agri Mengangkat Perekonomian Desa | — Asian Agri, perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit Group Royal Golden Eagle (RGE), tidak hanya mementingkan kemajuan core bisnisnya saja, melainkan ikut berperan penting dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan petani.

Melalui program Corporate Social Responsibily (CSR), Asian Agri menyentuh berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat, baik di bidang sosial, lingkungan hidup hingga peningkatan aspek ekonomi masyarakat.

Salah satu peran penting Asian Agri dalam aspek ekonomi adalah mengajak masyarakat berkolaborasi dan bersinergi dalam Program Desa Sawit Mandiri.

Program unggulan dari Asian Agri ini menawarkan kepada masyarakat yang berprofesi petani sawit khususnya, pembinaan pengelolaan kebun sawit terbaik dan ramah lingkungan.


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Tujuan akhirnya adalah terjadinya peningkatan ekonomi petani sawit yang berkelanjutan, dengan hasil produksi yang meningkat.

Program Desa Sawit Mandiri telah dilakukan Asian Agri di tiga provinsi: Sumatera Utara (Sumut), Riau dan Jambi. Di penghujung tahun 2021, program ini menyentuh petani Desa Ukui 2, Kecamatan Ukui, Kabupaten Pelalawan, Provinsi Riau.

Menurut Dedi Raimond Pardede, GM PT IIS unit bisnis Asian Agri, perusahaan ingin berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan pendapatan petani Desa Ukui 2.

“Secara pengelolaan kebun sawit milik masyarakat Desa Ukui 2 belum mengikuti strandar yang benar, seperti penanaman yang dilakukan tidaklah menghasilkan produksi yang maksimal. Dengan kerjasama Desa Sawit Mandiri, Asian Agri akan membina para petani untuk memperoleh kebun sawit yang layak tanam,” ungkapnya, Rabu, 29 Desember 2021.



• Asian Agri: Bibit Topaz Tersebar hingga Papua

Dedi menambahkan, melalui program Desa Sawit Mandiri hasil produksi yang kelak dihasilkan akan dapat dipergunakan untuk kesejahteraan desa, seperti perbaikan fasilitas umum desa atau yang lain.

“Sesuai perjanjian selama masa 3 tahun, yaitu tanaman belum menghasilkan tandan buah, maka semua biaya operasional ditanggung oleh pihak perusahaan. Pihak desa hanya menyiapkan lahan seluas 2.7 ha yaitu tanah kas desa untuk ditanami kelapa sawit berbibit Topaz. Setelah mencapai umur kurang lebih 3 tahun, yaitu saat tanaman sudah berbuah, maka diserahkan kepada pihak desa sepenuhnya, baik itu biaya òperasional dan hasil produksinya. Setelah diserahkan kewajiban dari perusahaan adalah tetap melakukan pendampingan dan monitor terhadap perkembangan tanaman tersebut,” beber Dedi.

Harapan perusahaan, tambahnya, setelah diserahkan langsung kepada petani, agar tetap dirawat dengan baik, supaya produksinya dapat meningkat dan tentunya hasilnya dapat dirasakan oleh masyarakat.

Sementara itu, Tarmizi, Kades Ukui 2 mengucapkan terima kasih kepada PT IIS – Asian Agri yang telah mengajak petani untuk berkolaborasi dalam program Desa Sawit Mandiri. “Berharap ke depan kesejahteraan dan perkembangan desa kami akan diperoleh,” ucapnya.

Dengan adanya sawit Desa Sawit Mandiri ini, pihaknya bersama masyarakat berjanji untuk tetap merawatnya dengan baik sesuai arahan dari perusahaan.




Asian Agri Manfaatkan Potensi Limbah Sawit Jadi Listrik

“Harapan kami warga desa, karena umur sawit ini panjang tentunya sudah ada sumber pendapatan lain desa untuk peningkatan PAD. Dengan adanya hasil dari kebun sawit ini, maka penghasilannya akan kami kelola dengan benar dan transparan untuk kemajuan desa,” cetusnya.

H Atan, tokoh adat dan masyarakat Desa Ukui 2, merasa bangga desanya mendapat perhatian dari PT Inti Indosawit Subur melalui program Desa Sawit Mandiri. “Ini baru yang pertama di wilayah Kecamatan Ukui 2 ini,” ujarnya.

Ia menilai, harga sawit semakin lama makin tinggi. “Harapan itu yang kami inginkan, ke depan ekonomi masyarakat desa juga akan meningkat,” katanya. ***


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Program Desa Sawit Mandiri Upaya Asian Agri Mengangkat Perekonomian Desa-1

Independent Palm Oil Village | Asian Agri’s Efforts to Elevate the Village Economy | — Asian Agri, the palm oil plantation company of the Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) Group, is not only concerned with progressing its core business, but also plays an important role in improving the welfare of the community and farmers.

Through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, Asian Agri touches various aspects of people’s lives, both in the social, environmental and economic aspects.

One of Asian Agri’s important roles in the economic aspect is to invite the community to collaborate and synergize in the Independent Palm Oil Village Program.

This flagship program from Asian Agri offers people who work as oil palm farmers in particular, the best and environmentally friendly management of oil palm plantations.


The ultimate goal is the sustainable economic improvement of oil palm farmers, with increased production yields.

The Independent Sawit Village Program has been carried out by Asian Agri in three provinces: North Sumatra (Sumut), Riau and Jambi. At the end of 2021, this program touched the farmers of Ukui 2 Village, Ukui District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province.

According to Dedi Raimond Pardede, GM of PT IIS Asian Agri’s business unit, the company wants to contribute to increasing the incomes of farmers in Ukui 2 Village.

“The management of oil palm plantations belonging to the people of Ukui 2 Village has not followed the correct standards, such as planting that does not produce maximum production. With the cooperation of Sawit Mandiri Village, Asian Agri will guide farmers to obtain suitable oil palm plantations,” he said, Wednesday , December 29, 2021.



Dedi added, through the Desa Sawit Mandiri program, the production results that will later be produced can be used for village welfare, such as improving village public facilities or others.

“According to the agreement for a period of 3 years, i.e. the plant has not yet produced fruit bunches, all operational costs are borne by the company. The village only prepares an area of ​​2.7 ha, namely village treasury land to plant oil palm seeds with Topaz. After reaching the age of approximately 3 years , namely when the plant has fruited, it is completely handed over to the village, both in terms of operational costs and production results. After being handed over, the obligation of the company is to continue to provide assistance and monitor the development of the plant, “explained Dedi.

The company hopes, he added, after being handed over directly to farmers, they will continue to be well cared for, so that production can increase and of course the results can be felt by the community.

Meanwhile, Tarmizi, Kades Ukui 2 thanked PT IIS – Asian Agri for inviting farmers to collaborate in the Mandiri Sawit Village program. “Hopefully in the future the welfare and development of our village will be obtained,” he said.

With the existence of this Mandiri Sawit Village oil palm, his party together with the community promised to continue to take good care of it according to the direction of the company.


“We hope that the villagers, because of the long lifespan of this palm, of course, there are other sources of village income to increase PAD. With the results from this oil palm plantation, we will manage the income correctly and transparently for the progress of the village,” he said.

H Atan, a traditional leader and community member of Ukui 2 Village, is proud that his village has received attention from PT Inti Indosawit Subur through the Desa Sawit Mandiri program. “This is the first time in the Ukui 2 sub-district,” he said.

He considered, the price of palm oil is getting higher and higher. “Our hope is that in the future the village community’s economy will also improve,” he said. ***





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