SUPER AIR JET Mengudara ke Solo 5 Januari

SUPER JET: Fly While Watching Movies, Free!!!

SUPER AIR JET Mengudara ke Solo 5 Januari | — Hallo milenial, sudah dapat daftar kota tujuan yang perlu dikunjungi di 2022? Nah mungkin saatnya melakukan jalan-jalan sendirian atau dikenal dengan istilah solo travelling, jika waktu jalan-jalan bareng keluarga atau teman belum pas waktunya.

Walaupun masih sendirian ke suatu kota, ternyata dinilai akan menambah pengalaman. Untuk menjawab kebutuhan para kawula muda yang masih galau terutama solo travelling, SUPER AIR JET di tahun baru mengajak terbang ke destinasi baru SUPER Favorit: SOLO.

Penerbangan perdana dijadwalkan mulai 5 Januari mendatang. Catat jadwalnya, ya:
• Nomor penerbangan IU 636, berangkat dari Terminal 2D Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta di Tangerang, Benten (CGK) pukul 08.45 WIB dan memiliki waktu kedatangan di Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo Solo di Boyolali, Jawa Tengah (SOC) pada 10.00 WIB.
• Nomor penerbangan IU 637 akan mengudara dari Bandar Udara Internasional Adi Soemarmo (SOC) pada 10.40 dan diperkirakan mendarat di Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta pukul 11.55 WIB.

SUPER AIR JET menawarkan tarif SUPER Hemat mulai dari Rp 433.800 dengan terbang SUPER Nyaman menggunakan Airbus 320-200 berkapasitas 180 kursi kelas ekonomi.


Bacaan Lainnya


property of SUPER AIR JET

SUPER AIR JET mengucapkan rasa terima kasih kepada seluruh pihak yang terlibat, meliputi regulator, pengelola bandar udara: PT Angkasa Pura 2 Cabang Soekarno-Hatta dan PT Angkasa Pura 1 Cabang Adi Soemarmo, pengatur lalu lintas udara: AirNav Indoensia, lembaga lainnya yang terkait atas kerjasama, koordinasi sehingga penerbangan perdana mendatang dapat berjalan lancar.

Tunggu apalagi? Ayo bergegas untuk persiapkan perjalananmu dengan terbang dari sekarang Jakarta – Solo – Jakarta dikenal sebagai rute SUPER Populer karena memiliki potensi pasar tinggi serta ramai peminat jalur udara sesuai kebutuhan para pelancong kekinian.

SUPER AIR JET semakin optimis mengakomodir permintan penerbangan serta tetap fokus menyasar pasar kalangan muda mudi, sesuai sesuai visi: To empower the next generation to reach new heights “turut membangun generasi muda untuk menembus ketinggian baru”.



Solo atau Surakarta?

Saatnya kenali lebih dekat destinasi SUPER Favorit. Menurut sumber sejarah, kota yang berada di Provinsi Jawa Tengah ini pada mulanya bernama “Sala”, yang dulunya dipimpin oleh seorang Ki Gede Sala atau Kiai Sala.

Desa Solo kemudian berubah menjadi pusat kerajaan dengan berdirinya Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat.

Seiring perjalanan waktu, Surakarta sebagai nama dari sebuah keraton ditetapkan menjadi nama resmi kota administratif. Sedangkan, Solo atau Sala lebih akrab penyebutan populer atau yang umum di masyarakat.

Seperti peribahasa “satu kali mendayung, dua hingga tiga pulau terlampaui”. Pelancong muda yang sudah berada di kota ini, bisa mudah menemukan tempat “hits dan insagramable”, seperti wisata sejarah, wisata kulineran, wisata pendidikan, wisata sejarah.

Ketika di Boyolali (area dekat bandar udara), sambangi langsung Gardu Pandang Bukit Batur yang ada di puncak Suroteleng. Pemandangan elok dipadukan hawa dingin dan kabut tipis sangat memukau untuk wisata alam.

Bagi pehobi fotografi, yuk kunjungi The Heritage Palace, salah satu wahana wisata yang dulunya pabrik gula peninggalan Belkamu sejak 1892. Menarik sekali, setiap sudut sangat kental nuansa Eropa klasik.

Selain itu, bisa menjajal Museum 3D Trick Art, Omah Kwalik, Museum Transportasi, Museum Industri, Garden Retro Paradise, Kids Town dan Food Street untuk mengobati kerinduan cita rasa khas masakan ala Jawa Tengah.



Kenapa Harus Memilih SUPER AIR JET?

SUPER Ekstra: cuma-cuma (gratis) 20kg dapat mengakomodir barang bawaan atau bagasi di setiap penerbangan. Masih suka merasa bosan saat di udara?

“Tidak perlu khawatir, SUPER Entertainment akan memanjakan melalui hiburan gratis yang diakses dari handphone. Nonton film sepuasnya, main games, baca e-magazine, cari referensi lifestyle, lihat-lihat vlogger, mengikuti podcast dan konten menarik lainnya,” tulis Direktur Utama (Chief Executive Officer) SUPER AIR JET, Ari Azhari dalam pesan elektronik yang diterima.

SUPER AIR JET yang mengusung konsep sesuai tren kekinian telah mempelajari kebiasaan utama kalangan muda-mudi yaitu salah satunya tak lepas dari handphone.

Akhirnya, SUPER AIR JET menyesuaikan dengan hiburan di udara dan di darat, sehingga setiap tamu super tetap bisa beraktivitas menggunakan smartphone masing-masing untuk memanjakan diri melalui hiburan gratis.




Rute Baru Super Jet: Tren Kalangan Milenial

Harapan terpenting ialah, pengalaman selama penerbangan tetap terjaga, asyik, seru dan menyenangkan.

Dalam mempermudah perjalanan yang disesuaikan dengan persyaratan/ ketentuan dokumen kesehatan, SUPER AIR JET telah bekerjasama dengan fasilitas kesehatan.

Setiap calon tamu super (sebutan penumpang SUPER AIR JET) dapat melakukan uji kesehatan RDT-ANTIGEN Rp 35.000 kerjasama fasilitas kesehatan keberangkatan dari Jabodetabek; RT-PCR Rp 195.000 keberangkatan dari Jabodetabek dan RT-PCR 225.000 jika berangkat dari Solo.

Tarif terjangkau uji kesehatan tersebut, sejalan pelaksanaan terbang SUPER Sehat, bahwa semua awak pesawat (Super Crew) dan tamu super wajib menjalani uji kesehatan Covid-19 sebagaimana yang ditetapkan dengan hasil negatif.

Terpenting lagi, penerbangan dijalankan menurut standar operasional prosedur dan protokol kesehatan ketat. ***


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SUPER AIR JET Airs to Solo January 5 | — Hello millennials, have you got a list of destinations that need to be visited in 2022? Well maybe it’s time to go for a walk alone or known as solo traveling, if the time for traveling with family or friends is not the right time.

Even though you are still alone in a city, it turns out that it will add to the experience. To answer the needs of young people who are still confused, especially solo traveling, SUPER AIR JET in the new year invites you to fly to a new SUPER Favorite destination: SOLO.

The inaugural flight is scheduled to start on January 5. Take note of the schedule, OK?
• Flight number IU 636, departs from Terminal 2D Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Jakarta in Tangerang, Benten (CGK) at 08.45 WIB and has an arrival time at Adi Soemarmo Solo International Airport in Boyolali, Central Java (SOC) at 10.00 WIB.
• Flight number IU 637 will fly from Adi Soemarmo International Airport (SOC) at 10.40 and is expected to land at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport at 11.55 WIB.



SUPER AIR JET offers SUPER Efficient fares starting from Rp. 433,800 by flying SUPER Comfortable using an Airbus 320-200 with a capacity of 180 economy class seats.

SUPER AIR JET would like to thank all parties involved, including regulators, airport managers: PT Angkasa Pura 2 Soekarno-Hatta Branch and PT Angkasa Pura 1 Adi Soemarmo Branch, air traffic controllers: AirNav Indonesia, other institutions related to the cooperation, coordination so that the upcoming inaugural flight can run smoothly.

What are you waiting for? Let’s hurry up to prepare for your trip by flying from now on. Jakarta – Solo – Jakarta is known as the SUPER Popular route because it has high market potential and is full of air traffic enthusiasts according to the needs of contemporary travelers.

SUPER AIR JET is increasingly optimistic about accommodating aviation demand and remains focused on targeting the young and young market, according to the vision: To empower the next generation to reach new heights “to help build the younger generation to penetrate new heights”.


Solo or Surakarta?

It’s time to get to know your favorite SUPER destinations more closely. According to historical sources, this city in Central Java Province was originally named “Sala”, which was once led by a Ki Gede Sala or Kiai Sala.

The village of Solo later turned into the center of the kingdom with the establishment of the Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace.

Over time, Surakarta as the name of a palace was determined to be the official name of an administrative city. Meanwhile, Solo or Sala are more familiar with popular or common names in society.

As the saying goes “one rowing, two to three islands crossed”. Young travelers who are already in this city, can easily find “hits and insagramable” places, such as historical tours, culinary tours, educational tours, historical tours.

When in Boyolali (an area near the airport), visit the Bukit Batur Viewpoint directly at the top of Suroteleng. The beautiful scenery combined with the cold air and light fog is very stunning for nature tourism.

For photography enthusiasts, let’s visit The Heritage Palace, a tourist attraction that was once a sugar factory from the Netherlands since 1892. It’s very interesting, every corner has a classic European feel.

In addition, you can try the 3D Trick Art Museum, Omah Kwalik, Transportation Museum, Industrial Museum, Garden Retro Paradise, Kids Town and Food Street to treat the longing for the typical taste of Central Javanese cuisine.



Why Should You Choose SUPER AIR JET?

SUPER Extra: free (free) 20kg can accommodate luggage or baggage on every flight. Still like feeling bored in the air?

“No need to worry, SUPER Entertainment will indulge you through free entertainment accessed from mobile phones. Watch unlimited movies, play games, read e-magazines, look for lifestyle references, browse vloggers, follow podcasts and other interesting content,” wrote the President Director ( Chief Executive Officer) SUPER AIR JET, Ari Azhari in an electronic message received.

SUPER AIR JET, which carries the concept according to current trends, has studied the main habits of young people, one of which cannot be separated from cellphones.

Finally, SUPER AIR JET adapts to entertainment in the air and on the ground, so that every super guest can still move around using their respective smartphones to pamper themselves through free entertainment.

The most important hope is, the experience during the flight is maintained, fun, exciting and fun.


In facilitating travel that is adjusted to the requirements/stipulations of health documents, SUPER AIR JET has collaborated with health facilities.

Every super guest candidate (as SUPER AIR JET passengers) can do the RDT-ANTIGEN medical test of Rp. 35,000 in collaboration with health facilities departing from Jabodetabek; RT-PCR Rp 195,000 for departure from Jabodetabek and RT-PCR 225,000 if departing from Solo.

The affordable price for the health test is in line with the implementation of the Healthy SUPER flight, that all flight crew (Super Crew) and super guests are required to undergo a Covid-19 health test as determined with negative results.

Most importantly, flights are run according to standard operating procedures and strict health protocols. ***





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