Side Events G20 | Mendag: Momen Menggerakan Kembali Ekonomi Dunia Pascapandemi

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Side Events G20 | Mendag: Momen Menggerakan Kembali Ekonomi Dunia Pascapandemi | — Menteri Perdagangan RI sekaligus Ketua Penanggung Jawab penyelenggaraan Side Events G20, Muhammad Lutfi, memastikan kearifan lokal Indonesia menjadi nilai lebih agenda-agenda Side Events G20 tahun 2022 ini.

Hal tersebut juga sebagai upaya menjadikan Presidensi Indonesia di G20 tahun ini semakin menonjol dalam upaya memulihkan ekonomi dunia.

Mendag Lutfi juga optimistis seluruh agenda Side Events G20 akan berdampak penting pada keseluruhan rangkaian Pertemuan G20 yang digelar di Indonesia tahun ini.

Tercatat pada 24 Desember 2021 sebagai batas waktu inventarisasi Side Events G20, terdapat 121 side events yang akan berlangsung di 20 kota di Indonesia dari Desember 2021 sampai Oktober 2022 mendatang.


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“Side Events G20 bertujuan memberi pemahaman yang lebih lengkap kepada anggota G20 mengenai agenda prioritas Presidensi G20. Side Events G20 juga harus menjadi showcase citra positif kemajuan dan budaya Indonesia. Showcase filosofi nilai budaya luhur ditampilkan secara berkala dalam sejumlah side events tersendiri. Penyelenggaran side events diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak bagi perekonomian, baik di daerah penyelenggaran maupun Indonesia secara umum,” ungkap Mendag Lutfi.

Mendag Lutfi melihat momentum Presidensi Indonesia dalam G20 kali ini sangat krusial. Indonesia menempatkan diri secara aktif sebagai bagian dari upaya dunia memulihkan diri dari pandemi Covid-19, sekaligus berusaha menggerakkan kembali perekonomian dunia yang terdampak pandemi.

“Pertemuan G20 harus menjadi sarana memperkenalkan gaya hidup, daya tahan dalam krisis dan pandemi, serta kemampuan pemulihan kesehatan, ekonomi, dan produk unggulan anggota G20, sehingga dapat turut menggerakkan ekonomi dunia,” kata Mendag Lutfi.

Dari 121 side events, sebanyak tujuh di antaranya akan terlaksana dalam rangkaian kegiatan Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20 di Bali pada Oktober 2022 mendatang. Bentuk-bentuk kegiatan side events tahun ini antara lain berupa seminar, forum kerja sama ekonomi, gelar budaya, promosi dagang, pameran, kick-off meeting, hingga tinjauan lapangan.




Data Perusahaan Pinjaman Online Berizin OJK

Setidaknya 15 kementerian dan tujuh lembaga menjadi pengampu kegiatan-kegiatan side events selama rangkaian G20 digelar di Indonesia.

Ke 15 kementerian tersebut adalah Kementerian Perdagangan, Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian Perindustrian, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak, Kementerian Pertanian, Kementerian Kesehatan, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Kementerian Investasi/Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal, Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Bappenas, Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga, Kementerian Dalam Negeri, serta Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM.

Sedangkan tujuh lembaga adalah Bank Indonesia, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan, Indonesian Youth Diplomacy, serta Kamar Dagang dan Industri.

“Diperlukan sinergi seluruh kementerian dan lembaga terkait untuk menyukseskan Presidensi G20 Indonesia Tahun 2022, termasuk dalam pelaksanaan rangkaian side events. Kesuksesan Indonesia pada Presidensi G20 tahun ini akan mendorong percepatan pemulihan kondisi dunia pascapandemi Covid-19 dan turut mendorong Indonesia pulih dari pandemi,” pungkas Mendag Lutfi. ***



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Side Events G20 | Minister of Trade: The Moment to Revitalize the Post-Pandemic World Economy | — The Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia and the Chairperson in Charge of the G20 Side Events, Muhammad Lutfi, ensures that Indonesian local wisdom becomes the added value of the 2022 G20 Side Events agenda.

This is also an effort to make the Indonesian Presidency at this year’s G20 even more prominent in efforts to restore the world economy.

Trade Minister Lutfi is also optimistic that the entire G20 Side Events agenda will have an important impact on the entire series of G20 Meetings held in Indonesia this year.

Recorded on December 24, 2021 as the deadline for the G20 Side Events inventory, there are 121 side events that will take place in 20 cities in Indonesia from December 2021 to October 2022.



“The G20 Side Events aim to give G20 members a more complete understanding of the priority agenda of the G20 Presidency. The G20 Side Events must also be a showcase of the positive image of progress and Indonesian culture. The showcase of the philosophy of noble cultural values ​​is displayed periodically in a number of separate side events. The holding of side events is expected to have an impact on the economy, both in the region and in Indonesia in general,” said Trade Minister Lutfi.

Trade Minister Lutfi sees the momentum of the Indonesian Presidency in the G20 as very crucial. Indonesia is actively placing itself as part of the world’s efforts to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, while at the same time trying to revive the world economy affected by the pandemic.

“The G20 meeting must be a means of introducing lifestyle, resilience in crises and pandemics, as well as the ability to restore health, economy, and superior products of G20 members, so that they can help move the world economy,” said Trade Minister Lutfi.

Of the 121 side events, seven of them will be held in a series of activities at the G20 Summit in Bali in October 2022. The forms of side events this year include seminars, economic cooperation forums, cultural titles, trade promotions, exhibitions, kick-off meetings, and field reviews.


At least 15 ministries and seven institutions are in charge of side events activities during the G20 series held in Indonesia.

The 15 ministries are the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Investment /Investment Coordination Agency, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs.

Meanwhile, the seven institutions are Bank Indonesia, the Corruption Eradication Commission, the Indonesian Academy of Sciences, the National Research and Innovation Agency, the Supreme Audit Agency, Indonesian Youth Diplomacy, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

“Synergy of all relevant ministries and institutions is needed to make Indonesia’s G20 Presidency in 2022 a success, including the implementation of a series of side events. Indonesia’s success in this year’s G20 Presidency will accelerate the recovery of world conditions after the Covid-19 pandemic and also encourage Indonesia to recover from the pandemic,” concluded Trade Minister Lutfi. ***





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