Sorotan LBH Gelora Surya Keadilan: Kejahatan Jalanan Dipicu Narkoba

Sorotan LBH Gelora Surya Keadilan Kejahatan Jalanan Dipicu Narkoba

Polisi Diminta Serius Berantas Narkoba | — Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Gelora Surya Keadilan menilai, tindak kejahatan (kriminalitas) jalanan tidak akan surut, jika aparat kepolisian belum serius memberantas peredaran narkoba (narkotika dan obat-obatan terlarang).

Sebab, mother of crime saat ini adalah narkoba. “Dulu kasus kriminal disebabkan oleh masalah perut, karena pelakunya mengalami kesulitan ekonomi. Namun sekarang trendnya sudah berubah, faktor utama merebaknya aksi kejahatan jalanan dipengaruhi oleh barang haram narkoba, baik itu sabu-sabu dan obat-obatan psikotropika lainnya. Jadi, mother of crime adalah narkoba,” ungkap Ketua LBH Gelora Surya Keadilan, Surya Adinata SH MKn kepada awak media, Senin, 10 Januari 2022, di Medan.

Sekretaris Taruna Merah Putih Sumut ini menyoroti, lagi-lagi akibat narkoba lah yang memunculkan pelaku-pelaku kejahatan yang nekad berbuat sadis maupun bringas mencari sasarannya baik di tengah jalan hingga ke pemukiman warga.

Dan berbagai modus tindak kejahatan dilakukan oleh pelaku kriminal. Seperti baru-baru ini di jalanan tol, orang tak bertanggungjawab dengan sengaja melemparkan batu kepada pengendara roda empat.


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“Kemungkinan, pelaku sengaja ingin membegal pengendara mobil yang berhenti di jalan tol untuk meraup pundi-pundi rupiah,” beber Surya.

Gegara pengaruh narkoba, pelaku-pelakunya nekad berbuat aksi begal terhadap pengendara motor dan mobil, tidak melihat jenis kelamin korbannya, pria dan wanita menjadi sasaran.

“Pencurian pagar, spion mobil bahkan sampai dengan perlengkapan kendaraan mobil seperti ban serap hingga baterai juga menjadi sasaran. Dan juga nekad beraksi membobol rumah warga untuk mencuri kendaraan maupun barang lainnya yang memiliki nilai jual,” sebut pria berkacamata ini.

Kondisi ini harus menjadi atensi serius bagi Kapolri dan jajaran Kapolda, terkhusus di Polda Sumatera Utara (Sumut). Jumlah kasus kejahatan di Polda Sumut untuk tahun 2021 sebanyak 33.392 kasus. “Menurut saya jumlah kasus kejahatan di Sumut masih terbilang tinggi. Meski Polda Sumut di sejumlah media menyebutkan bahwa angka kejahatan di Sumut menurun di tahun 2021. Apakah aparat kepolisian sudah melakukan pengembangaan latarbelakang perbuatan pelakunya? Jika disebabkan narkoba, apakah kepolisian berupaya mengembangkan kasus tersebut untuk menangkap pengedar maupun bandar narkobanya?” beber Surya Adinata.




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Surya yang juga berprofesi pengacara ini berpesan, sudah seharusnya Satuan Reskrim dan Satuan Narkoba berkolaborasi dan bersinergi untuk melakukan pengidentifikasian bagi pelaku-pelaku kejahatan yang tertangkap. “Pelaku begal yang ditangkap Sat Reskrim harusnya dilakukan tes urine oleh Sat Narkoba. Begitu teridentifikasi tes urine tersebut mengandung narkoba, maka aparat mengembangkan hingga ke tahap penyidikan kasus narkobanya demi membongkar peredaran narkoba,” ucap Surya Adinata.

Itulah saran dan masukan LBH Gelora Surya Keadilan bagi aparat kepolisian, jika serius ingin memberantas kejahatan jalanan dan membumihanguskan peredaran narkoba di Sumut. “Generasi muda bangsa harus kita selamatkan dari lingkaran narkoba. Pemerintah, Kepolisian dan aparat terkait harus bersama-sama memiliki keseriusan memutus mata rantai peredaran narkoba terkhususnya di Sumut,” cetus Surya.

Surya juga menyikapi kinerja kepolisian sebagai pengayom dan pelindung masyarakat harus benar-benar difungsikan. “Jangan slogan saja disampaikan ke publik, tapi tidak dijalankan fungsinya. Karena masih ada pengaduan masyarakat yang kita (LBH Gelora Surya Keadilan) terima dari pelaku UMKM/UKM, dibuat resah oleh oknum-oknum kepolisian yang seakan-akan hanya mencari kesalahan. Harusnya, aparat hukum itu memberikan pembinaan kepada masyarakat bukan melakukan penindakan tanpa pembinaan terlebih dahulu,” sebut Surya Adinata. ***


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Police Asked to Seriously Fight Drugs | — The Gelora Surya Justice Legal Aid Institute (LBH) assesses that street crimes will not subside if the police are not serious about eradicating drug trafficking (narcotics and illegal drugs).

Because, the mother of crime today is drugs. “In the past criminal cases were caused by stomach problems, because the perpetrators experienced economic difficulties. But now the trend has changed, the main factor in the spread of street crime is the influence of illicit drugs, both shabu-shabu and other psychotropic drugs. So, mother of crime is drugs,” said the chairman of the LBH Gelora Surya Justice, Surya Adinata SH MKn to the media crew, Monday, January 10, 2022, in Medan.

The Secretary of the North Sumatran Red and White Cadets highlighted that once again it was the effects of drugs that gave rise to criminals who were determined to act sadistically and violently to find their targets both in the middle of the road to residential areas.

And various modes of crime committed by criminals. As recently on the toll roads, irresponsible people deliberately threw stones at four-wheelers.



“Possibly, the perpetrators deliberately wanted to rob car drivers who stopped on the toll road to collect rupiah coffers,” explained Surya.

Due to the influence of drugs, the perpetrators were determined to commit acts of robbery against motorcyclists and cars, regardless of the gender of the victims, men and women were targeted.

“Theft of fences, car mirrors and even car vehicle equipment such as absorption tires to batteries are also targets. And also desperate to break into people’s homes to steal vehicles and other items that have a selling value,” said the bespectacled man.

This condition must be a serious concern for the Chief of Police and the ranks of the Regional Police Chief, especially in the North Sumatra Police (Sumut). The number of crime cases at the North Sumatra Police for 2021 is 33,392 cases. “In my opinion, the number of crime cases in North Sumatra is still relatively high. Although the North Sumatra Police have stated in a number of media that the crime rate in North Sumatra will decline in 2021. Have the police carried out the development of the background of the perpetrators’ actions? If it is caused by drugs, is the police trying to develop the case to arrest both the dealer and the drug dealer?” explained Surya Adinata.

Surya, who is also a lawyer by profession, advised that the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Narcotics Unit should collaborate and synergize to identify criminals who were caught. “The criminals who were arrested by the Criminal Investigation Unit should have a urine test done by the Narcotics Unit. Once the urine test is identified as containing drugs, the authorities will develop it to the stage of investigating the drug case in order to uncover drug trafficking,” said Surya Adinata.


Those are suggestions and input from LBH Gelora Surya Justice for police officers, if they are serious about eradicating street crime and destroying drug trafficking in North Sumatra. “We have to save the nation’s young generation from drug circles. The government, police and related officers must be serious about breaking the chain of drug trafficking, especially in North Sumatra,” said Surya.

Surya also responded that the police’s performance as a protector and protector of the community must really function. “Don’t just convey slogans to the public, but don’t carry out their functions. Because there are still public complaints that we (LBH Gelora Surya Keadilan) receive from MSME/UKM actors, the police officers seem to be just looking for mistakes. The legal apparatus provides guidance to the community, not taking action without prior guidance,” said Surya Adinata. ***






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