Program Doktor Hukum UNPRI Go Public | — Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) Medan secara resmi membuka Program Doktor Hukum (S3 Hukum).
Grand Launching Program Doktor Hukum tersebut dilaksanakan, 14 Januari 2022, di Hall Kampus Utama UNPRI Medan di Jalan Sampul Medan, setelah mendapatkan izin dari Kemendikbudristek pada 8 Desember 2021.
Menurut Rektor UNPRI Medan, Prof Dr Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes, Program Doktor Hukum UNPRI telah go public, menambah program doktor yang sudah ada sebelumnya, yaitu Program Doktor Ilmu Kedokteran dan Program Doktor Manajemen.
“Pembukaan Program Doktor Hukum ini melewati sejumlah tantangan. Namun tantangan tersebut mampu kita atasi berkat langkah-langkah kolaboratif yang kita lakukan dan dukungan penuh dari pendiri dan Ketua BPH UNPRI, serta seluruh jajaran rektorat,” sebutnya.
Rektor UNPRI optimis, pembukaan Program Doktor Hukum tersebut akan mendukung peningkatan kualitas SDM Sumut dan mampu memberikan kontribusi dan solusi di tengah-tengah masyarakat.
Hal ini, menurut rektor, merupakan langkah luar biasa di awal tahun 2022 . Semoga program S3 baru ini dan program S3 lainnya dapat berjalan dengan baik dan semakin maju kedepan.
Pada kesempatan yang sama, Kepala LLDikti Wilayah I Sumut, ProfDr Ibnu Hajar MSi membacakan izin pembukaan Program Doktor Hukum UNPRI, seraya berharap pembukaan Program Doktor Hukum UNPRI tersebut mampu menjawab dinamika perubahan yang dinamis dan multi dimensi.
Dikatakan Ibnu Hajar, perkembangan yang dinamis dan multi dimensi tersebut tentu sarat dengan aspek hukum. Oleh sebab itu, pihaknya berharap Program Doktor Hukum UNPRI ini nantinya mampu menghasilkan tokoh-tokoh pemikir, yang mampu memberikan opsi dan solusi masalah-masalah hukum di Sumut secara khusus dan di Indonesia secara umum.
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“Ini adalah kado awal tahun yang baik, semoga kedepan Program Doktor yang ada di UNPRI bisa didorong hingga bertaraf internasional,” kata Ibnu Hajar.
Ibnu Hajar mengatakan, banyak perguruan tinggi yang berkembang di Sumut, tapi UNPRI paling pesat. “Ada sejumlah perguruan tinggi di Sumut yang berkembang dan hebat, tapi perkembangan UNPRI paling pesat diantara semua perguruan tinggi lainnya. Hingga saat ini hanya Gedung Kampus UNPRI yang dibangun hingga 26 lantai,” sebutnya.
Sebelumnya, telah dilakukan penandatanganan MoU antara UNPRI Medan dengan Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indoensia.
Penandatanganan MoU tersebut dilakukan Prof Dr Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes mewakili UNPRI, dan Sekjen MK RI Prof Dr Guntur Hamzah SH MH mewakili Mahkamah Konstitusi RI.
• Cara Mendapatkan Penghasilan Tambahan yang Efektif di Era Digital
Sementara itu, Gubernur Sumatera Utara (Sumut) diwakili Staf Ahli Bidang Pendidikan, Dr Kaiman Turnip mengatakan, lewat pembukaan Program Doktor Hukum di UNPRI diharapkan penegakan hukum di Sumut juga akan semakin baik, dimana lulusan Doktor Hukum dari UNPRI akan memberikan kontribusi dalam penanganan masalah hukum yang ada di masyarakat.
“Selamat atas pembukaan Program Doktor Hukum di UNPRI Medan, semoga penegakan hukum di Sumut semakin baik kedepan, selamat menjalankan program baru ini dengan baik,” katanya.
Staf Pemprovsu pun nanti sudah bisa melanjutkan pendidikan ke Program Doktor Hukum UNPRI ini, tak perlu lagi ke luar Kota Medan.
Di tempat terpisah, Sabtu, 15 Januari 2020, Ketua BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn menuturkan, pihaknya sudah siap melaksanakan program doktor hukum dan memastikan akan berjalan sesuai aturan dan standar yang benar.
Tommy juga berharap, Program Doktor Hukum UNPRI mampu menjadi salah satu solusi dari berbagai persoalan yang dihadapi bangsa dan dapat membangun lulusan yang berwawasan global. ***
UNPRI Law Doctoral Program Go Public | — Prima Indonesia University (UNPRI) Medan has officially opened the Doctor of Law Program (S3 Law).
The Grand Launching of the Doctor of Law Program will be held on January 14, 2022, at the Hall of the UNPRI Medan Main Campus on Jalan Sampul Medan, after obtaining permission from the Ministry of Education and Culture on December 8, 2021.
According to the Chancellor of UNPRI Medan, Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes, the UNPRI Law Doctoral Program has gone public, adding to the existing doctoral programs, namely the Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences and the Doctoral Program in Management.
“The opening of the Doctor of Law program has gone through a number of challenges. However, we were able to overcome this challenge thanks to the collaborative steps we took and the full support of the founder and Chair of the UNPRI BPH, as well as the entire rectorate level,” he said.
The Chancellor of UNPRI is optimistic that the opening of the Doctor of Law Program will support the improvement of the quality of North Sumatra’s human resources and be able to contribute and provide solutions in the midst of society.
This, according to the Chancellor, is an extraordinary step at the beginning of 2022. Hopefully this new doctoral program and other doctoral programs can run well and move forward.
On the same occasion, the Head of LLDikti Region I North Sumatra, Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar MSi, read the permit for the opening of the UNPRI Law Doctoral Program, while hoping that the opening of the UNPRI Law Doctoral Program would be able to answer the dynamics of dynamic and multi-dimensional change.
Ibn Hajar said, this dynamic and multi-dimensional development is certainly full of legal aspects. Therefore, he hopes that the UNPRI Doctor of Law Program will be able to produce thinkers, who are able to provide options and solutions to legal problems in North Sumatra in particular and in Indonesia in general.
“This is a good start of the year, hopefully in the future the Doctoral Program at UNPRI can be pushed to an international level,” said Ibnu Hajar.
Ibnu Hajar said that many universities were developing in North Sumatra, but UNPRI was the fastest. “There are a number of universities in North Sumatra that are developing and great, but UNPRI’s development is the fastest among all other universities. Until now, only the UNPRI Campus Building has been built with 26 floors,” he said.
Previously, an MoU was signed between UNPRI Medan and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia.
The signing of the MoU was carried out by Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes representing UNPRI, and the Secretary General of the MK RI Prof. Dr. Guntur Hamzah SH MH representing the Indonesian Constitutional Court.
Meanwhile, the Governor of North Sumatra (Sumut) represented by Expert Staff for Education, Dr Kaiman Turnip said, through the opening of the Law Doctoral Program at UNPRI, it is hoped that law enforcement in North Sumatra will also be better, where Law Doctoral graduates from UNPRI will contribute in handling legal problems. that exist in society.
“Congratulations on the opening of the Law Doctoral Program at UNPRI Medan, hopefully law enforcement in North Sumatra will be better in the future, congratulations on running this new program well,” he said.
Even the provincial government staff will be able to continue their education to the UNPRI Law Doctoral Program, no need to go outside the city of Medan.
Separately, Saturday, January 15, 2020, Head of BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn said that his party was ready to carry out the law doctoral program and ensured that it would run according to the right rules and standards.
Tommy also hopes that the UNPRI Law Doctoral Program can be one of the solutions to various problems faced by the nation and can build graduates with global perspectives. ***