Kemendag Lepas Ekspor Produk Unggulan Desa Sejahtera Astra Senilai Rp700 Juta

Kemendag Lepas Ekspor Produk Unggulan Desa Sejahtera Astra Senilai Rp700 Juta | — Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemendag) bersama PT. Astra International Tbk melepas ekspor produk unggulan Desa Sejahtera Astra dari Nusa Tengga Barat (NTB).

Sebanyak sepuluh jenis produk olahan sorgum senilai Rp700 juta diekspor ke Timor Leste dan Malaysia hari ini, Sabtu, 22 Januari 2022, di Dusun Lokok Sutrang, Desa Santong Mulia, Lombok Utara, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Pelepasan ekspor dilakukan bersamaan dengan panen raya sorgum hari in.

Produk-produk yang diekspor kali ini diproduksi CV. Yant Sorghum yang membina petani sorgum di Desa Sejahtera Astra (DSA) Lombok, NTB.

Kesepuluh produk olahan sorgum yang dilepas ekspornya adalah keripik tempe sorgum, roll sorgum, puff sorgum, keciput sorgum, stik bawang sorgum, beras sorgum, tepung sorgum, biskuit sorgum, gula cair sorgum kemasan botol dan saset, serta sendok dan garpu berbahan sorgum yang bisa dimakan (edible sorghum spoon and fork).


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Direktur Jenderal Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional Kemendag, Didi Sumedi menyambut positif kegiatan panen raya sorgum untuk ekspor. Ia berharap, desa binaan Astra mampu mencetak eksportir yang dapat mengekspor produk-produk unggulan secara berkesinambungan.

“Kegiatan hari ini merupakan salah satu implementasi Kerjasama Pengembangan Ekspor Produk Unggulan Desa dengan PT. Astra International Tbk yang bertujuan meningkatkan kapasitas ekspor desa ke pasar global, salah satunya adalah produk olahan sorgum. Sejak diformalkan pada 28 Juli 2021, Kemendag dan Astra berkomitmen bahwa dari sekitar 900 desa binaan Astra, minimal 100 desa harus mampu ekspor secara mandiri dan mendapatkan repeat order dalam kurun waktu dua tahun, yaitu pada 2023 mendatang,” kata Didi.

Kegiatan pelepasan ekspor ini turut dihadiri Bupati Lombok Utara Djohan Sjamsu, Direktur Pengembangan Produk Ekspor Kemendag Ni Made Ayu Marthini, Head of CSR Communication PT. Astra International Tbk Bima Krida Pamungkas, pemilik CV. Yant Sorghum Nur Rahmi Yanti, dan perwakilan Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian serta Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi (PDTT).

Direktur Kerjasama Pengembangan Ekspor Kemendag, Ni Made Ayu Marthini, menyampaikan komitmen Kemendag untuk mendukung produk-produk bernilai tambah yang inovatif, seperti hasil olahan sorgum ini.




• Cara Mendapatkan Penghasilan Tambahan yang Efektif di Era Digital

“Sorgum bisa menjadi sumber pangan alternatif menggantikan gandum, padi, atau jagung, yang dapat dikreasikan menjadi berbagai bentuk makanan dan minuman olahan. Hal yang menarik adalah inovasi sendok dan garpu dari sorgum. Hal ini yang ingin kami dorong promosinya, sekaligus mengedukasi buyers bahwa produk ini sustainable karena bersifat bebas sampah (zero waste). Kami akan berkoordinasi dengan perwakilan perdagangan Indonesia di luar negeri untuk membukakan akses pasar di 46 kota yang menjadi akreditasi dari Atase Perdagangan dan Indonesian Trade Promotion Center,” kata Made.

Sorgum merupakan tanaman bersifat zero waste product. Biji, batang dan daun dapat diolah menjadi sejumlah produk. Biji sorgum dapat diolah menjadi tepung, pakan ternak, nasi, dan biskuit. Batangnya dapat diolah menjadi gula, pakan sapi, kompos, dan permen. Sedangkan daunnya dapat diolah menjadi kompos, pewarna alami, dan keripik.

Program DSA sorgum Lombok mampu mendorong pertumbuhan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) yang mencoba bangkit dari dampak gempa bumi 2018 dan pandemi Covid-19.

Program yang dimulai lima tahun lalu dengan dua desa binaan, saat ini jumlahnya meningkat menjadi 22 desa dan melibatkan lebih dari 1.000 petani di Kabupaten Lombok Utara, Lombok Timur, Lombok Tengah, dan Lombok Selatan dengan konsep korporasi petani.

Berkembangnya DSA sorgum ini juga berkontribusi terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja dan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar, khususnya ibu rumah tangga yang terlibat dalam proses pengolahan menjadi berbagai aneka makanan dan minuman.

Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), ekspor olahan serealia Indonesia selama lima tahun terakhir (2016–2020) tumbuh dengan tren sebesar 12,16 persen per tahun.

Pada periode Januari–November 2021, nilainya tercatat sebesar USD 4,6 juta atau turun 10,75 persen dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun 2020. Pasar ekspor utama olahan serealia Indonesia adalah Korea, Turki, India, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Timor Leste, Malaysia, Australia, Kanada, dan Arab Saudi. ***



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The Ministry of Trade Releases Exports of Leading Products from the Astra Sejahtera Village Worth IDR 700 Million | — The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) together with PT. Astra International Tbk released the export of superior products from the Astra Sejahtera Village from West Nusa Tengga (NTB).

A total of ten types of processed sorghum products worth IDR 700 million were exported to Timor Leste and Malaysia today, Saturday, January 22, 2022, in Lokok Sutrang Hamlet, Santong Mulia Village, North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The release of exports is carried out in conjunction with today’s sorghum harvest.

The products exported this time were produced by CV. Yant Sorghum who fosters sorghum farmers in Astra Sejahtera Village (DSA) Lombok, NTB.

The ten processed sorghum products that were released for export were sorghum tempe chips, sorghum rolls, sorghum puffs, sorghum keciput, sorghum sticks, sorghum rice, sorghum flour, sorghum biscuits, bottled sorghum liquid sugar and sachets, as well as sorghum-based spoons and forks. eaten (edible sorghum spoon and fork).


The Director General of National Export Development at the Ministry of Trade, Didi Sumedi, positively welcomed the sorghum harvest for export. He hopes that Astra’s fostered villages will be able to produce exporters who can export superior products on an ongoing basis.

“Today’s activity is one of the implementations of the Village Excellence Product Export Development Cooperation with PT. Astra International Tbk which aims to increase the export capacity of villages to the global market, one of which is processed sorghum products. Since it was formalized on July 28, 2021, the Ministry of Trade and Astra have committed that from around 900 villages assisted by Astra, at least 100 villages must be able to export independently and get repeat orders within two years, namely in 2023,” said Didi.

The export release activity was also attended by the Regent of North Lombok Djohan Sjamsu, Director of Export Product Development of the Ministry of Trade Ni Made Ayu Marthini, Head of CSR Communication of PT. Astra International Tbk Bima Krida Pamungkas, owner of CV. Yant Sorghum Nur Rahmi Yanti, and representatives of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (PDTT).

The Director of Export Development Cooperation at the Ministry of Trade, Ni Made Ayu Marthini, conveyed the Ministry of Trade’s commitment to support innovative value-added products, such as processed sorghum.



“Sorghum can be an alternative food source to replace wheat, rice, or corn, which can be created into various forms of processed foods and beverages. The interesting thing is the innovation of spoon and fork from sorghum. This is what we want to encourage promotion, as well as educate buyers that this product is sustainable because it is free of waste (zero waste). We will coordinate with Indonesian trade representatives abroad to open market access in 46 cities that are accredited by the Trade Attaché and the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center,” said Made.

Sorghum is a plant that is a zero waste product. Seeds, stems and leaves can be processed into a number of products. Sorghum seeds can be processed into flour, animal feed, rice, and biscuits. The stems can be processed into sugar, cattle feed, compost, and candy. While the leaves can be processed into compost, natural dyes, and chips.

The Lombok sorghum DSA program is able to encourage the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) which are trying to recover from the impact of the 2018 earthquake and the Covid-19 pandemic.

The program, which started five years ago with two assisted villages, has now increased to 22 villages and involves more than 1,000 farmers in the regencies of North Lombok, East Lombok, Central Lombok, and South Lombok with the concept of a farmer corporation.


The development of sorghum DSA also contributes to the absorption of labor and the improvement of the welfare of the surrounding community, especially housewives who are involved in the processing into various foods and beverages.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia’s processed cereal exports for the last five years (2016–2020) grew at a trend of 12.16 percent per year.

In the January–November 2021 period, the value was recorded at USD 4.6 million, a decrease of 10.75 percent compared to the same period in 2020. The main export markets for Indonesian processed cereals are Korea, Turkey, India, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Timor Leste, Malaysia. , Australia, Canada and Saudi Arabia. ***





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