Tahun 2022 | RFB Medan Targetkan Volume Transaksi Capai 200 Ribu Lot

Tahun 2022 RFB Medan Targetkan Volume Transaksi Capai 200 Ribu Lot

Tahun 2022 | RFB Medan Targetkan Volume Transaksi Capai 200 Ribu Lot | OBROLANBISNIS.com — PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka (RFB) Medan optimis mampu membukukan volume transaksi sebesar 200 ribu lot pada tahun 2022. Tahun lalu, peningkatan volume transaksi perusahaan berjangka ini hanya naik 8,39%.

Kepala Cabang PT RFB Medan, Sonya Kadar Manik mengungkapkan, PT RFB Medan di tahun 2021, mencatat sebanyak 111.352 lot volume transaksi, sedangkan tahun 2020 hanya 102.734 lot.

Namun pertumbuhan volume transaksi di kuartal IV tahun 2021 menunjukkan tren yang sangat positif. Pertumbuhan volume transaksi pada kuartal IV-2021 mengalami peningkatan yang sangat signifikan, yakni sebesar 61,03% dari kuartal III-2021.

“Meski secara tahunan naiknya hanya 8,39%, namun kita (RFB Medan) optimis tahun 2022 kita bisa mencapai target lebih dari 50% untuk peningkatan volume transaksi atau sekitar 200 ribu lot. Pada kuartal IV tahun lalu transaksi volume kita mencapai 28.808 lot atau naik 61,03% dari kuartal sebelumnya. Tren yang positif ini yang menjadi alasan kita untuk menargetkan 200 ribu lot,” terang Sonya Kadar Manik, Selasa, 25 Januari 2022, di Medan.


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Demikian juga halnya dengan pertumbuhan nasabah baru. Sonya mengaku dirinya juga sangat optimis akan mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan.

Menurut Sonya, PT RFB Medan, menargetkan pertambahan 600 nasabah baru. Dijelaskan Sonya, pertumbuhan nasabah tahun 2020 mencapai 310 nasabah, di tahun 2021 naik menjadi 394 atau naik 19,93%.

“Di kuartal IV-2021 nasabah kita naik 69% dari kuartal sebelumnya. Kuartal III hanya 77 nasabah baru sedangkan di kuartal IV mencapai 130 nasabah baru,” terang Sonya.

Dikatakan Sonya, target ini cukup realistis, apalagi jika mencermati tren geliat bisnis di kalangan milenial yang terus tumbuh seiring makin melandainya kondisi pandemi saat ini. ***



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Year 2022 | RFB Medan Targets Transaction Volume to Reach 200 Thousand Lot | OBROLANBISNIS.com — PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka (RFB) Medan is optimistic that it will be able to book a transaction volume of 200 thousand lots in 2022. Last year, the increase in transaction volume of this futures company only rose 8.39%.

Head of PT RFB Medan Branch, Sonya Kadar Manik revealed, PT RFB Medan in 2021, recorded as many as 111,352 lots of transaction volume, while in 2020 it was only 102,734 lots.

However, the growth in transaction volume in the fourth quarter of 2021 shows a very positive trend. Transaction volume growth in the fourth quarter of 2021 experienced a very significant increase, which was 61.03% from the third quarter of 2021.

“Although the annual increase is only 8.39%, we (RFB Medan) are optimistic that in 2022 we can achieve the target of more than 50% for an increase in transaction volume or around 200 thousand lots. In the fourth quarter of last year our transaction volume reached 28,808 lots or up 61.03% from the previous quarter. This positive trend is the reason for us to target 200 thousand lots, “explained Sonya Kadar Manik, Tuesday, January 25, 2022, in Medan.



Likewise with the growth of new customers. Sonya admits that she is also very optimistic that she will experience significant growth.

According to Sonya, PT RFB Medan is targeting to add 600 new customers. Sonya explained, customer growth in 2020 reached 310 customers, in 2021 it rose to 394 or an increase of 19.93%.

“In the fourth quarter of 2021, our customers increased 69% from the previous quarter. In the third quarter, there were only 77 new customers, while in the fourth quarter it reached 130 new customers,” explained Sonya.

Sonya said, this target is quite realistic, especially if you look at the business trend among millennials which continues to grow as the current pandemic conditions are getting more and more downwards. ***





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