Ninja Xpress Hadirkan Creative Business Solutions Bantu Pelaku UKM Naik Kelas

Ninja Xpress Hadirkan Creative Business Solutions Bantu Pelaku UKM Naik Kelas

Ninja Xpress Hadirkan Creative Business Solutions Bantu Pelaku UKM Naik Kelas | — Ninja Xpress perkuat komitmen siap membantu UKM melalui kehadiran Program Creative Business Solutions. Program ini mendukung UKM untuk terhubung dengan ekosistem berbasis teknologi dan digital dalam melakukan pengembangan ataupun pemasaran produk.

Salah satunya dilakukan melalui pembukaan Creative Business Solutions di Sumatera Utara. UKM telah menjadi salah satu kekuatan yang mendorong pertumbuhan perekonomian Provinsi Sumatera Utara.

Berdasarkan data Ketua Asosiasi UMKM Sumatera Utara pada 2021, terdapat sekitar 2,2 juta pelaku UKM di provinsi ini. Sedangkan di Kota Medan khususnya, ada 1.603 UKM yang tercatat menjadi binaan Dinas Koperasi dan UKM Kota Medan.

Berdasarkan catatan Ninja Xpress, Kabupaten Deli Serdang menjadi daerah dengan jumlah pengiriman tertinggi di wilayah Sumatera Utara, yaitu lebih dari 2 juta paket sepanjang tahun 2021, diikuti Kabupaten Asahan dan Kota Tebing Tinggi.

Dari paket tersebut, sebanyak lebih dari 90% dikirim didominasi oleh kategori paket berukuran kecil yang umumnya berisi pakaian, aksesoris, kosmetik, serta produk perawatan diri.

Faktor ini menjadi salah satu semangat Ninja Xpress menghadirkan Creative Business Solution di Medan untuk membantu pelaku UKM naik kelas dan lebih siap untuk menghadapi tantangan bisnis di era digital.


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Andi Djoewarsa, CMO Ninja Xpress, menjelaskan, dalam membantu UKM tetap produktif di era digital, secara resmi, kami membuka fasilitas dari Creative Business Solutions yang diberikan secara gratis kepada UKM di sumatera utara.

“Dukungan ini sejalan dengan semangat baru kami dalam mewujudkan ‘Siap Bantu Sampai Tujuan’ bagi pelaku UKM,” kata Andi.

Beberapa program yang ditawarkan melalui Creative Business Solutions adalah Creative Hub, yaitu tempat pelaku bisnis UKM bisa melakukan foto dan video produk secara profesional yang dibuat bersama model, makeup artist, kolaborasi gratis bersama para influencer, iklan pemasaran, hingga layanan manajemen konten media sosial.

Creative Hub Sumatera Utara berlokasi di Cradle Coworking & Event Space Jalan Iskandar Muda nomor 127, Sei Sikambing D, Kecamatan Medan Petisah, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara, 20111 dan beroperasi Senin hingga Jumat pada pukul 10:00 hingga 17:00 WIB.

Support Online Advertising dimana UKM bisa melakukan iklan online secara maksimal dengan bantuan dari Ninja Xpress, dan Support Offline Advertising dimana UKM bisa beriklan melalui billboard atau videotron yang terletak di area depan JW Marriott Hotel Medan. Semua dukungan tersebut diberikan secara gratis kepada UKM yang tergabung di dalam ekosistem Ninja Xpress.

“Sejalan dengan semangat kami untuk membantu UKM bersaing di dunia digital, kami optimis peluncuran program Creative Business Solutions ini dapat mendorong produktivitas pelaku UKM di Sumatara Utara dengan berbasis teknologi dan digital. Kami melihat potensi yang luar biasa dari UKM khususnya di Kota Medan, oleh karena itu kami hadir di Medan. Tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya peluncuran CBS di kota lain di Sumatera Utara,” ujar Andi Djoewarsa, CMO Ninja Xpress. ***


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Ninja Xpress Presents Creative Business Solutions to Help SME Players Get Up | — Ninja Xpress strengthens its commitment to helping SMEs through the presence of the Creative Business Solutions Program. This program supports SMEs to connect with technology-based and digital ecosystems in developing or marketing products.

One of them is done through the opening of Creative Business Solutions in North Sumatra. SMEs have become one of the forces driving the economic growth of North Sumatra Province.

Based on data from the Chairman of the North Sumatra MSME Association in 2021, there are around 2.2 million SMEs in this province. While in the city of Medan in particular, there are 1,603 SMEs registered as being assisted by the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs in the City of Medan.

Based on Ninja Xpress’s records, Deli Serdang Regency is the area with the highest number of shipments in the North Sumatra region, which is more than 2 million packages throughout 2021, followed by Asahan Regency and Tebing Tinggi City.



Of these packages, more than 90% were sent, dominated by the small package category, which generally contained clothing, accessories, cosmetics, and personal care products.

This factor is one of Ninja Xpress’s passions in presenting Creative Business Solutions in Medan to help SME players advance and be better prepared to face business challenges in the digital era.

Andi Djoewarsa, CMO of Ninja Xpress, explained that in helping SMEs stay productive in the digital era, we officially opened a facility from Creative Business Solutions which was provided free of charge to SMEs in North Sumatra.

“This support is in line with our new spirit in realizing ‘Ready to Help to Goal’ for SMEs,” said Andi.

Some of the programs offered through Creative Business Solutions are the Creative Hub, which is a place where SME businesses can take professional product photos and videos made with models, makeup artists, free collaboration with influencers, marketing advertisements, and social media content management services.



Creative Hub North Sumatra is located at Cradle Coworking & Event Space Jalan Iskandar Muda number 127, Sei Sikambing D, Medan Petisah District, Medan City, North Sumatra, 20111 and operates Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 17:00 WIB.

Support Online Advertising where SMEs can do online advertising optimally with the help of Ninja Xpress, and Support Offline Advertising where SMEs can advertise through billboards or videotrons located in the front area of ​​the JW Marriott Hotel Medan. All of this support is provided free of charge to SMEs who are members of the Ninja Xpress ecosystem.

“In line with our passion to help SMEs compete in the digital world, we are optimistic that the launch of the Creative Business Solutions program can boost the productivity of SMEs in North Sumatra by using technology and digital bases. We see the tremendous potential of SMEs, especially in the city of Medan, that’s why we are here in Medan. It is possible to launch CBS in other cities in North Sumatra,” said Andi Djoewarsa, CMO of Ninja Xpress. ***





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