Pegadaian Bersama Tiga Perusahaan BUMN Berkolaborasi Kembangkan UMKM Kota Medan
| — PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) – PT Pegadaian – PT PNM serta PT Telkom Indonesia (Telkom) siap berkolaborasi dengan Pemko Medan untuk pembinaan dan pengembangan UMKM dan Ultra Mikro di Kota Medan.
Wujud komitmen tersebut direalisasikan dalam penandatangan MoU Pembinaan dan Pengembangan UMKM dan Ultra Mikro dengan Walikota Medan Bobby Afif Nasution bersama empat perusahaan BUMN tersebut, Kamis, 24 Februari 2022.
Dengan terjalinnya sinergitas pengembangan UMKM diharapkan terwujudnya Medan Berkah yang dicanangkan Walikota Medan.
Demikian disampaikan Pimpinan PT Pegadaian Kanwil I Medan, Edwin S. Inkiriwang sebelum penandatangan kerjasama Pembinaan dan Pengembangan UMKM dan Ultra Mikro.
Menurut Edwin, kolaborasi empat perusahaan BUMN secara bersama pada kesempatan ini merupakan langkah awal untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kota Medan.
Pegadaian bersama BRI, PNM dan Telkom akan bersama-sama melakukan pembinaan dan pengembangan UMKM lokal di Medan, agar dapat bersaing dengan produk-produk luar.
Seperti diketahui BRI – Pegadaian – PNM telah menjadi satu perusahaan holding Ultra Mikro yang dibentuk Kementerian BUMN.
“MoU yang dilakukan ini adalah wujud nyata hadirnya BUMN, dengan tujuan cuma satu yakni mengembangkan UMKM tanah air khususnya di Kota Medan,” ungkap Edwin.
Dengan terjalinnya kerjasama ini, lanjut Edwin, diharapkan terwujud pengembangan UMKM sekaligus peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat Kota Medan.
INFO BISNIS: Pegadaian Siap Dukung Pembiayaan Sektor UMKM
Regional CEO PT BRI Medan, Budhi Novianto menyatakan, di BRI telah terbentuk klaster-klaster UMKM. Ada sekitar 58.832 pelaku usaha yang telah disalurkan KUR senilai Rp 1,7 triliun di tahun 2021.
“Untuk tahun 2022, BRI menargetkan 3 triliun rupiah pembiayaan KUR yang akan dialokasi BRI untuk pelaku UMKM di Kota Medan,” bebernya.
Budhi menambahkan, jika alokasi dana 3 triliun rupiah tersebut habis terserap di Medan, maka BRI akan menambah lagi alokasi dana KUR.
Pimpinan PNM Cabang Medan, Alfan Langkamane menambahkan, sebelum MoU terlaksana hari ini, PNM sudah menjalankan program pembinaan UMKM dengan Dinas Koperasi, serta konsolidasi data termasuk pembuatan ruang pintar, pembiayaan dan klasterisasi usaha.
INFO BISNIS: UMKM Wajib Kuasai Omnichannel
Sementara itu, Walikota Medan, Bobby Afif Nasution mengucapkan terimakasih atas bantuan BUMN (BRI-Pegadaian-PNM-Telkom) yang telah menyediakan fasilitas pembiayaan bagi UMKM di Kota Medan.
“Ini adalah peluang bagi Kota Medan untuk mengembangkan pelaku UMKM lokal. Diharapkan Dinas Koperasi Kota Medan bisa menjalankan program yang telah dicanangkan,” ungkap Walikota Bobby.
Pesan Bobby, Kepala Dinas Koperasi harus bisa meningkatkan pendapatan dan membuka lapangan kerja bagi UMKM.
“Dengan bantuan perusahaan BUMN diharapkan akan terjadi peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat Kota Medan, yang lebih baik lagi,” sebut Walikota Bobby. ***
Pegadaian with Three State-Owned Enterprises Collaborates to Develop MSMEs in Medan City
| — PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) – PT Pegadaian – PT PNM and PT Telkom Indonesia (Telkom) are ready to collaborate with the Medan City Government for the guidance and development of MSMEs and Ultra Micro in Medan City.
This commitment was realized in the signing of the MoU on the Guidance and Development of MSMEs and Ultra Micro with Medan Mayor Bobby Afif Nasution with the four BUMN companies, Thursday, February 24, 2022.
With the establishment of synergy in the development of MSMEs, it is hoped that the Medan Blessing proclaimed by the Mayor of Medan will be realized.
This was conveyed by the Head of PT Pegadaian Kanwil I Medan, Edwin S. Inkiriwang before the signing of the MSME and Ultra Micro Guidance and Development cooperation.
According to Edwin, the collaboration of four state-owned companies together on this occasion is the first step to increase economic growth in the city of Medan.
Pegadaian together with BRI, PNM and Telkom will jointly guide and develop local MSMEs in Medan, so that they can compete with foreign products.
As is known, BRI – Pegadaian – PNM has become an Ultra Micro holding company formed by the Ministry of SOEs.
“This MoU is a tangible manifestation of the presence of BUMN, with only one goal, namely developing MSMEs in the country, especially in the city of Medan,” said Edwin.
With the establishment of this collaboration, continued Edwin, it is hoped that the development of MSMEs will be realized as well as improving the economy of the people of Medan City.
Regional CEO of PT BRI Medan, Budhi Novianto stated, at BRI, MSME clusters have been formed. There are around 58,832 business actors who have distributed KUR worth IDR 1.7 trillion in 2021.
“For 2022, BRI targets 3 trillion rupiah of KUR financing which will be allocated by BRI for MSME players in the city of Medan,” he explained.
Budhi added, if the allocation of 3 trillion rupiah of funds is used up in Medan, then BRI will increase the allocation of KUR funds again.
Head of PNM Medan Branch, Alfan Langkamane added, before the MoU was implemented today, PNM had already implemented a MSME development program with the Cooperative Service, as well as data consolidation including the creation of smart rooms, financing and business clustering.
Meanwhile, the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Afif Nasution expressed his gratitude for the assistance of BUMN (BRI-Pegadaian-PNM-Telkom) which has provided financing facilities for MSMEs in Medan City.
“This is an opportunity for the City of Medan to develop local MSME actors. It is hoped that the Medan City Cooperative Service can carry out the program that has been launched,” said Mayor Bobby.
Bobby’s message, the Head of the Cooperative Service must be able to increase income and create jobs for MSMEs.
“With the help of state-owned companies, it is hoped that the economy of the people of Medan City will improve, which will be even better,” said Mayor Bobby. ***