Mendag Cek Distribusi Migor ke Daerah

Mendag Cek Distribusi Migor ke Daerah

Mendag Cek Distribusi Migor ke Daerah | — Jelang Puasa Ramadhan dan Idul Fitri, Menteri Perdagangan (Mendag), Muhammad Lutfi semakin intensif melakukan koordinasi ke semua Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) di Indonesia.

Selain melakukan Rapat Koordinasi Nasional di Surabaya, Mendag Lutfi mengecek secara langsung distribusi minyak goreng (migor) dan barang kebutuhan pokok lainnya ke daerah-daerah.

Mendag Lutfi menegaskan, koordinasi dengan pemerintah daerah sangat diperlukan untuk memastikan kelancaran pasokan kebutuhan barang pokok khususnya minyak goreng ke daerah-daerah.

Mendag menekankan komunikasi intensif antara Kementerian Perdagangan dan pemerintah daerah harus terjalin dan terus terjaga. Terutama, untuk merespons cepat jika terjadi kendala distribusi minyak goreng.

Penegasan ini disampaikan Mendag Lutfi saat memimpin rapat koordinasi dengan Dinas Perdagangan Provinsi Lampung dan dinas-dinas kabupaten dan kota yang membidangi perdagangan se-Provinsi Lampung, Kamis, 24 Februari 2022, di Pendopo Gubernur Lampung. Turut hadir Gubernur Lampung Arinal Djunaidi.


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“Kami ingin memastikan kelancaran pasokan minyak goreng dapat kita wujudkan bersama. Untuk itu, koordinasi dengan dinas perdagangan di daerah sangat penting untuk memastikan upaya ini terlaksana dengan baik. Jika menemui kendala, dapat segera menghubungi Kementerian Perdagangan. Saya harapkan kerja samanya untuk memastikan minyak goreng tersedia bagi masyarakat,” kata Mendag Lutfi.

Mendag Lutfi meminta dinas-dinas perdagangan di daerah untuk melaporkan perkembangan pasokan di daerah mereka, termasuk jika ada kendala distribusi.

Mendag Lutfi juga mengemukakan, Kemendag siap menggelontorkan pasokan migor ke daerah yang kekurangan pasokan.

Sebelum memimpin rapat koordinasi, Mendag Lutfi terlebih dahulu meninjau pasar Pasir Gintung di Bandar Lampung, Provinsi Lampung.

Mendag akan memastikan distribusi migor berjalan cepat dan segera sampai di pasar-pasar di Provinsi Lampung. “Saya memastikan distribusi akan cepat sampai di pasar, sehingga aktivitas masyarakat bisa berjalan normal, bukan hanya memenuhi kebutuhan di Bandar Lampung saja, tetapi juga di semua kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Lampung,” ucap Mendag Lutfi. ***



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Minister of Trade Checks Migor Distribution to Regions | — Ahead of the fasting month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, the Minister of Trade (Mendag), Muhammad Lutfi, is increasingly coordinating with all Regional Governments (Pemda) in Indonesia.

In addition to holding the National Coordination Meeting in Surabaya, Trade Minister Lutfi directly checked the distribution of cooking oil (migor) and other basic necessities to the regions.

Trade Minister Lutfi emphasized that coordination with local governments is very necessary to ensure the smooth supply of basic goods, especially cooking oil, to the regions.

The Minister of Trade emphasized that intensive communication between the Ministry of Trade and local governments must be established and maintained. Especially, to respond quickly if there is a cooking oil distribution problem.



This assertion was conveyed by the Minister of Trade Lutfi while chairing a coordination meeting with the Lampung Provincial Trade Office and district and city offices in charge of trade throughout the Lampung Province, Thursday, February 24, 2022, at the Lampung Governor’s Hall. Also present was the Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi.

“We want to ensure that we can achieve a smooth supply of cooking oil together. For that, coordination with the regional trade offices is very important to ensure this effort is carried out properly. If you encounter problems, you can immediately contact the Ministry of Trade. available to the public,” said Trade Minister Lutfi.

Trade Minister Lutfi asked regional trade offices to report on supply developments in their area, including if there are distribution problems.

Trade Minister Lutfi also stated that the Ministry of Trade is ready to pour out migrant supplies to areas with a shortage of supplies.

Before chairing the coordination meeting, Trade Minister Lutfi first visited the Pasir Gintung market in Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province.

The Minister of Trade will ensure that the distribution of migrants goes quickly and arrives at markets in Lampung Province. “I ensure that the distribution will reach the market quickly, so that people’s activities can run normally, not only meeting needs in Bandar Lampung, but also in all regencies and cities in Lampung Province,” said Trade Minister Lutfi. ***





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