Mendag: Stok Migor di Sumbar Surplus

Mendag Stok Migor di Sumbar Surplus

Mendag: Stok Migor di Sumbar Surplus | — Menteri Perdagangan (Mendag), Muhammad Lutfi memastikan kelancaran distribusi pasokan minyak goreng (migor) di Sumatera Barat (Sumbar).

Stok migor yang terdistribusi di Sumbar surplus hingga 3,3 juta liter dari kebutuhan. Untuk itu, Pemprov Sumbar diharapkan ikut mengawasi distributor agar masyarakat dapat merasakan ketenangan menjelang puasa dan Idul Fitri tahun ini.

Demikian ditegaskan Mendag Lutfi saat memimpin rapat koordinasi (rakor) bersama dinas yang menangani bidanh perdagangan di Provinsi Sumatra Barat, Kamis, 24 Februari 2022.

Hadir dalam pertemuan tersebut Direktur Jenderal Perdagangan Luar Negeri Kemendag Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana dan Wakil Gubernur Sumatra Barat Audy Joinaldy.

“Pasokan migor di Sumbar dalam kondisi hijau, artinya cukup dan surplus. Dalam sepuluh hari terakhir, kebutuhan migor tercatat sebesar 2,2 juta liter sementara realisasi pasokannya sebesar 5,3 juta liter, jadi terdapat surplus sebesar 3,1 juta liter,” terangnya.


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INFO BISNISMendag Pastikan Kebutuhan Barang Pokok Jelang Puasa dan Lebaran Terkendali

Mendag Lutfi mengungkapkan, pihaknya akan terus memantau kelancaran rantai distribusi migor. “Saat ini, distribusi migor dalam proses turun dari distribusi dari tingkat satu sampai ke peritel dan dijual dengan harga sesuai ketentuan, yakni migor curah Rp11.500/liter, kemasan sederhana Rp13.500/liter dan kemasan premium Rp14.000/liter. Saya akan pastikan semua berjalan dengan baik dan akan dicek langsung ke pasar,” tegasnya.

Mendag Lutfi mengapresiasi Pemerintah Provinsi Sumbar karena mampu menjaga stabilitas harga dan ketersediaan migor. “Saya berterimakasih kepada Pemerintah Sumatra Barat karena mampu menjaga kestabilan dan ketersediaan migor. Diharapkan kordinasi terus diperkuat untuk menjaga kelancaran distribusi bapok, khususnya migor agar harga tetap terjaga,” ujarnya.

Dalam lawatannya ke Padang, Mendag Lutfi juga meninjau Pasar Raya dan Pasar Lubuk Buaya pada Jumat, 25 Februari 2022. Pada kunjungan tersebut, Mendag Lutfi memastikan kelancaran distribusi migor sampai tingkat pengecer dan dijual dengan harga sesuai ketentuan.

“Kondisi di pasar tidak sesuai dengan keadaan di lapangan secara keseluruhan. Artinya, terjadi kemacetan distribusi migor. Saya meminta Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Kota Padang untuk segera membenahinya. Kemendag juga akan menghubungi distributor dan produsen utama di Padang untuk memperbaiki jalur distribusi agar harga sesuai dengan ketentuan,” jelas Mendag Lutfi.



INFO BISNISMendag Minta Distributor Segera Suplay Migor ke Pasar Rakyat

Menurut Mendag, harga migor di Padang secara rata-rata masih berada di atas harga eceran tertinggi (HET) yang telah ditentukan Pemerintah. Untuk itu, Kemendag memastikan ketersediaan pasokan dan kelancaran pendistribusian migor agar harganya sesuai dengan ketentuan HET yang ditetapkan Pemerintah.

“Kemendag akan menindak tegas eksportir migor yang tidak menyuplai pasar dalam negeri dengan tidak menerbitkan izin ekspor. Selain itu, jika ada penimbun migor Kemendag akan menindak dengan tegas secara hukum,” ucap Mendag Lutfi.

Sebelumnya, Mendag Lutfi juga memimpin rakor dan memantau Pasar Pasir Gintung di Bandar Lampung, Lampung. Selanjutnya, Mendag Lutfi bertolak ke Jambi dan memimpin rakor serupa serta memantau pasar rakyat untuk memastikan kelancaran distribusi migor, khususnya di Sumatra.

Berdasarkan pantauan, harga beras berkisar Rp11.500—13.500/kg, gula pasir Rp13.500/kg, migor curah Rp15.000/kg, migor premium Rp15.000/liter, terigu Rp10.000/kg, daging sapi Rp120.000/kg, telur ayam Rp26.000/kg, cabai merah keriting Rp38.000/kg, cabai rawit Rp28.000/kg, bawang merah Rp28.000/kg, bawang putih Rp23.000/kg, serta tempe Rp12.500/kg. ***


google translate


Minister of Trade: Migor Stock in West Sumatra Surplus | — The Minister of Trade (Mendag), Muhammad Lutfi ensures the smooth distribution of cooking oil (migor) supplies in West Sumatra (Sumbar).

The stock of migrants distributed in West Sumatra is a surplus of up to 3.3 million liters of demand. For this reason, the West Sumatra Provincial Government is expected to participate in supervising distributors so that people can feel calm ahead of fasting and Eid this year.

This was emphasized by the Minister of Trade Lutfi when chairing a coordination meeting (rakor) with the agency that handles trade in West Sumatra Province, Thursday, February 24, 2022.

Present at the meeting were the Director General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana and the Deputy Governor of West Sumatra Audy Joinaldy.

“The supply of migrant workers in West Sumatra is green, meaning it is sufficient and in surplus. In the last ten days, the demand for migrants was recorded at 2.2 million liters, while the realization of the supply was 5.3 million liters, so there is a surplus of 3.1 million liters,” he explained.



Trade Minister Lutfi revealed that his party will continue to monitor the smoothness of the migrant distribution chain. “Currently, the distribution of migrants is in the process of descending from distribution from level one to retailers and is sold at prices according to regulations, namely bulk migration of Rp. 11,500/liter, simple packaging of Rp. 13,500/liter and premium packaging of Rp. 14,000/liter. I will make sure everything goes well and will be checked directly on the market, “he said.

Trade Minister Lutfi appreciated the West Sumatra Provincial Government for being able to maintain price stability and the availability of migrants. “I thank the Government of West Sumatra for being able to maintain the stability and availability of migrants. It is hoped that coordination will continue to be strengthened to maintain the smooth distribution of Bapok, especially migrant workers so that prices are maintained,” he said.

During his visit to Padang, Minister of Trade Lutfi also visited Pasar Raya and Pasar Lubuk Buaya on Friday, February 25, 2022. During the visit, Trade Minister Lutfi ensured the smooth distribution of migrants to the retail level and sold at prices according to regulations.

“The conditions in the market do not match the overall situation on the ground. This means that there is a traffic jam in the distribution of migrants. I asked the Department of Trade and Industry of the City of Padang to immediately fix it. The Ministry of Trade will also contact the main distributors and producers in Padang to improve distribution channels so that prices are in line with the provisions,” explained Trade Minister Lutfi.



According to the Minister of Trade, the average price for migrants in Padang is still above the highest retail price (HET) that has been determined by the Government. To that end, the Ministry of Trade ensures the availability of supplies and the smooth distribution of migrants so that prices are in line with the HET provisions set by the Government.

“The Ministry of Trade will take firm action against migrant exporters who do not supply the domestic market by not issuing export permits. In addition, if there are migrant hoarders, the Ministry of Trade will take strict legal action,” said Trade Minister Lutfi.

Previously, Trade Minister Lutfi also led the coordination meeting and monitored the Pasir Gintung Market in Bandar Lampung, Lampung. Furthermore, Trade Minister Lutfi went to Jambi and led a similar coordination meeting and monitored the people’s market to ensure the smooth distribution of migrants, especially in Sumatra.

Based on observations, the price of rice ranges from Rp11,500-13,500/kg, sugar Rp13,500/kg, bulk migration Rp15,000/kg, premium migration Rp15,000/liter, flour Rp10,000/kg, beef Rp120,000 /kg, chicken eggs IDR 26,000 / kg, curly red chili IDR 38,000 / kg, cayenne pepper IDR 28,000 / kg, onion IDR 28,000 / kg, garlic IDR 23,000 / kg, and tempeh IDR 12,500 / kg. ***





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