GDI 2022 Buka Pendaftaran Bagi 17 Kategori Produk dan Jasa

GDI 2022 Buka Pendaftaran Bagi 17 Kategori Produk dan Jasa

GDI 2022 Buka Pendaftaran Bagi 17 Kategori Produk dan Jasa | — Kementerian Perdagangan mendorong terus tumbuhnya perekonomian nasional. Berbagai upaya dilakukan guna menjaga momentum pertumbuhan ekspor yang meningkat sangat signifikan.

Program Good Design Indonesia (GDI) diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu upaya untuk menjaga momentum peningkatan ekspor dan mampu mentransformasi produk ekspor Indonesia.

Demikian ditegaskan Direktur Jenderal Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional Kementerian Perdagangan Didi Sumedi dalam sosialisaai Program Good Design Indonesia (GDI) ke-6 dengan tema “Gateway towards Global Markets”, secara hibrida, Selasa, 1 Maret 2022, di Yogyakarta.

“Perhelatan GDI tahun 2022 digelar untuk menjaga momentum peningkatan ekspor Indonesia yang telah berkinerja memuaskan pada 2021 lalu. GDI juga menjadi upaya Kemendag untuk menggerakkan sektor ekonomi dan perdagangan di masa pandemi Covid-19,” tegas Didi Sumedi.

Pada pembukaan acara sosialisasi GDI, Didi menyampaikan, banyak tantangan dihadapi agar sektor ekonomi dan perdagangan terus tumbuh.

“GDI menjadi bentuk apresiasi kepada desainer dan pelaku usaha berpotensi ekspor, sekaligus inisiatif mengkurasi barang dan jasa bernilai tambah yang kami yakin memiliki nilai komersial di pasar lokal maupun global,” ungkap Didi.


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Sebagai upaya membuka peluang pasar global yang semakin besar bagi pelaku industri manufaktur bernilai tambah, ajang GDI 2022 membuka pendaftaran bagi 17 kategori produk dan jasa yang memiliki nilai komersial tinggi di pasar domestik dan internasional.

Upaya ini dilakukan melalui pengembangan desain kreatif dan inovatif, serta berdampak positif terhadap lingkungan dan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat.

Di antara kategori tersebut adalah produk elektronik, perlengkapan rumah tangga, serta peralatan berkebun dan kendaraan (mobility), baik kendaraan berpenumpang atau pun kendaraan yang berfungsi sebagai alat kerja.

Hal ini sejalan dengan permintaan pasar dunia yang mayoritas berupa produk-produk manufaktur berteknologi tinggi termasuk produk elektronik (HS 85) dengan pangsa pasar sebesar 16,7 persen. Sementara itu, produk mesin/peralatan (HS 84) dan otomotif (HS 87) masing-masing memperoleh pangsa 12,2 dan 7,3 persen.

GDI diselenggarakan pertama kali pada 2017 dan menjadi salah satu program kerja prioritas Direktorat Jenderal Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional Kemendag dalam mendukung upaya peningkatan ekspor nonmigas nasional berbasis desain dan teknologi canggih.



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“Ajang GDI diharapkan memotivasi desainer dan pelaku usaha untuk terus berinovasi menciptakan produk dan jasa kreatif dan solutif, khususnya bagi masyarakat urban,” kata Didi.

Didi mengungkapkan, struktur pasar ekspor Indonesia yang selama ini didominasi komoditas primer berupa barang mentah dan setengah jadi kini telah bertransformasi. Hal tersebut ditandai oleh meningkatnya pangsa pasar produk manufaktur bernilai tambah sebesar USD 110,74 miliar.

Pada 2021, katanya, Indonesia tidak hanya berhasil meraup nilai transaksi ekspor tertinggi sepanjang sejarah ekonomi Indonesia. Nilai ekspor nonmigas 2021 sendiri tercatat sebesar USD 231,54 miliar.

Struktur pasar ekspor yang semula didominasi komoditas primer juga bertransformasi dengan bertambahnya pangsa bagi produk-produk olahan bernilai tambah hingga 47,83 persen dari total ekspor.

“Dengan transformasi struktur pasar ekspor yang lebih seimbang antara produk komoditas dan produk manufaktur, Indonesia akan mendapatkan manfaat dari ekspor barang bernilai tambah serta tidak lagi sebatas mengekspor barang mentah dan barang setengah jadi. Transformasi tersebut tercermin pada produk ekspor utama Indonesia tahun 2021 seperti besi dan baja, mesin dan produk elektronik dan elektronika, serta kendaraan bermotor dan suku cadangnya,” kata Didi.

Secara komprehensif, Kemendag berupaya mempertahankan momentum peningkatan ekspor tahun 2021. Sejumlah langkah strategis pun ditempuh, seperti memfokuskan kembali ekspor dari produk primer ke produk industri atau olahan bernilai tambah, mendiversifikasi produk ekspor, dan menjalin perjanjian perdagangan dengan negara mitra dagang baru.

Sosialisasi GDI di Yogyakarta digelar secara hibrida dengan protokol kesehatan ketat. Sosialisasi diikuti kalangan akademisi serta para pelaku usaha dari daerah Yogyakarta dan kota sekitar.

Sebelumnya, sosialisasi GDI 2022 juga telah diadakan di Surabaya, Jawa Timur pada 22 Februari 2022 dan Bandung, Jawa Barat pada 17 Februari 2022.



Pendaftaran Masih Dibuka

Pendaftaran GDI masih dibuka secara daring hingga akhir bulan Maret 2022 melalui tautan Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan baik sebagai individu, tim desainer, maupun mengatasnamakan perusahaan.

Dalam hal ini, pendaftar wajib berstatus WNI. Pada formulir pendaftaran daring, pendaftar diminta mengunggah tiga buah foto produk dari tiga sudut yang berbeda.

Selain itu, pendaftar wajib melampirkan NIB atau NPWP, serta data produk dan perusahaan. Formulir pendaftaran ini masih bisa diakses dan diedit oleh pemilik akun hingga akhir penutupan pendaftaran.

Jika ada data atau dokumen yang belum dilengkapi saat pertama kali mengisi formulir, pendaftar dimungkinkan untuk memperbarui data sampai pendaftaran ditutup.

Jika terdapat pertanyaan terkait proses pendaftaran, dapat disampaikan kepada panitia di Direktorat Pengembangan Produk Ekspor Kemendag melalui surat elektronik ke

Direktur Pengembangan Produk Ekspor Kemendag, Miftah Farid menambahkan, Kemendag membuka kesempatan seluas-luasnya bagi pegiat dan profesional di sektor desain untuk bergabung di ajang GDI keenam di tahun 2022 ini.

“Jadilah pemenang GDI sekaligus mitra Kemendag dalam memajukan sektor desain industri nasional dan meningkatkan kinerja ekspor nonmigas demi kemajuan ekonomi Indonesia,” ujar Miftah. ***


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GDI 2022 Opens Registration for 17 Product and Service Categories | — The Ministry of Trade encourages the continued growth of the national economy. Various efforts were made to maintain the momentum of export growth which increased significantly.

The Good Design Indonesia (GDI) program is expected to be one of the efforts to maintain the momentum of increasing exports and being able to transform Indonesia’s export products.

This was emphasized by the Director General of National Export Development of the Ministry of Trade Didi Sumedi in the 6th Socialization of the Good Design Indonesia Program (GDI) with the theme “Gateway towards Global Markets”, on a hybrid basis, Tuesday, March 1, 2022, in Yogyakarta.

“The 2022 GDI event is held to maintain the momentum of increasing Indonesia’s exports which have performed satisfactorily in 2021. GDI is also an effort by the Ministry of Trade to move the economic and trade sectors during the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Didi Sumedi.

At the opening of the GDI socialization event, Didi said there were many challenges to keep the economic and trade sectors growing.



“GDI is a form of appreciation for designers and business actors with export potential, as well as initiatives to curate value-added goods and services which we believe have commercial value in local and global markets,” said Didi.

As an effort to open up greater global market opportunities for value-added manufacturing industry players, the 2022 GDI event opens registration for 17 categories of products and services that have high commercial value in domestic and international markets.

This effort is carried out through the development of creative and innovative designs, as well as having a positive impact on the environment and community economic empowerment.

Among these categories are electronic products, household appliances, as well as gardening equipment and vehicles (mobility), both passenger vehicles and vehicles that function as work tools.

This is in line with world market demand, which is predominantly in the form of high-tech manufactured products including electronic products (HS 85) with a market share of 16.7 percent. Meanwhile, machinery/equipment (HS 84) and automotive (HS 87) products each gained a share of 12.2 and 7.3 percent.

GDI was held for the first time in 2017 and is one of the priority work programs of the Directorate General of National Export Development of the Ministry of Trade in supporting efforts to increase national non-oil and gas exports based on advanced designs and technology.



“The GDI event is expected to motivate designers and business actors to continue to innovate to create creative and solution-based products and services, especially for urban communities,” said Didi.

Didi said that the structure of Indonesia’s export market, which has been dominated by primary commodities in the form of raw and semi-finished goods, has now been transformed. This was indicated by the increasing market share of value-added products of USD 110.74 billion.

In 2021, he said, Indonesia not only managed to reap the highest export transaction value in the history of the Indonesian economy. The value of 2021 non-oil and gas exports alone was recorded at USD 231.54 billion.

The structure of the export market, which was originally dominated by primary commodities, has also been transformed by increasing the share of value-added processed products to 47.83 percent of total exports.

“With the transformation of the export market structure to a more balanced one between commodity products and manufactured products, Indonesia will benefit from the export of value-added goods and will no longer be limited to exporting raw goods and semi-finished goods. This transformation is reflected in Indonesia’s main export products in 2021, such as iron and steel, machinery and electronic and electronic products, as well as motor vehicles and spare parts,” said Didi.

Comprehensively, the Ministry of Trade seeks to maintain the momentum of increasing exports in 2021. A number of strategic steps have been taken, such as refocusing exports from primary products to value-added industrial or processed products, diversifying export products, and establishing trade agreements with new trading partner countries.

GDI socialization in Yogyakarta was held in a hybrid manner with strict health protocols. The socialization was attended by academics and business actors from the Yogyakarta area and surrounding cities.

Previously, the GDI 2022 socialization had also been held in Surabaya, East Java on 22 February 2022 and Bandung, West Java on 17 February 2022.



Registration is Still Open

GDI registration is still open online until the end of March 2022 via the link Registration can be done either as an individual, a team of designers, or on behalf of a company.

In this case, the registrant must be an Indonesian citizen. On the online registration form, applicants are asked to upload three product photos from three different angles.

In addition, registrants are required to attach NIB or NPWP, as well as product and company data. This registration form can still be accessed and edited by the account owner until the end of registration closing.

If there are data or documents that have not been completed when first filling out the form, it is possible for the registrant to update the data until registration is closed.

If there are questions regarding the registration process, they can be submitted to the committee at the Directorate of Export Product Development of the Ministry of Trade by electronic mail to

The Director of Export Product Development of the Ministry of Trade, Miftah Farid added, the Ministry of Trade opens the widest possible opportunities for activists and professionals in the design sector to join the sixth GDI event in 2022.

“Be the winner of the GDI as well as a partner of the Ministry of Trade in advancing the national industrial design sector and improving the performance of non-oil and gas exports for the progress of the Indonesian economy,” said Miftah. ***





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