Kemendag Gandeng Polri Untuk Menindak Penyelewengan Migor

Kemendag Gandeng Polri Untuk Menindak Penyelewengan Migor

Kemendag Gandeng Polri Untuk Menindak Penyelewengan Migor | — Menteri Perdagangan (Mendag), Muhammad Lutfi menegaskan tidak akan mencabut aturan Harga Eceran Tertinggi (HET) minyak goreng (migor).

Melihat Indonesia sebagai produsen CPO, masyarakat harus mendapatkan migor dengan harga yang terjangkau. Karena itu, Kementerian Perdagangan menggandeng Mabes Polri untuk menindak tegas setiap bentuk penyelewengan minyak goreng.

Hal tersebut disampaikan Mendag Lutfi dalam konferensi pers terkait migor hari ini, Rabu, 9 Maret 2022, secara virtual.

Mendag Lutfi menyampaikan, stok minyak goreng sudah melebihi kebutuhan nasional. Hingga 8 Maret 2022, telah ada sebanyak 415.787 ton migor dari skema domestic market obligation (DMO) yang didistribusikan ke pasar. Volume tersebut setara dengan 72,4 persen dari total DMO yang telah terkumpul sejak 14 Februari 2022.

“Sebanyak 415.787 ton atau sekitar 72,4 persen dari DMO yang terkumpul sudah didistribusikan ke pasar dalam bentuk curah maupun kemasan hingga 8 Maret 2022. Distribusi DMO tersebut sudah melebihi perkiraan kebutuhan konsumsi migor satu bulan yang mencapai 327.321 ton. Pasokan minyak kita melimpah,” ungkap Mendag Lutfi.

Menurut Mendag Lutfi, per 8 Maret 2022 volume DMO yang telah terkumpul adalah sebanyak 573.890 ton atau 20,7 persen dari volume Persetujuan Ekspor (PE)produk sawit dan turunannya yang diterbitkan.


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Volume DMO tersebut terdiri atas 463.886 ton untuk DMO refined, bleached, deodorized (RBD) palm olein dan 110.004 ton untuk DMO CPO.

Dalam kurun waktu 14 Februari sampai 8 Maret 2022, Kemendag telah menerbitkan 126 PE produk sawit dan turunannya kepada 54 eksportir dengan volume total 2.771.294 ton.

Volume total tersebut terdiri atas 1.240.248 ton untuk RBD palm olein, 385.907 ton untuk RBD palm oil, 153.411 ton untuk RBD palm stearin, dan 109.843 ton untuk CPO.

Mendag Lutfi menegaskan, kebijakan DMO sebesar 20 persen dari volume ekspor, kemudian domestic price obligation (DPO) untuk CPO sebesar Rp9.300/kg serta untuk olein sebesar Rp10.300/kg.

Ketentuan DMO dan DPO dituangkan dalam ‘Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan nomor 8 tahun 2022 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan nomor 19 tahun 2021 tentang Kebijakan dan Pengaturan Ekspor’.



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Besaran DMO dan harga DPO diatur melalui ‘Keputusan Menteri Perdagangan nomor 129 tahun 2022 tentang Penetapan Jumlah untuk Distribusi Kebutuhan Dalam Negeri (Domestic Market Obligation) dan Harga Penjualan di Dalam Negeri (Domestic PriceObligation)’.

“Jika merujuk DPO tersebut, penerapan HET migor curah sebesar Rp11.500/liter, kemasan sederhana Rp13.500/liter dan kemasan premium Rp14.000/kg sangat mungkin dilakukan,” kata Mendag Lutfi.

Tindak Tegas Penyelewengan

Mendag Lutfi menegaskan akan menempuh jalur hukum jika terbukti ada penyelewengan di kalangan pelaku tata niaga migor.

Mendag Lutfi memperkirakan, gangguan distribusi migor di tengah terjaminnya pasokan minyak kelapa sawit dalam negeri bisa terjadi lantaran ada penyelewengan dalam distribusi bahan baku migor.

Untuk itu, Mendag Lutfi menggandeng Kepolisian Republik Indonesia dan Badan Pangan Nasional (Bapanas) untuk bersinergi menjamin kelancaran distribusi migor.

“Kami memperkirakan bahan baku migor rembes ke industri yang tidak berhak atau ada tindakan melawan hukum berupa ekspor tanpa izin. Kedua, hal ini masih harus diselidiki lebih lanjut untuk memastikan faktanya. Tetapi yang kami dapat pastikan saat ini, tidak boleh ada yang berspekulasi menyimpan migor untuk keuntungan pribadi. Kami memiliki data yang terverifikasi, informasi tangki penyimpanan, dan jalur distribusi migor. Data tersebut siap kami bagikan ke Polri,” kata Mendag Lutfi.



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Sebelumnya, Mendag Lutf meninjau Pasar Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan. Mendag Lutfi memastikan bahwa migor yang beredar di masyarakat saat ini bersumber dari distribusi DMO.

Dari pantauan tersebut, Mendag Lutfi menemukan bahwa para pedagang pasar masih menjual migor di atas harga eceran tertinggi (HET). Mendag Lutfi memastikan kebijakan HET tidak akan diubah atau dicabut.

“Saya tegaskan bahwa pemerintah tidak berencana mencabut HET minyak goreng. Kebijakan ini akan terus kami tegakkan. Tindakan spekulasi mendisrupsi rantai logistik karena ingin mendapat keuntungan yang besar. Jika ditemukan ada tindakan-tindakan melawan hukum, kami pastikan akan tuntut,” tegas Mendag Lutfi. ***


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Ministry of Trade Collaborates with National Police to Take Action on Migor Misappropriation | — The Minister of Trade (Mendag), Muhammad Lutfi confirmed that he would not revoke the regulation on the Highest Retail Price (HET) for cooking oil (migor).

Seeing Indonesia as a producer of CPO, people must get migrants at an affordable price. Therefore, the Ministry of Trade cooperates with the National Police Headquarters to take firm action against any form of misuse of cooking oil.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Trade Lutfi in a press conference related to migraine today, Wednesday, March 9, 2022, virtually.

Trade Minister Lutfi said the stock of cooking oil had exceeded the national demand. As of March 8, 2022, there have been 415,787 tons of migrants from the domestic market obligation (DMO) scheme distributed to the market. This volume is equivalent to 72.4 percent of the total DMO that has been collected since February 14, 2022.

“A total of 415,787 tons or about 72.4 percent of the collected DMO has been distributed to the market in bulk and packaged form until March 8, 2022. The distribution of DMO has exceeded the estimated one-month consumption needs of migrants which reached 327,321 tons. Our oil supply is abundant,” said Trade Minister Lutfi.



According to Trade Minister Lutfi, as of March 8, 2022, the volume of DMO that had been collected was 573,890 tons or 20.7 percent of the volume of Export Approval (PE) for palm products and their derivatives issued.

The DMO volume consisted of 463,886 tons for DMO refined, bleached, deodorized (RBD) palm olein and 110,004 tons for DMO CPO.

Between February 14 and March 8, 2022, the Ministry of Trade issued 126 PE of palm products and their derivatives to 54 exporters with a total volume of 2,771,294 tons.

The total volume consisted of 1,240,248 tons for RBD palm olein, 385,907 tons for RBD palm oil, 153,411 tons for RBD palm stearin, and 109,843 tons for CPO.

Trade Minister Lutfi emphasized that the DMO policy is 20 percent of export volume, followed by a domestic price obligation (DPO) for CPO of Rp 9,300/kg and for olein of Rp 10,300/kg.

The provisions for DMO and DPO are stated in the ‘Minister of Trade Regulation number 8 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade number 19 of 2021 concerning Export Policy and Regulation’.

The amount of DMO and DPO price is regulated through ‘Decree of the Minister of Trade number 129 of 2022 concerning Determination of Amounts for Distribution of Domestic Needs (Domestic Market Obligation) and Domestic Price Obligations (Domestic Price Bonds)’.

“If you refer to the DPO, the implementation of HET for bulk migration of Rp. 11,500/liter, simple packaging of Rp. 13,500/liter and premium packaging of Rp. 14,000/kg is very possible,” said Trade Minister Lutfi.



Strict Actions on Fraud

Trade Minister Lutfi emphasized that he would take legal action if it was proven that there were irregularities among the perpetrators of the migrant trade system.

Trade Minister Lutfi estimates that the disruption in the distribution of migrants amid the guaranteed supply of domestic palm oil could occur due to irregularities in the distribution of raw materials for migrants.

To that end, Trade Minister Lutfi collaborated with the Indonesian National Police and the National Food Agency (Bapanas) to work together to ensure the smooth distribution of migrants.

“We estimate that the raw materials for imported goods seep into industries that are not entitled to it or that there are illegal actions in the form of exporting without a permit. Second, this matter still has to be investigated further to ascertain the facts. But what we can confirm at this point in time, is that no one should speculate on harboring migraines for personal gain. We have verified data, storage tank information and migration distribution channels. We are ready to share the data with the Police,” said Trade Minister Lutfi.



Previously, the Trade Minister Lutf visited the Kebayoran Lama Market, South Jakarta. The Trade Minister Lutfi ensured that the currently circulating migraines in the community originate from the distribution of DMO.

From this observation, the Trade Minister Lutfi found that market traders were still selling migrant goods above the highest retail price (HET). Trade Minister Lutfi ensures that the HET policy will not be changed or revoked.

“I emphasize that the government does not plan to revoke the HET for cooking oil. We will continue to enforce this policy. The act of speculation disrupts the logistics chain because it wants to get big profits. If it is found that there are unlawful acts, we will make sure they will sue,” said Trade Minister Lutfi. ***





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