Mendag Sidak Pabrik Migor di Marunda | Pastikan Stok Melimpah

Mendag Sidak Pabrik Migor di Marunda Pastikan Stok Melimpah

Mendag Sidak Pabrik Migor di Marunda | Pastikan Stok Melimpah | — Menindaklanjuti arahan dari Presiden Joko Widodo, agar minyak goreng (migor) tersedia di pasar rakyat, Menteri Perdagangan Muhammad Lutfi turun ke lapangan untuk memastikan pabrik migor bekerja keras untuk menyediakan stok dan sampai ke masyarakat.

Kunjungan mendadak dilakukan Mendag Lutfi ke pabrik migor di kawasan Marunda, Jakarta Utara, Senin, 14 Maret 2022.

Tidak hanya mengecek operasional pabrik, Mendag Lutfi juga menyempatkan berbicara langsung kepada awak angkutan yang mendistribusikan migor ke masyarakat.

Setelah meninjau pabrik, Mendag Lutfi juga mengecek penjualan migor di pasar dan pusat penjualan. Dari pemantauan di pabrik minyak goreng PT Bina Karya Prima Gudang Ex Hargas (BKP) di Jakarta itu, puluhan juta liter migor diproduksi nonstop dan siap didistribusikan. Stok melimpah dan cukup memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat.

“Hasil pantauan di PT BKP hari ini menunjukkan produksi migor yang melimpah. Kami juga akan terus memantau produksi migor di pabrik-pabrik lainnya untuk memastikan
ketersediaan migor, sehingga masyarakat dapat membeli sesuai kebutuhan sehari-hari,” jelas Mendag Lutfi.


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INFO BISNISPanel Surya Indonesia Siap Bersaing di Amerika Serikat

Dalam kunjungan tersebut Mendag Lutfi didampingi Direktur Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Oke Nurwan dan diterima oleh CEO PT BKP Fenika Widjaja.

Pada periode 1-12 Maret 2022, PT BKP telah memproduksi 23,49 juta liter migor. Dari jumlah tersebut 12,87 juta liter diproduksi di pabrik yang berlokasi di Marunda, Jakarta Utara. Rata-rata produksi hariannya mencapai 1,43 juta liter/hari.

Produksi juga dilakukan di pabrik yang berlokasi di Gresik, Jawa Timur sebanyak 10,62 juta liter dengan rata-rata produksi hariannya mencapai 1,18 juta liter per hari. Produksi migor PT BKP dilakukan setiap hari nonstop (setiap saat 24/7).

CEO PT BKP Fenika mengungkapkan, kedua pabrik PT BKP yang berlokasi di Marunda ditujukan untuk melayani kebutuhan wilayah barat Indonesia. Sedangkan pabrik migor di Gresik untuk melayani kebutuhan wilayah timur Indonesia.

Dari total produksi yang dihasilkan dan sisa produksi sebelumnya, PT BKP telah mendistribusikan migor ke sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia pada periode 1–12 Maret 2022 dengan jumlah total 26,14 juta liter.



INFO BISNISAncaman Mendag: Tindak Tegas Pelaku Penimbunan

Wilayah distribusinya, lanjut Fenika, mencakup Pasar Modern Nasional (7,58 juta liter), Jabodetabekser (4,82 juta liter), Jawa Barat (1,67 juta liter), Sumatra 1 yaitu Sumatra Utara dan Sumatra Barat (233,39 ribu liter), Sumatra 2 yaitu Lampung, Sumbagsel, dan Jambi (478,96 ribu liter), Kalimantan (339,64 ribu liter), Jawa Tengah (5,18 juta liter), Jawa Timur (3,52 juta liter), BaliNusa Tenggara (1,48 juta liter), dan Sulawesi (830,43 ribu).

Mendag menegaskan, akan terus memantau produksi dan distribusi minyak goreng. “Sesuai arahan Presiden, Kementerian Perdagangan akan terus mengawal ketersediaan dan keterjangkauan harga migor bagi masyarakat hingga kembali normal. Kemendag juga berkomitmen terus memantau produksi dan distribusi, baik ke ritel modern maupun ke pasar rakyat agar masyarakat bisa mendapatkan migor dengan mudah pada hari-hari ini, puasa hingga Lebaran,” beber Mendag Lutfi. ***


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Minister of Trade Inspects Migor Factory in Marunda | Ensure Abundant Stock | — Following a directive from President Joko Widodo, so that cooking oil (migor) is available in the people’s market, the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi went to the field to ensure that the migrant factories worked hard to provide stock and reach the community.

The Minister of Trade Lutfi made a surprise visit to a migrant factory in the Marunda area, North Jakarta, Monday, March 14, 2022.

Not only checking factory operations, the Trade Minister Lutfi also took the time to speak directly to the transport crew who distribute migrants to the public.

After inspecting the factory, the Trade Minister Lutfi also checked the sales of migrants in markets and sales centers. From the monitoring at the PT Bina Karya Prima Gudang Ex Hargas (BKP) cooking oil factory in Jakarta, tens of millions of liters of crude oil are produced non-stop and ready to be distributed. The stock is abundant and sufficient to meet the needs of the community.



“The results of monitoring at PT BKP today show abundant migrant production. We will also continue to monitor migraine production in other factories to ensure availability of migrants, so that people can buy according to their daily needs,” explained Trade Minister Lutfi.

During the visit, the Minister of Trade Lutfi was accompanied by the Director General of Domestic Trade, Oke Nurwan, and was received by the CEO of PT BKP Fenika Widjaja.

In the period 1-12 March 2022, PT BKP has produced 23.49 million liters of Migor. Of this amount, 12.87 million liters were produced at the factory located in Marunda, North Jakarta. The average daily production reaches 1.43 million liters/day.

Production is also carried out at a factory located in Gresik, East Java, with 10.62 million liters with an average daily production of 1.18 million liters per day. PT BKP’s migrant production is carried out non-stop every day (all the time 24/7).



PT BKP CEO Fenika said that the two PT BKP factories located in Marunda were intended to serve the needs of the western region of Indonesia. Meanwhile, the migration factory in Gresik is to serve the needs of eastern Indonesia.

Of the total production produced and the rest of the previous production, PT BKP has distributed migrating to a number of regions in Indonesia in the period 1-12 March 2022 with a total amount of 26.14 million liters.

The distribution areas, continued Fenika, include the National Modern Market (7.58 million liters), Greater Jakarta (4.82 million liters), West Java (1.67 million liters), Sumatra 1 namely North Sumatra and West Sumatra (233.39 thousand liters). liters), Sumatra 2, namely Lampung, South Sumatra and Jambi (478.96 thousand liters), Kalimantan (339.64 thousand liters), Central Java (5.18 million liters), East Java (3.52 million liters), BaliNusa Southeast (1.48 million liters), and Sulawesi (830.43 thousand).

The Trade Minister emphasized that he would continue to monitor the production and distribution of cooking oil. “According to the President’s direction, the Ministry of Trade will continue to monitor the availability and affordability of migrant prices for the community until they return to normal. The Ministry of Trade is also committed to continuing to monitor production and distribution, both to modern retailers and to people’s markets so that people can get migraines easily these days, fasting until Idul Fitri,” explained the Minister of Trade Lutfi. ***





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