Saksikan 10 Episode Cerita Menarik Para Esports Proplayer Ternama Hanya di MAXstream

Saksikan 10 Episode Cerita Menarik Para Esports Proplayer Ternama Hanya di MAXstream

Saksikan 10 Episode Cerita Menarik Para Esports Proplayer Ternama Hanya di MAXstream | — Telkomsel menggelar acara Meet the Cast bersama bintang di serial Indonesia Esports Legends Livi Renata dan RRQ Kenboo.

Dalam acara ini, Telkomsel mengajak para Media dan Gamers di wilayah Operasional Sumatera untuk dapat berbagi kisah menarik seputar perkembangan Esport di Indonesia bersama para Bintang dan Pro Players.

Sebagai digital telecommunication company terdepan di Indonesia, Telkomsel hadir dalam membuka semua peluang untuk mendukung perkembangan ekosistem digital di Indonesia, termasuk di dunia Esport.

General Manager DLS and Direct Sales Area Sumatera Telkomsel Aka Kandias Al Amin mengatakan, melalui konten orisinal tersebut, Telkomsel ingin menunjukkan perkembangan industri game dan Esports Indonesia yang semula dipandang sebelah mata hingga dapat berkembang menjadi salah satu sektor yang berkontribusi pada pendapatan domestik bruto (PDB) tahun 2020.

“Hadirnya konten dokumenter tersebut merupakan bentuk apresiasi sekaligus menginspirasi seluruh entitas yang ada di industri ini agar terus bergerak maju dalam memperkuat ekosistem games dan esports nasional agar lebih berdampak untuk kemajuan bangsa,” katanya.

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INFO BISNISDitelpon Kapolri | Ja’far Hasibuan Sang Jawara Dunia Terharu

Melalui platform konten video-on-demand MAXstream, Telkomsel turut menghadirkan konten dokumenter series orisinal berjudul Indonesian Esports Legends yang dapat disaksikan secara eksklusif di MAXstream.

Terdapat 10 episode yang menceritakan berbagai persona dari para esports proplayer ternama di tanah air, diantaranya Oura (Eko Julianto), RRQ Lemon (Muhammad Ikhsan), RRQ_Kenboo (Christopher Nitiatmadja), Bennym0za (Benny Setiawan), AE.Livy (Livy Renata), dan masih banyak lagi.

Pada Kesempatan kali ini, Telkomsel Area Sumatera, mengadakan acara Meet and Greet bersama dengan beberapa cast / talent dari series Indonesia Esports Legends, yaitu Christopher Kayne Nitiatmadja atau yang biasa dikenal sebagai RRQ_Kenboo dan Livy Renata.




Kenboo merupakan proplayer PUBG Mobile dari esports team kenamaan Indonesia yaitu RRQ. Banyak prestasi yang diraih oleh Kenboo baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Hingga pada puncaknya, Kenboo dipercaya untuk bergabung dengan team esports RRQ cabang luar negeri, yaitu dari RRQ negara Thailand, RRQ Athena yang sukses menorehkan berbagai prestasi yang membanggakan.

Pada konten Indonesia Epsorts Legends, Kenboo bermain pada judul The Journey of Master Knock bersama dengan mantan proplayer PUBGM lainnya yaitu Bennym0za. Konten IEL: The Journey of Master Knock bisa dinikmati masyarakat di aplikasi Maxstream atau melalui link berikut

Sebagai tambahan, Kenboo juga memiliki konten eksklusif mengenai kehidupan kenboo dari yang sering diketahui oleh penggemarnya hingga lainnya sampai cerita yang belum pernah kenboo sampaikan sebelumnya, cerita dan pengalam menarik kenboo dalam meniti karir profesionalnya, hobi hingga kegemaran yang membuat kenboo menjadi salah satu streamer sukses di Indonesia dan berbagai cerita menarik lainnya mengenai kenboo eksklusif di MAXstream dengan judul series Gameru Kenboo: Gaming Seru bareng Kenboo yang bisa dinikmati pada link berikut



Livy Renata

Livy Renata atau yang akrab disapa Livy merupakan brand Ambassador dari team Esports Alter Ego. Banyak kisah menarik yang Livy jalani mulai dari bergabung hingga sekarang sebagai seorang BA Alter Ego. Secara eksklusive, Maxstream mendokumentasikan cerita – cerita tersebut di IEL Series episode 7 yang berjudul Esports Girl.

Pada episode ini Livy ditemani beberapa BA lainnya, yaitu: BTR Angie / Angie Marcheria sebagai BA dari team esports Bigetron atau BTR dan DG Irene / Patricia Lourence sebagai BA darii team esports Dunia Games atau DG.

Saat ini, konten tersebut sudah dapat diakses oleh masyarakat di aplikasi Maxstream atau melalui halaman web berikut



Esport di Indonesia

Secara Konsisten Telkomsel terus menghadirkan beragam konten dan layanan yang berkualitas dalam mendukung minat serta bakat para gamers di Indonesia.

Secara inclusive, melalui acara ini Telkomsel ingin memberikan wadah untuk terus menggandeng erat dan menumbuhkan antusiasme para gamers serta komunitas di Sumatera, agar mendapatkan pengalaman bermain games yang stabil dan merasakan serunya menjadi bagian #AntiNgeLagClub.

“Telkomsel terus mendukung pertumbuhan Esport di Indonesia yang positif dan memberikan nilai tambah yang bermanfaat bagi perkembangan ekonomi dan ekosistem digital di Indonesia,” pungkas Aka. ***


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Watch 10 Episodes of Interesting Stories from Famous Esports Proplayers Only on MAXstream | — Telkomsel held a Meet the Cast event with stars in the Indonesia Esports Legends series Livi Renata and RRQ Kenboo.

In this event, Telkomsel invites Media and Gamers in the Sumatra Operational area to be able to share interesting stories about the development of Esports in Indonesia with Bintang and Pro Players.

As the leading digital telecommunication company in Indonesia, Telkomsel is here to open up all opportunities to support the development of the digital ecosystem in Indonesia, including in the world of esports.

General Manager of DLS and Direct Sales Area Sumatra Telkomsel Aka Kandias Al Amin said, through the original content, Telkomsel wanted to show the development of the Indonesian gaming and esports industry which was initially underestimated so that it could develop into a sector that contributes to gross domestic product (GDP). year 2020.



“The presence of the documentary content is a form of appreciation as well as inspiring all entities in this industry to continue moving forward in strengthening the national games and esports ecosystem so that they have a greater impact on the progress of the nation,” he said.

Through the MAXstream video-on-demand content platform, Telkomsel also presents original documentary series content entitled Indonesian Esports Legends which can be watched exclusively on MAXstream.

There are 10 episodes that tell the various personas of well-known esports proplayers in the country, including Oura (Eko Julianto), RRQ Lemon (Muhammad Ikhsan), RRQ_Kenboo (Christopher Nitiatmadja), Bennym0za (Benny Setiawan), AE.Livy (Livy Renata), and much more.

On this occasion, Telkomsel Area Sumatra, held a Meet and Greet event with several cast/talents from the Indonesia Esports Legends series, namely Christopher Kayne Nitiatmadja or commonly known as RRQ_Kenboo and Livy Renata.




Kenboo is a PUBG Mobile proplayer from the famous Indonesian esports team, RRQ. Kenboo has won many achievements both at home and abroad. Until at its peak, Kenboo was trusted to join the overseas branch of RRQ’s esports team, namely from RRQ Thailand, RRQ Athena, who successfully made various proud achievements.

In the Indonesian content Epsorts Legends, Kenboo plays on the title The Journey of Master Knock along with another former PUBGM proplayer, Bennym0za. IEL content: The Journey of Master Knock can be enjoyed by the public on the Maxstream application or via the following link

In addition, Kenboo also has exclusive content about Kenboo’s life, from what his fans often know about, to stories that Kenboo has never told before, interesting stories and experiences of Kenboo in pursuing his professional career, hobbies to hobbies that make Kenboo one of the successful streamers in Indonesia. Indonesia and various other interesting stories about exclusive kenboo on MAXstream with the title Gameru Kenboo series: Fun Gaming with Kenboo which can be enjoyed at the following link



Livy Renata

Livy Renata or who is familiarly called Livy is the brand Ambassador of the Esports Alter Ego team. Many interesting stories that Livy lived from joining until now as a BA Alter Ego. Exclusively, Maxstream documented these stories in IEL Series episode 7, entitled Esports Girl.

In this episode, Livy was accompanied by several other BAs, namely: BTR Angie / Angie Marcheria as BA from the esports team Bigetron or BTR and DG Irene / Patricia Lourence as BA from the esports team Dunia Games or DG.

Currently, the content can be accessed by the public on the Maxstream application or through the following web page



Esports in Indonesia

Telkomsel consistently continues to provide a variety of quality content and services to support the interests and talents of gamers in Indonesia.

Inclusively, through this event, Telkomsel wants to provide a platform to continue to cooperate closely and grow the enthusiasm of gamers and the community in Sumatra, in order to get a stable gaming experience and feel the excitement of being part of #AntiNgeLagClub.

“Telkomsel continues to support the positive growth of esports in Indonesia and provide added value that is beneficial for economic development and the digital ecosystem in Indonesia,” concluded Aka. ***





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