Kemendag Bersama Polri ‘Buru’ Para Mafia Migor

Kemendag Bersama Polri 'Buru' Para Mafia Migor

Kemendag Bersama Polri ‘Buru’ Para Mafia Migor | — Menteri Perdagangan (Mendag), Muhammad Lutfi bersama Kepala Kepolisian RI Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo meninjau pabrik minyak goreng (migor) di kawasan Marunda, Jakarta Utara.

Mendag Lutfi menegaskan, sedang ‘memburu’ para mafia migor untuk ditindak tegas, sebab mafia-mafia itu telah menyebabkan kelangkaan migor di tengah masyarakat.

“Saat ini, kita masih melihat kemungkinan-kemungkinan karena tingginya harga di luar negeri menyebabkan orang-orang berpikir untuk berbuat curang. Ini yang sedang kita cek dan kita peringatkan, terutama pada mafia-mafia migor yang berusaha mendapatkan keuntungan sesaat, Kemendag dan Polri akan datang dan tertibkan,” tegas Mendag Lutfi.

Peninjauan pabrik migor dilakukan di PT BinaKarya Prima di Jakarta Utara, pada Selasa, 15 Maret 2022. Sedikitnya ada 23,49 juta liter diproduksi pabrik Migor ini periode 1—12 Maret 2022.

Saat ini, stok migor sangat melimpah dan cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasional. Karena itu, Mendag Lutfi memastikan operasional pabrik terus berjalan dan migor didistribusikan hingga seluruh kabupaten dan kota di seluruh Indonesia.

“Ketika kebijakan Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) dan Domestic Price Obligation (DPO) dikerjakan dengan baik, sebenarnya mampu mengurai permasalahan migor. Dalam 28 hari terakhir stok migor mencapai 500 juta liter. Namun demikian, harga di pasar masih mengalami permasalahan,” ujar Mendag Lutfi.


Bacaan Lainnya

Produksi Migor Nonstop

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, pada periode 1 – 12 Maret 2022, PT BKP telah memproduksi 23,49 juta liter minyak goreng. Dari jumlah tersebut 12,87 juta liter diproduksi di pabrik yang berlokasi di Marunda, Jakarta Utara.

Rata-rata produksi hariannya mencapai 1,43 juta liter/hari. Produksi juga dilakukan di pabrik yang berlokasi di Gresik, Jawa Timur sebanyak 10,62 juta liter dengan rata-rata produksi hariannya mencapai 1,18 juta liter per hari.

Produksi migor PT BKP dilakukan setiap hari nonstop (setiap hari 24 jam, dalam seminggu). Dalam peninjauan ini, Mendag Lutfi juga berbincang dengan sopir truk yang sedang menunggu muatan untuk didistribusikan ke sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia. ***


google translate


Ministry of Trade and Police ‘Hunt’ Migor Mafia | — The Minister of Trade (Mendag), Muhammad Lutfi together with the Indonesian National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo inspected a cooking oil (migor) factory in the Marunda area, North Jakarta.

Trade Minister Lutfi emphasized that he was ‘hunting’ for migrant mafias to take strict action, because these mafias have caused a shortage of migrants in the community.

“Currently, we are still looking at the possibilities because the high prices abroad cause people to think of cheating. This is what we are checking and warning about, especially for migrant mafias who are trying to get a momentary advantage. The Ministry of Trade and the Police will come and put it in order,” said Trade Minister Lutfi.

The review of the Migor factory was carried out at PT BinaKarya Prima in North Jakarta, on Tuesday, March 15, 2022. At least 23.49 million liters were produced by the Migor factory for the period 1-12 March 2022.

Currently, the stock of migrants is very abundant and sufficient to meet national needs. Therefore, the Minister of Trade Lutfi ensures that factory operations continue and that migrants are distributed to all districts and cities throughout Indonesia.

“When the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) and Domestic Price Obligation (DPO) policies are implemented properly, they are actually able to solve the migration problem. In the last 28 days, the stock of migrants has reached 500 million liters. However, prices in the market are still experiencing problems,” said Trade Minister Lutfi.



Non-stop Migration Production

As previously reported, in the period 1-12 March 2022, PT BKP has produced 23.49 million liters of cooking oil. Of this amount, 12.87 million liters were produced at the factory located in Marunda, North Jakarta.

The average daily production reaches 1.43 million liters/day. Production is also carried out at a factory located in Gresik, East Java, with 10.62 million liters with an average daily production of 1.18 million liters per day.

PT BKP’s migrant production is carried out non-stop (every day 24 hours, a week). During this review, Trade Minister Lutfi also spoke with truck drivers who were waiting for their cargo to be distributed to several regions in Indonesia. ***





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