Telkomsel Bantu Paket Komunikasi untuk Relawan Rawat COVID-19 Sumatera Utara | — Telkomsel kembali dukung program telemedicine dan konsultasi online seputar COVID-19 yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) bersama Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Pemerintah Kota Medan dan Ikatan Dokter Indonesia Wilayah Sumatera Utara.
Melalui program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Telkomsel memberikan bantuan sarana komunikasi dan paket layanan data untuk 250 relawan dalam menunjang layanan telemedicine tersebut.
Manager Branch Medan Telkomsel, Achdiat Suryana mengatakan, sebagai digital telecommunication company terdepan di Indonesia, Telkomsel selalu hadir membuka peluang dalam membantu penanganan pandemi COVID-19 seperti yang di inisiasi oleh FK USU.
Melalui dukungan sarana dan paket komunikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu Tenaga Medis untuk melakukan telemedicine atau konsultasi seputar COVID-19 bagi pasien di wilayah Sumatera Utara.
Inisiator sekaligus Ketua Pelaksana program telemedicine “Rawat COVID-19 Sumatera Utara”, dr Inke Nadia Diniyanti Lubis MKed(Ped) SpA PhD mengatakan, Telemedicine Rawat COVID-19 Sumut ini sudah melayani 3367 pasien yang berdomisili di Sumatera Utara sejak 1 Februari 2022.
INFO BISNIS: Telkomsel Jawab Kebutuhan Layanan Komunikasi di Luar Negeri Dengan Paket RoaMax
Pelayanan ini tidak saja berupa pemberian obat-obatan dan alat pemantauan secara gratis, namun juga membantu pemantauan kondisi pasien setiap hari nya setelah mereka terkonfirmasi COVID-19.
Melalui pemantauan harian baik melalui whatsapp chat, audio call atau video call, relawan dokter membantu menentukan apakah pasien masih bisa melanjutkan isoman di rumah atau perlu dirawat di rumah sakit.
Pada pelayanan telemedicine, komunikasi menjadi salah satu kunci penting untuk memastikan kondisi pasien yang stabil. “Kami sangat menghargai dukungan dan bantuan dari Telkomsel dikarenakan seluruh SDM yang memberikan pelayanan Telemedicine saat ini mencapai 1032 orang dan seluruhnya bersifat sukarela,” ujarnya.
Pada bantuan Tahap II ini, Telkomsel memberikan paket layanan komunikasi berupa simcard dan paket data kepada 250 relawan tenaga medis dan non-medis yang tergabung dalam program telemedicine Rawat COVID-19 Sumatera Utara.
INFO BISNIS: Ditelpon Kapolri | Ja’far Hasibuan Sang Jawara Dunia Terharu
Nantinya masyarakat yang terdampak COVID-19 dapat melakukan konsultasi medis secara online dan gratis bersama para relawan dokter.
Program ini diharapkan telah menjadi alternatif layanan penanganan COVID-19 bagi masyarakat yang berada di rumah, termasuk menjadi pusat informasi pengobatan, isolasi serta pendampingan bagi masyarakat yang terpapar COVID-19.
Sebelumnya, Telkomsel juga telah memberikan bantuan yang sama di bulan Oktober 2021. Sebanyak 400 unit simcard beserta paket datanya telah diberikan Telkomsel untuk mendukung program Telemedicine dan layanan konsultasi online COVID-19 di USU.
“Telkomsel sangat mengapresiasi USU dan para relawan petugas medis dan non-medis yang telah bahu membahu dalam mengatasi pandemi COVID-19. Melalui partisipasi ini diharapkan menjadi salah satu upaya nyata Telkomsel dalam membantu percepatan pemulihan pandemi COVID-19. Kami yakin masyarakat Indonesia mampu melawan pandemik ini dengan semangat dan saling menolong,” ucap Achdiat. ***
Telkomsel Assists with Communication Packages for Volunteers Treating COVID-19 in North Sumatra | — Telkomsel again supports the telemedicine program and online consultation about COVID-19 organized by the University of North Sumatra (USU) with the North Sumatra Provincial Government, Medan City Government and the Indonesian Doctors Association of North Sumatra Region.
Through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, Telkomsel provides communication facilities and data service packages for 250 volunteers to support the telemedicine service.
Telkomsel Medan Branch Manager, Achdiat Suryana said, as the leading digital telecommunication company in Indonesia, Telkomsel is always here to open up opportunities to help deal with the COVID-19 pandemic as initiated by the USU Medical Faculty.
Through the support of these communication facilities and packages, it is hoped that they can help medical personnel to conduct telemedicine or consultations about COVID-19 for patients in the North Sumatra region.
The initiator and Chief Executive of the telemedicine program “Treat COVID-19 North Sumatra”, Dr. Inke Nadia Diniyanti Lubis MKed (Ped) SpA PhD said, Telemedicine Treating COVID-19 North Sumatra has served 3367 patients who live in North Sumatra since February 1, 2022.
This service is not only in the form of providing free medicines and monitoring tools, but also helps monitor the condition of patients every day after they are confirmed to have COVID-19.
Through daily monitoring either through whatsapp chat, audio calls or video calls, volunteer doctors help determine whether patients can still continue isoman at home or need to be hospitalized.
In telemedicine services, communication is an important key to ensure a stable patient condition. “We really appreciate the support and assistance from Telkomsel because all human resources who provide Telemedicine services currently reach 1032 people and all of them are voluntary,” he said.
In this Phase II assistance, Telkomsel provided communication service packages in the form of simcards and data packages to 250 medical and non-medical volunteers who are members of the North Sumatra COVID-19 Treatment telemedicine program.
Later, people affected by COVID-19 will be able to conduct free online medical consultations with volunteer doctors.
This program is expected to become an alternative service for handling COVID-19 for people who are at home, including being a center for information on treatment, isolation and assistance for people exposed to COVID-19.
Previously, Telkomsel had also provided the same assistance in October 2021. As many as 400 simcard units along with their data packages had been provided by Telkomsel to support the Telemedicine program and COVID-19 online consultation services at USU.
“Telkomsel really appreciates USU and the medical and non-medical volunteer workers who have worked hand in hand in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic. This participation is expected to be one of Telkomsel’s real efforts in helping accelerate the recovery of the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that the Indonesian people are able to fight this pandemic with enthusiasm and help each other,” said Achdiat. ***