Mendag Lutfi Yakin Indonesia Jadi Kiblat Fesyen Muslim Dunia | — Setelah bertemu Wakil Presiden RI KH Ma’ruf Amin, Menteri Perdagangan (Mendag), Muhammad Lutfi meyakini Indonesia akan menjadi kiblat fesyen muslim dunia.
Untuk itu, Kementerian Perdagangan berkomitmen memperkuat eksosistem industri halal melalui pengembangan fesyen muslim. Salah satunya akan ditingkatkan penyelenggaraan Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW).
“Sesuai dengan arahan Wakil Presiden RI, Indonesia diharapkan dapat menjadi kiblat fesyen muslim dunia. Secara global, konsumsi produk fesyen muslim dunia pada 2024 diprediksi mencapai
USD 311 miliar. Nilai ini akan naik dibandingkan tahun 2019 yang sebesar USD 277 miliar. Untuk itu, kami ingin menangkap dan menonjolkan potensi industri syariah Indonesia yang salah satunya adalah fesyen muslim,” kata Mendag Lutfi saat Audensi dengan Wakil Presiden RI Ma’ruf Amin, Selasa, 29 Maret 2022, di Jakarta.
Dalam audiensi tersebut, turut hadir Wakil Ketua Umum Bidang Perdagangan KADIN Juan Permata Adoe, Wakil Ketua Komite Promosi Fesyen Muslim Indonesia, Anne Patricia Sutanto, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pertekstilan Indonesia (API) Jemmy Kartiwa, Ketua Panitia HIPMI Syariah Ibnu Riyanto, para desainer, akademisi, pelaku usaha kosmetika dan Perwakilan dari Indonesia Halal Lifestyle Center Jetti R. Hadi.
Mendag Lutfi menambahkan, Pemerintah berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan Indonesia menjadi kiblat fesyen muslim dunia. Sesuai dengan Roadmap Fashion Muslim Indonesia, JMFW memiliki fokus strategi kegiatan selama 2022-2024.
INFO BISNIS: Bicara Fashion And Food | Sumut Patennya
Pada 2022, fokus strateginya adalah penguatan merek. Tahun 2023 ditargetkan untuk penguatan jaringan dengan terjun langsung dalam peta fesyen internasional. Kemudian tahun 2024 ditargetkan untuk deklarasi Indonesia sebagai pusat fesyen muslim dunia.
Sebagai langkah awal, Kementerian Perdagangan telah menancapkan pilar melalui kegiatan Embracing Jakarta Fashion Week pada 2021. Acara inti JMFW diagendakan untuk dilaksanakan
pada 20-22 Oktober 2022 mendatang, bersamaan dengan penyelenggaraan Trade Expo Indonesia 2022 di ICE BSD, Tangerang.
“Kegiatan JMFW diharapkan dapat memperkuat kompetensi sumber daya manusia, meningkatkan nilai tambah dan daya saing produk ekspor, meningkatkan akses pasar,meningkatkan promosi digital, dan mengoptimalisasi peran perwakilan perdagangan,” ungkap Mendag Lutfi.
Kegiatan JMFW merupakan inisiasi Direktorat Jenderal Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional Kemendag bekerjasama dengan KADIN Indonesia dan pemangku kepentingan terkait seperti perancang
busana, merek fesyen, pelajar, perusahaan tekstil, merek kosmetik, merek aksesori fesyen, media dan pemerintah.
Mendag Lutfi menjelaskan, tujuan JMFW sebagai upaya meningkatkan dan membangun kepedulian para pemangku kepentingan serta masyarakat umum tentang potensi fesyen muslim Indonesia.
INFO BISNIS: Rektor UNIKA: Kredit Motor di Pegadaian Murah
JMFW juga diharapkan dapat mempromosikan Indonesia sebagai referensi tren muslim fashion yang menjadi kiblat fesyen muslim dunia.
“Melalui JMFW, kita dapat memperkuat branding produk fesyen muslim Indonesia dengan keberagaman produk fesyen muslim yang berkualitas sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar ekspor,” pungkas Mendag Lutfi.
Untuk fesyen muslim, Indonesia berada di posisi ke-5 sebagai pasar terbesar dunia, berada di bawah Iran, Turki, Arab Saudi, dan Pakistan. Di sisi lain, Indonesia merupakan eksportir produk fesyen muslim ke-18 dunia. Eksportir utama produk tersebut adalah Tiongkok, Turki, India, Uni Emirat Arab, dan Bangladesh.
Populasi muslim Indonesia tercatat mencapai 231 juta. Sementara itu, populasi muslim dunia sebesar 1,9 miliar atau setara 26 persen total populasi dunia. Dengan jumlah populasi tersebut
Mendag Lutfi optimistis, kebutuhan terhadap produk halal juga cukup besar. ***
Trade Minister Lutfi Believes Indonesia to Be the World’s Muslim Fashion Center | — After meeting Indonesian Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin, the Minister of Trade (Mendag), Muhammad Lutfi believes that Indonesia will become the world’s Muslim fashion mecca.
For this reason, the Ministry of Trade is committed to strengthening the halal industry ecosystem through the development of Muslim fashion. One of them will be increased the implementation of Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW).
“According to the direction of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia is expected to become a mecca for Muslim fashion in the world. Globally, the consumption of world Muslim fashion products in 2024 is predicted to reach USD 311 billion. This value will increase compared to 2019 which was USD 277 billion. For that, we want to capture and highlight the potential of Indonesia’s sharia industry, one of which is Muslim fashion,” said Trade Minister Lutfi during an audience with Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin, Tuesday, March 29, 2022, in Jakarta.
In the audience, also present were the Deputy Chairperson of KADIN’s Trade Sector Juan Permata Adoe, Deputy Chair of the Indonesian Muslim Fashion Promotion Committee, Anne Patricia Sutanto, General Chairperson of the Indonesian Textile Association (API) Jemmy Kartiwa, Chair of the HIPMI Syariah Committee Ibnu Riyanto, designers, academics , a cosmetic business actor and Representative from the Indonesia Halal Lifestyle Center Jetti R. Hadi.
Trade Minister Lutfi added that the Government is committed to making Indonesia a mecca for Muslim fashion in the world. In accordance with the Indonesian Muslim Fashion Roadmap, JMFW has a strategic focus on activities during 2022-2024.
In 2022, the focus of the strategy will be on brand strengthening. The year 2023 is targeted for network strengthening by engaging directly in the international fashion map. Then in 2024 it is targeted for the declaration of Indonesia as the center of world Muslim fashion.
As a first step, the Ministry of Trade has planted a pillar through the Embracing Jakarta Fashion Week activity in 2021. The main JMFW event is scheduled to be held on 20-22 October 2022, in conjunction with the implementation of the 2022 Trade Expo Indonesia at ICE BSD, Tangerang.
“JMFW activities are expected to strengthen the competence of human resources, increase added value and competitiveness of export products, increase market access, increase promotion digital, and optimizing the role of trade representatives,” said Trade Minister Lutfi.
The JMFW activity is an initiative of the Directorate General of National Export Development of the Ministry of Trade in collaboration with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and relevant stakeholders such as designers
fashion, fashion brands, students, textile companies, cosmetic brands, fashion accessory brands, media and government.
Trade Minister Lutfi explained that the purpose of JMFW is to increase and build awareness among stakeholders and the general public about the potential of Indonesian Muslim fashion.
JMFW is also expected to promote Indonesia as a reference for Muslim fashion trends which are the mecca of world Muslim fashion.
“Through JMFW, we can strengthen the branding of Indonesian Muslim fashion products with the diversity of quality Muslim fashion products in accordance with the needs of the export market,” concluded the Trade Minister Lutfi.
For Muslim fashion, Indonesia is in the 5th position as the world’s largest market, behind Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. On the other hand, Indonesia is the 18th exporter of Muslim fashion products in the world. The main exporters of these products are China, Turkey, India, United Arab Emirates, and Bangladesh.
Indonesia’s Muslim population is recorded at 231 million. Meanwhile, the world’s Muslim population is 1.9 billion or 26 percent of the world’s total population. With that population
Trade Minister Lutfi is optimistic that the need for halal products is also quite large. ***