Mahasiswa UNPRI Diberi Pemahaman 4 Pilar Kebangsaan dari Anggota DPR Sofyan Tan

Mahasiswa UNPRI Diberi Pemahaman 4 Pilar Kebangsaan dari Anggota DPR Sofyan Tan

Mahasiswa UNPRI Diberi Pemahaman 4 Pilar Kebangsaan dari Anggota DPR Sofyan Tan | — Anggota Komisi X Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI), dr Sofyan Tan menyampaikan Sosialisasi 4 Pilar Berbangsa dan Bernegara kepada mahasiswa Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) penerima bantuan Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) Kuliah Jalur Aspirasi di kampus Jalan Sampul Medan, Senin, 25 April 2022.

Tokoh Pembauran Sumatera Utara (Sumut) ini menyebutkan, nilai berbangsa dan bernegara terkandung dalam 4 pilar, yaitu Pancasila sebagai dasar atau ideologi berbangsa dan bernegara, UUD 1945 sebagai dasar konstitusi negara, Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) sebagai bentuk negara, dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika sebagai sembo­yan negara.

Dalam sosialisasi yang juga dihadiri Pendiri UNPRI Prof Dr dr I Nyoman Ehrich Lister MKes AIFM, Ketua BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn, Rektor UNPRI Prof Dr Novalinda Ginting MKes, Wakil Rektor (WR) I Abdi Dharma MKom WR III Said Rizal SHI MA, WR IV Dr.dr Ali Napiah Nasution MKT MKM dan orangtua mahasiswa penerima KIPK Jalur Aspirasi.

Sofyan Tan menekankan betapa pentingnya pemahaman terhadap 4 Pilar Berbangsa dan Bernegara yakni Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI dan Bhineka Tunggal Ika itu.

Ia menuturkan, pemahaman 4 Pilar Berbangsa dan Bernegara sangat penting bagi generasi muda sebagai modal pemersatu di tengah perbedaan dan keberagaman yang menjadi pondasi negara.

“Empat pilar kebangsaan ini sangat penting bagi negara dan bangsa kita, khususnya bagi generasi muda,” katanya.

Sofyan Tan pun berharap, agar mahasiswa UNPRI bisa mengamalkan 4 pilar tersebut guna meningkatkan kesadaran mahasiswa berkehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.


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Ia juga berharap kampus memberikan edukasi kepada mahasiswa agar kedepannya generasi masa depan bangsa Indonesia tersebut mampu menghempang perpecahan. 

Ia juga memaparkan mengenai pentingnya melestarikan Pancasila agar NKRI bisa tetap berdiri kokoh di tengah berbagai ancaman yang ada. Menu­rutnya, Pancasila menjadi filter dari segala persoalan bangsa.

Sebelumnya, Rektor UNPRI Prof Dr Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes mengungkapkan, saat ini negara menghadapi berbagai permasalahan dalam masyarakat.

Ia menilai dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini permasalahan tersebut salah satunya bersumber dari lemahnya karakter bangsa. Selain itu, semakin menipisnya kepedulian warga negara terhadap empat pilar pembentuk karakter yakni Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. 

“Kami menyambut baik kegiatan sosialisasi ini dilaksanakan di Universitas Prima Indonesia,” ujarnya.

Menurutnya, Empat Pilar Kebangsaan memberikan pembelajaran lebih mengenai Pancasila, UUD 1945, NKRI, dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, guna meningkatkan kesadaran mahasiswa tentang kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara bersama masyarakat.



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Disebutkannya, gotong royong, toleransi, kerukunan dan hidup berdampingan merupakan nilai-nilai yang sejalan dengan Empat Pilar Kebangsaan. 

“Hal ini sangat penting bagi generasi sekarang yang lebih kita kenal dengan generasi milenial. Generasi ini harus menjadi motor untuk menyosialisasikan Empat Pilar Kebangsaan, baik di kampus maupun di lingkungan tempat tinggalnya masing-masing,” ucap rektor.

Rektor mengatakan, di era globalisasi dan maraknya budaya luar yang masuk ke Indonesia harus diimbangi dengan penguatan wawasan kebangsaan. Ia mengingatkan, budaya asing yang masuk tersebut dapat menyebabkan pengaruh negatif lebih banyak.

“Setelah mengikuti sosialisasi ini yang merupakan pembekalan Empat Pilar Kebangsaan kepada generasi muda, diharapkan dapat lebih memfilter sehingga kondusivitas NKRI terus terjaga,” harapnya.  

Dalam acara tersebut juga hadir orang tua siswa yang turut mengucapkan rasa syukur pihak kampus telah membantu memberikan keringanan dengan adanya bantuan KIP Kuliah Jalur Aspirasi terhadap mahasiswa yang secara ekonomi kurang mampu tetapi berprestasi akademik. Setiap tahun UNPRI memberikan bantuan itu untuk mahasiswa yang kurang mampu secara ekonomi.

Di tempat terpisah, Ketua BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn menyampaikan rasa terimakasihnya kepada DPR RI yang telah memilih UNPRI sebagai tempat penyelenggaraan sosialisasi 4 Pilar Kebangsaan oleh dr Sofyan Tan.

Tommy berharap, mahasiswa UNPRI dapat memenuhi ideologi kebangsaan setelah mengikuti sosialisasi 4 Pilar kebangsaan di UNPRI tersebut.

Tommy juga berpesan kepada mahasiswa UNPRI untuk dapat mengamalkan ilmu yang didapat baik di kampus maupun di lingkungan sehari hari. ***


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UNPRI Students Given Understanding of the 4 Pillars of Nationality from DPR Member Sofyan Tan | — Member of Commission X of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Dr. Sofyan Tan conveyed the Socialization of the 4 Pillars of the Nation and State to Prima Indonesia University (UNPRI) students who received the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) Aspiration Path Course on campus Jalan Cover Medan, Monday, April 25, 2022.

This North Sumatran (North Sumatra) assimilation figure stated that the values ​​of the nation and state are contained in 4 pillars, namely Pancasila as the basis or ideology of the nation and state, the 1945 Constitution as the basis of the state constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) as a form of state, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity). Ika as the national motto.

In the socialization which was also attended by the Founder of UNPRI Prof Dr dr I Nyoman Ehrich Lister MKes AIFM, Head of BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn, Chancellor of UNPRI Prof Dr Novalinda Ginting MKes, Deputy Chancellor (WR) I Abdi Dharma MKom WR III Said Rizal SHI MA, WR IV Dr.dr Ali Napiah Nasution MKT MKM and parents of students receiving KIPK Aspiration Pathways.

Sofyan Tan emphasized the importance of understanding the 4 Pillars of the Nation and the State, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

He said, understanding the 4 Pillars of the Nation and the State is very important for the younger generation as a unifying capital in the midst of differences and diversity that are the foundation of the country.

“These four pillars of nationality are very important for our country and nation, especially for the younger generation,” he said.



Sofyan Tan also hopes that UNPRI students can practice these 4 pillars in order to increase students’ awareness of living as a nation and state.

He also hopes that the campus will provide education to students so that future generations of the Indonesian nation will be able to avoid division.

He also explained the importance of preserving Pancasila so that the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia could remain strong in the midst of various threats. According to him, Pancasila is a filter for all national problems.

Previously, UNPRI Chancellor Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes revealed that currently the country is facing various problems in society.

He considered that in recent years, one of the problems stemmed from the weakness of the nation’s character. In addition, the citizens’ awareness of the four pillars of character building is depleting, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

“We welcome this socialization activity to be carried out at Prima Indonesia University,” he said.

According to him, the Four Pillars of Nationality provide more learning about Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, in order to increase students’ awareness of the life of the nation and state together with the community.



He stated that mutual cooperation, tolerance, harmony and coexistence are values ​​that are in line with the Four Pillars of Nationality.

“This is very important for the current generation, which we know better as the millennial generation. This generation must be a motor to socialize the Four Pillars of Nationality, both on campus and in their respective neighborhoods,” said the Chancellor.

The Chancellor said that in the era of globalization and the proliferation of foreign cultures entering Indonesia, it must be balanced with strengthening national insight. He warned that the incoming foreign culture could cause more negative influences.

“After participating in this socialization which is a briefing of the Four Pillars of Nationality to the younger generation, it is hoped that it can be more filtered so that the conduciveness of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is maintained,” he hoped.

The event was also attended by the parents of the students who expressed their gratitude to the campus for helping to provide relief with the assistance of the Aspiration Pathway KIP for students who are economically disadvantaged but have academic achievements. Every year UNPRI provides this assistance to students who are economically disadvantaged.

Separately, the Head of BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn expressed his gratitude to the Indonesian House of Representatives for choosing UNPRI as the venue for the socialization of the 4 Pillars of Nationality by Dr Sofyan Tan.

Tommy hopes that UNPRI students can fulfill the national ideology after participating in the socialization of the 4 Pillars of Nationality at UNPRI.

Tommy also advised UNPRI students to be able to apply the knowledge gained both on campus and in their daily environment. ***






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