Fakultas Agro Teknologi UNPRI – FP USU Teken MoA Bidang Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi

Fakultas Agro Teknologi UNPRI - FP USU Teken MoA Bidang Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi

Fakultas Agro Teknologi UNPRI – FP USU Teken MoA Bidang Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Fakultas Agro Teknologi Universitas Prima Indonesia dan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) menandatangani nota perjanjian kerjasama atau Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) dalam implementansi Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi.

Nota perjanjian tersebut ditandatangani Wakil Dekan I Fakultas Agro Teknologi UNPRI Suratni Afrianti ST MSi, dan Dekan Fakultas Pertanian USU Dr Ir Tavi Supriana MS.

“Penandatangan MoA ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) yang telah kami lakukan beberapa waktu lalu,” kata Wakil Dekan I Fakultas Agro Teknologi UNPRI Suratni Afrianti ST MSi, Sabtu, 30 April 2022.

Menurut Suratni, kerjasama antar perguruan tinggi merupakan suatu keharusan untuk memacu pelaksanaan tri darma perguruan tinggi. Apalagi, kini semua perguruan tinggi di dunia berlomba-lomba menggalang kerja sama.

Penandatangan MoA telah dilakukan di Gedung DH Penny Fakultas Pertanian USU, 28 April 2022. Hadir menyaksikan penandatangan tersebut dari pihak Fakultas Agro Teknologi UNPRI yakni Kaprodi Agribisnis Nur Ariyani Agustina SST MSi, Koordinator Penelitian dan Kerjasama Julaili Irni Ssi MSi. Sedangkan dari USU hadir Wakil Dekan 3 Prof Dr Ir Elisa Julianti MSi, Kaprodi Agroekoteknologi Dr Ir Nini Rahmawati MP.

Suratni menuturkan, kerjasama ini tujuannya untuk mengimplementasikan tri dharma perguruan tinggi, diantaranya di bidang pendidikan sebagai narasumber webinar, lokakarya, seminar.


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Selain itu, melakukan kolaborasi penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bersama serta mendukung program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka.

Suratni meyakini, kerjasama antara Fakultas Agro Teknologi UNPRI dan Fakultas Pertanian USU segera menghasilkan kegiatan-kegiatan dalam rangka implementasi terhadap tri darma perguruan tinggi.

Ia menilai, Fakultas Pertanian USU sangat layak menjadi mitra kerjasama bagi Fakultas Agro Teknologi UNPRI. Ia pun mengundang dekan FP USU dan lainnya mengunjungi kampus UNPRI dalam rangka mengimplementasikan MoA yang sudah ditandatangani itu.

Menyikapi hal tersebut, Dekan Fakultas Pertanian USU Dr Ir Tavi Supriana MS menyebut pihaknya akan melaksanakan isi yang termaktub dalam MoA. Terkait kolaborasi penelitian, ia menyatakan USU menyambut baik.

“Kami juga ingin kedua belah pihak melakukan riset bersama. Begitu juga dengan pengabdian masyarakat, jangan hanya perjanjian tertulis, tapi harus segera diimplementasikan,” pungkasnya.



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Hal senada juga diungkapkan Rektor UNPRI Prof Dr Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes menyebutkan, pihaknya menyambut baik dan mendukung kerjasama tersebut, dengan harapan kedepannya bersinergi bersama antara Fakultas Agro Teknologi UNPRI dengan Fakultas Pertanian USU, dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Sumatera Utara, khususnya di Medan.

Sementara di tempat terpisah Ketua BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn, Minggu, 1 Mei 2022, menyatakan, pihaknya mendukung kerjasama tersebut.

Menurut Tommy Leonard, dengan kerjasama ini dapat memperluas kemitraan dalam rangka penyelenggaraan seperti bidang pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. “Semoga kerjasama ini bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa UNPRI,” kata doktor muda ini. ***


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Faculty of Agro Technology UNPRI – FP USU Signs MoA for Higher Education Tri Dharma | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The Faculty of Agro Technology, University of Prima Indonesia and the Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra (USU) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

The memorandum of agreement was signed by Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Agro Technology UNPRI Suratni Afrianti ST MSi, and the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture USU Dr. Ir Tavi Supriana MS.

“The signing of this MoA is a follow-up to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that we did some time ago,” said Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Agro Technology UNPRI Suratni Afrianti ST MSi, Saturday, April 30, 2022.

According to Suratni, collaboration between universities is a must to spur the implementation of the tri dharma of higher education. Moreover, now all universities in the world are vying for cooperation.

The signing of the MoA was carried out at the DH Penny Building, Faculty of Agriculture, USU, 28 April 2022. Attending to witness the signing were from the Faculty of Agro Technology, UNPRI, namely the Head of Agribusiness Study Program Nur Ariyani Agustina SST MSi, Research and Cooperation Coordinator Julaili Irni Ssi MSi. Meanwhile, from USU, there were Deputy Dean 3 Prof. Dr. Ir Elisa Julianti MSi, Head of Agroecotechnology Study Program Dr. Ir Nini Rahmawati MP.



Suratni said that this collaboration aims to implement the tri dharma of higher education, including in the field of education as a resource for webinars, workshops, seminars.

In addition, conducting collaborative research and community service together and supporting the Merdeka Learning program at the Merdeka Campus.

Suratni believes that the collaboration between the Faculty of Agro Technology UNPRI and the Faculty of Agriculture of USU will immediately result in activities in the context of implementing the tri dharma of higher education.

He considered that the USU Faculty of Agriculture was very worthy of being a cooperation partner for the UNPRI Faculty of Agro Technology. He also invited the USU FP dean and others to visit the UNPRI campus in order to implement the signed MoA.



Responding to this, the Dean of the USU Faculty of Agriculture Dr. Ir Tavi Supriana MS said that his party would implement the contents contained in the MoA. Regarding research collaboration, he stated that USU welcomed it.

“We also want both parties to conduct joint research. Likewise with community service, not only written agreements, but must be implemented immediately,” he concluded.

The UNPRI Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, MKes, said that his party welcomes and supports this collaboration, with the hope that in the future there will be synergies between the Faculty of Agro Technology, UNPRI and the Faculty of Agriculture, USU, in improving the quality of education in North Sumatra, especially in Medan.

Meanwhile, in a separate place, the Head of BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn, Sunday, May 1, 2022, stated that his party supports this collaboration.

According to Tommy Leonard, this collaboration can expand partnerships in the context of implementation, such as in the fields of education, research, and community service. “Hopefully this collaboration will be useful for UNPRI students,” said the young doctor. ***





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