Erick Thohir Minta Mahasiswa UNPRI Adaptasi Era Society 5.0

Erick Thohir Minta Mahasiswa UNPRI Adaptasi Era Society 5.0

Erick Thohir Minta Mahasiswa UNPRI Adaptasi Era Society 5.0 | — Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir memberikan kuliah umum di Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) Medan dengan topic ‘Peluang dan Tantangan SDM di Era Society 5.0’, Jumat, 20 Mei 2022, di Hall Kampus Utama Jalan Sampul Medan, dihadiri ribuan lebih mahasiswa dan dosen.

Menurut Erick Thohir, tantangan Era Society 5.0 antara lain hilangnya sejumlah pekerjaan, seperti tenaga penyiapan makanan, tenaga administrasi kantor, tenaga jasa transportasi, tenaga produksi manufaktur non auto, tenaga kerja di bidang jasa kontruksi dan tenaga kerja di traditional farming.

Namun ia mengungkapkan, bahwa Era Society 5.0 juga membuka lapangan kerja baru, seperti Data Scientist & Analist, Artificial intelligence Expert, software & game developer, analis big data, Blck Chain developer, market research, biotechnology dan digital content.

“Oleh sebab itu, pada 3rd wave sekarang ini saya minta mahasiswa/i UNPRI harus segera melakukan adaptasi, jangan hanya menghindar dari masalah tapi harus terlibat memecahkan masalah. Kita butuh generasi muda yang mampu mengantisipasi perubahan teknologi. Jangan sampai lapangan kerja sekarang ini di Indonesia dimanfaatkan generasi muda negara lain. Kalau kalian tak mau berubah, tak mau beradaptasi, hanya menghindar dari masalah, maka rusaklah Indonesia,” tegasnya.

Erick Thohir menambahkan, saatnya knowledge base economy, yaitu kondisi ekonomi yang diisi oleh skill labor, diisi digitalization dan infrastruktur. “Indonesia telat membangun infrastruktur. Baru di era pemerintahan Jokowi infrastruktur dibangun secara masif,” ujarnya.

Ia menambahkan, saat ini lapangan kerja diisi 4 juta tenaga ASN dan 1,6 juta pegawai BUMN. ”Tidak mungkin negara ini dibangun hanya oleh 5,6 juta orang tersebut. Secara total ada 17 juta lapangan kerja, maka Anda mahasiswa UNPRI selaku generasi penerus harus mengambil peran. Kami dari Kementerian BUMN mendorong lahirnya talent-talent digital di BUMN,” katanya.


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Sebelumnya, Rektor UNPRI Prof Dr Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes menyampaikan Kampus UNPRI yang terus tumbuh dan berkembang lewat pembangunan sarana dan prasarana, apalagi di Era Society 5.0 dimana teknologi menjadi bagian dari hidup, pihaknya akan berkomitmen menjalankan program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM).

“Untuk itu kami dari UNPRI memohon kesediaan Menteri BUMN menjalin kerjasama supaya mahasiswa UNPRI bisa menjalankan program Magang Bersertifikat di perusahaan-perusahaan BUMN,” ujarnya.

Turut hadir dalam acara tersebut, Pendiri UNPRI Prof Dr dr I Nyoman Ehrich Lister MKes AIFM, Komisaris Utama PT Royal Prima Tbk Dr Heriyanti SH MKn, Ketua BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn, Koordinator Sekolah Global Prima Dr.Willy Tanjaya SH MKn, tokoh masyarakat Sumut yang juga Pembina UNPRI Dr. RE Nainggolan MM, dosen, mahasiswa dan undangan lainnya.

Sementara itu, di tempat terpisah Ketua BPH UNPRI, Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn menyampaikan terimakasih atas dorongan dan semangat yang diberikan Bapak Erick Thohir kepada mahasiswa UNPRI pada Kuliah Umum di UNPRI.

“Semoga, apa yang disampaikan oleh Menteri BUMN dapat dipahami dan diterapkan oleh mahasiswa UNPRI,” kata doktor muda ini. ***


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Erick Thohir Asks UNPRI Students to Adapt Era of Society 5.0 | — SOE Minister Erick Thohir gave a public lecture at the Prima Indonesia University (UNPRI) Medan with the topic ‘Human Resources Opportunities and Challenges in the Era of Society 5.0’, Friday, 20 May 2022, at the Main Campus Hall Jalan Sampul Medan, attended by more than a thousand students and lecturers.

According to Erick Thohir, the challenges of Era Society 5.0 include the loss of a number of jobs, such as food preparation staff, office administration staff, transportation service personnel, non-auto manufacturing production workers, construction services workers and workers in traditional farming.

However, he revealed that Era Society 5.0 also opened up new job opportunities, such as Data Scientist & Analyst, Artificial intelligence Expert, software & game developer, big data analyst, Black Chain developer, market research, biotechnology and digital content.

“Therefore, in the current 3rd wave, I ask UNPRI students to immediately adapt, not only to avoid problems but to be involved in solving problems. We need a young generation who is able to anticipate technological changes. Do not let the current job opportunities in Indonesia be used by the younger generation of other countries. If you don’t want to change, don’t want to adapt, just avoid problems, then Indonesia will be ruined,” he said.

Erick Thohir added that it was time for the knowledge base economy, namely economic conditions filled with labor skills, digitalization and infrastructure. “Indonesia is late in building infrastructure. It was only during the Jokowi era that infrastructure was built massively,” he said.



He added that currently there are 4 million ASN employees and 1.6 million BUMN employees. “It is impossible for this country to be built by only those 5.6 million people. In total there are 17 million jobs, so you UNPRI students as the next generation must take a role. We from the Ministry of SOEs encourage the birth of digital talents in SOEs,” he said.

Previously, UNPRI Chancellor Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes said that the UNPRI Campus which continues to grow and develop through the construction of facilities and infrastructure, especially in the Era of Society 5.0 where technology is part of life, his party will be committed to running the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program.

“For this reason, we from UNPRI ask for the willingness of the Minister of BUMN to cooperate so that UNPRI students can carry out Certified Internship programs in BUMN companies,” he said.

Also attending the event were UNPRI Founder Prof Dr dr I Nyoman Ehrich Lister MKes AIFM, President Commissioner of PT Royal Prima Tbk Dr Heriyanti SH MKn, Head of BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn, Global Prima School Coordinator Dr.Willy Tanjaya SH MKn, prominent figures the people of North Sumatra who are also UNPRI Trustees Dr. RE. Nainggolan MM, lecturers, students and other invitees.

Meanwhile, in a separate place, the Head of BPH UNPRI, Dr. Tommy Leonard SH MKn, expressed his gratitude for the encouragement and enthusiasm given by Mr. Erick Thohir to UNPRI students during the Public Lecture at UNPRI.

“Hopefully, what was conveyed by the Minister of SOEs can be understood and applied by UNPRI students,” said the young doctor. ***





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