Mendag Lutfi Dorong Pelaku Usaha dan Eksportir Manfaatkan Implementasi Persetujuan IA-CEPA

Mendag Lutfi Dorong Pelaku Usaha dan Eksportir Manfaatkan Implementasi Persetujuan IA-CEPA

Mendag Lutfi Dorong Pelaku Usaha dan Eksportir Manfaatkan Implementasi Persetujuan IA-CEPA | — Menteri Perdagangan (Mendag), Muhammad Lutfi mengungkapkan, Kementerian Perdagangan mendorong para pelaku usaha dan eksportir untuk memaksimalkan pemanfaatan implementasi Persetujuan Kemitraan Ekonomi Komprehensif Indonesia Australia (Indonesia-Australia-Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement/IA-CEPA).

Memdag Lutfi bilang, jika dimanfaatkan dengan baik, IA-CEPA ini dapat mendorong perdagangan kedua negara sekaligus meningkatkan ekspor Indonesia ke Negeri Kanguru tersebut.
“Hingga Maret 2022, nilai total perdagangan Indonesia dan Australia tercatat sebesar USD 2,79 miliar, turun 2,31 persen dibanding periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya,” sebutnya.

Sementara pada 2021, perdagangan kedua negara tercatat sebesar USD 12,6 miliar, naik 76,84 persen dibandingkan Tahun 2020 sebesar USD 7,15 miliar.

Ekspor nonmigas utama Indonesia ke Australia di antaranya produk bagian elektronik, kayu tropis, pupuk, besi baja, serta emas. Sedangkan impor Indonesia dari Australia di antaranya biji besi dan konsentratnya, batu bara bitumen, gandum dan meslin, biji besi, serta gula.

Implementasi IA-CEPA merupakan satu di antara isu yang diangkat pada pertemuan bilateral antara Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dengan Perdana Menteri Australia Anthony Albanese, di Istana Kepresidenan Bogor, Jawa Barat, Senin, 6 Juni 2022.

Mendag Lutfi menyampaikan, pernyataan Presiden Joko Widodo agar pemanfaatan terhadap IA-CEPA dapat dioptimalisasi, sehingga perluasan akses pasar, peningkatan standardisasi dan ekosistem sektor-sektor industri unggul, serta peningkatan keterampilan dan pelatihan untuk sektor strategis, dapat terlaksana dengan baik.

Pada pertemuan tersebut, lanjut Mendag Lutfi, Presiden Jokowi berharap Australia dapat memberikan perhatian khusus dalam pembukaan akses untuk produk-produk unggulan dan bernilai tambah, seperti otomotif.


Bacaan Lainnya


Lepas Ekspor

Sebelumnya, Presiden Jokowi juga telah melepas ekspor pertama kendaraan buatan Indonesia ke Australia pada Februari lalu.

Menurut Presiden Jokowi, capaian ini semakin memberikan kepercayaan terhadap kualitas produk-produk Indonesia dan membuka akses bagi produk-produk Indonesia lainnya. ***


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Minister of Trade Lutfi Encourages Business Actors and Exporters to Take Advantage of the Implementation of the IA-CEPA Agreement | — The Minister of Trade, Muhammad Lutfi, said that the Ministry of Trade encourages business players and exporters to maximize the use of the implementation of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA).

Trade Minister Lutfi said, if used properly, the IA-CEPA could encourage trade between the two countries while increasing Indonesia’s exports to the Kangaroo Country.

“Until March 2022, the total trade value between Indonesia and Australia was recorded at USD 2.79 billion, down 2.31 percent compared to the same period the previous year,” he said.

Meanwhile, in 2021, trade between the two countries was recorded at USD 12.6 billion, up 76.84 percent compared to 2020 which was USD 7.15 billion.

Indonesia’s main non-oil and gas exports to Australia include electronic parts, tropical wood, fertilizers, steel and gold. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s imports from Australia include iron ore and concentrates, bituminous coal, wheat and meslin, iron ore and sugar.

The implementation of the IA-CEPA was one of the issues raised at the bilateral meeting between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Monday, June 6, 2022.

Minister of Trade Lutfi conveyed President Joko Widodo’s statement that the utilization of the IA-CEPA can be optimized, so that the expansion of market access, improvement of standardization and ecosystem of superior industrial sectors, as well as improvement of skills and training for strategic sectors, can be carried out properly.

At the meeting, continued Trade Minister Lutfi, President Jokowi hopes that Australia can pay special attention to opening access to superior and value-added products, such as automotive.



Off Export

Previously, President Jokowi had also released the first export of Indonesian-made vehicles to Australia last February.

According to President Jokowi, this achievement has increasingly given confidence in the quality of Indonesian products and opened up access for other Indonesian products. ***





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