Mendag Blusukan Keliling Pasar Kosambi Bandung Cek Harga Sembako

Mendag Blusukan Keliling Pasar Kosambi Bandung Cek Harga Sembako

Mendag Blusukan Keliling Pasar Kosambi Bandung Cek Harga Sembako | — Menteri Perdagangan (Mendag), Zulkifli Hasan kembali melakukan blusukan ke pasar dan bertemu pedagang, mengecek harga minyak goreng dan bahan-bahan pokok di Pasar Kosambi, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Kamis, 23 Juni 2022.

Mendag Zulkifli Hasan memastikan stok sembako khususnya minyak goreng (migor) tersedia dengan baik dan harga stabil. Turut mendampingi Mendag yaitu Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Perdagangan Suhanto dan Direktur Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Oke Nurwan.

“Saya memastikan, keliling ke pasar-pasar. Kalau di satu pasar di Kota Bandung ini, Pasar Kosambi, ini malah lebih, stoknya lebih. Artinya itu orang sudah enggak antre, mungkin membeli seperlunya karena barangnya tersedia, harganya stabil,” tegas Mendag Zulkifli Hasan.

Mendag Zulkifli Hasan melanjutkan, di Pasar Kosambi Bandung saat ini juga tidak ada lagi masyarakat yang mengantre minyak goreng. Harga minyak goreng curah di Pasar Kosambi Bandung, Jawa Barat sudah normal Rp14.000/liter.

“Ini sudah tidak ada antre atau rebutan lagi ya, tidak adalagi, sudah aman. Jadi Rp14.000/liter itu di sini, belum di tempat lain, sudah terjamin,” beber Mendag.

Mendag mengungkapkan, Kementerian Perdagangan akan berkoordinasi dengan pelaku usaha minyak goreng untuk mengadakan minyak goreng curah kemasan sederhana dengan merk ‘MinyakKita”.

Tujuannya agar masyarakat dapat membeli minyak goreng curah dalam kemasan sederhana di ritel modern dengan harga Rp14.000/liter dengan lebih aman dan higienis.

“Saya akan undang pengusaha-pengusaha, produsen minyak goreng, untuk mengemas minyak curah menjadi kemasan sederhana. Sehingga nanti masyarakat, ibu-bu, kalau dia belanja ke supermarket, ada minyak goreng yang harganya Rp14.000/liter dengan merek Minyakita,” terang Mendag Zulkifli Hasan.


Bacaan Lainnya

Harga Sembako Stabil

Dalam sidak tersebut, Mendag Zulhas juga melihat dan meninjau sejumlah harga bahan-bahan pokok.
”Harga sembako stabil, tidak ada kenaikan lagi. Bahkan harga cabai cenderung turun,” tegas Mendag Zulkifli Hasan.

Menurut Mendag Zulkifli Hasan, harga cabai merah keriting sebelumnya terpantau Rp100.000/kg lebih, sekarang sudah turun menjadi Rp80.000/kg.

“Cabai rawit kemarin saya tanya di Pasar Cibubur Rp120.000/kg sekarang sudah Rp100.000/kg, jadi cenderung turun,” pungkas Mendag Zulkifli Hasan.

Berdasarkan pantauan, beras medium dijual dengan harga Rp10.000/kg, beras premium Rp13.000/kg, gula pasir Rp14.000/kg, tepung terigu Rp10.000-11.000/kg, daging sapi Rp150.000/kg, daging ayam Rp37.000/kg, telur ayam Rp30.000/kg, cabai merah keriting Rp80.000/kg, cabai merah besar Rp90.000/kg, cabai rawit merah Rp100.000/kg, bawang merah Rp60.000/kg, bawang putih honan Rp30.000/kg, dan bawang putih kating Rp40.000/kg. ***

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Minister of Trade Blusukan Tours Kosambi Market in Bandung Checks Prices of Basic Foods | — Minister of Trade (Minister of Trade), Zulkifli Hasan again visited the market and met with traders, checking the prices of cooking oil and basic ingredients at Kosambi Market, Bandung, West Java, Thursday, June 23, 2022.

The Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan, ensured that the stock of basic necessities, especially cooking oil (migor), was well available and prices were stable. Accompanying the Minister of Trade were the Secretary General of the Ministry of Trade, Suhanto, and the Director General of Domestic Trade, Oke Nurwan.

“I made sure, went around the markets. In one market in Bandung City, Kosambi Market, this is even more, more stock. This means that people are no longer queuing up, maybe buying what they need because the goods are available, the price is stable,” said Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan continued, at Kosambi Market, Bandung, there are currently no longer people waiting in line for cooking oil. The price of bulk cooking oil at the Kosambi Market in Bandung, West Java has returned to normal at Rp. 14,000/liter.

“There’s no queuing or fighting anymore, no more, it’s safe. So the Rp14,000/liter here, not elsewhere, is guaranteed,” explained the Trade Minister.

The Minister of Trade revealed that the Ministry of Trade will coordinate with cooking oil businesses to procure simple packaged bulk cooking oil with the brand ‘MiyakKita’.

The goal is that people can buy bulk cooking oil in simple packaging at modern retail at a price of Rp. 14,000/liter more safely and hygienically.

“I will invite entrepreneurs, cooking oil producers, to package bulk oil into simple packages. So that later on, ladies and gentlemen, when they shop at the supermarket, there will be cooking oil that costs Rp. 14,000/liter with the Oilita brand,” explained Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan.



Stable Food Prices

During the inspection, the Minister of Trade Zulhas also saw and reviewed a number of prices for basic materials.
“Prices of basic necessities are stable, there is no further increase. Even chili prices tend to go down,” said Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

According to Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan, the price of curly red chili was previously observed to be over IDR 100,000/kg, now it has dropped to IDR 80,000/kg.

“Yesterday, I asked for cayenne pepper at Cibubur Market for Rp. 120,000/kg, now it is Rp. 100,000/kg, so it tends to go down,” concluded Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

Based on observations, medium rice is sold at Rp. 10,000/kg, premium rice at Rp. 13,000/kg, granulated sugar at Rp. 14,000/kg, wheat flour at Rp. 10,000-11,000/kg, beef at Rp. 150,000/kg, and chicken. Rp37,000/kg, chicken eggs Rp30,000/kg, curly red chili Rp80,000/kg, large red chili Rp90,000/kg, red chili pepper Rp100,000/kg, shallots Rp60,000/kg, onions honan white Rp. 30,000/kg, and kating garlic Rp. 40,000/kg. ***






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