Mendag: RI – AS Sepakat Pererat Hubungan Ekonomi di Kawasan

Mendag: RI - AS Sepakat Pererat Hubungan Ekonomi di Kawasan

Mendag: RI – AS Sepakat Pererat Hubungan Ekonomi di Kawasan | — Menteri Perdagangan (Mendag), Zulkifli Hasan menerima kunjungan (courtesy call) Duta Besar Amerika Serikat (AS) untuk Indonesia, Sung Kim di Kantor Kementerian Perdagangan, Jakarta, Selasa, 28 Juni 2022.

Pada pertemuan tersebut, Mendag Zulkifli Hasan bercerita bahwa kedua negara (RI – AS) telah sepakat memperkuat kerjasama perdagangan untuk memulihkan ekonomi pascapandemi dan mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi di kawasan Indo-Pasifik.

“Kami mengapresiasi dan menyambut baik upaya AS untuk menjalankan inisiatif Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF). Hal ini untuk memastikan pertumbuhan ekonomi di kawasan Indo-Pasifik yang saling menguntungkan, inklusif dan terbuka,” ujar Mendag Zulkifli Hasan.

Mendag Zulkifli Hasan melanjutkan, setidaknya tiga elemen penting yang menjadi perhatian Indonesia terkait inisiatif tersebut, yaitu unsur fleksibilitas, arah dan prosedur yang jelas, serta keterbukaan dalam pembahasan Pilar IPEF.

Selain itu, skema IPEF harus disinergikan dengan skema ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) yang lebih dulu ada.

Mendag Zulkifli Hasan juga menyampaikan, Indonesia dan AS dapat semakin mempererat hubungan bilateral yang sudah terjalin sejak 73 tahun yang lalu. Di antaranya dengan adanya inisiatif Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) yang sudah terbentuk sejak 1996.


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“Melalui forum TIFA, kedua negara dapat saling membahas mengenai isu-isu perdagangan dan investasi, serta berbagai potensi kerjasama. Diharapkan pertemuan TIFA Tingkat Menteri dapat terlaksana,” ungkap Mendag Zulkifli Hasan.

Terkait fasilitas Generalized System of Preference (GSP), Mendag Zulkifli Hasan turut menyampaikan pentingnya otorisasi pemberlakuan kembali GSP bagi Indonesia. Produk Indonesia yang mayoritas merupakan produk usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM) akan melengkapi kebutuhan industri AS bukan sebagai pesaing. Selain itu, Indonesia siap menjadi pemasok alternatif industri AS dengan kualitas dan harga yang bersaing.

“Oleh karena itu, keputusan dan dukungan Kongres AS untuk segera mengesahkan kembali pemberian fasilitas GSP untuk Indonesia sangat berperan besar dalam mendorong pembangunan ekonomi kedua negara,” ujar Mendag Zulkifli Hasan.

Terkait G20, Mendag Zulkifli Hasan mengapresiasi dukungan AS terhadap Presidensi G20 tahun ini. Mendag berharap, dukungan AS akan membantu negara anggota G20 untuk menghasilkan capaian-capaian dan agenda prioritas G20 yang bermanfaat.

Dalam memperkuat kerjasama perdagangan bilateral, Dubes Kim menyampaikan perlunya meningkatkan potensi komoditas pertanian antara Indonesia dengan AS yang sampai saat ini baru terealisasi sekitar 30 persen menjadi dua kali lipat di tahun mendatang.

“Kami akan berupaya semaksimal mungkin mendorong pelaku usaha untuk memanfaatkan akses produk pertanian di Indonesia yang sudah terbuka dan siap untuk dioptimalkan,” ujar Dubes Kim.



Perdagangan Indonesia dan AS

Pada periode Januari-April 2022, total perdagangan Indonesia dan AS tercatat sebesar USD13,77 miliar, atau naik 26,65 persen dari periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya yang tercatat sebesar USD 10,87 miliar.

Sementara pada 2021, total perdagangan kedua negara tercatat sebesar USD37,02 miliar, naik siginifikan sebesar 36 persen dibanding tahun sebelumnya yang tercatat sebesar USD27,20miliar. Pada 2021, ekspor Indonesia ke AS tercatat sebesar USD 25,77 miliar sedangkan impor dari AS ke Indonesia tercatat sebesar USD11,25 miliar.

Dengan demikian Indonesia mencatatkan surplus USD14,52 miliar. Komoditas ekspor andalan Indonesia ke AS pada 2021 adalah minyak sawit, krustasea hidup, alas kaki dari bahan kulit, krustasea dan moluska, serta furnitur. Sementara impor utama Indonesia dari AS adalah minyak bumi, kedelai, vaksin, residu pembuatan pati, dan tepung. ***

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Minister of Trade: RI – US Agree to Strengthen Economic Relations in the Region | — The Minister of Trade (Minister of Trade), Zulkifli Hasan received a courtesy call from the United States (US) Ambassador to Indonesia, Sung Kim at the Ministry of Trade Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, June 28, 2022.

At the meeting, Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said that the two countries (RI-US) had agreed to strengthen trade cooperation to restore the post-pandemic economy and accelerate economic growth in the Indo-Pacific region.

“We appreciate and welcome the US efforts to carry out the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) initiative. This is to ensure economic growth in the Indo-Pacific region that is mutually beneficial, inclusive and open,” said Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan continued, at least three important elements have become Indonesia’s attention regarding this initiative, namely the elements of flexibility, clear directions and procedures, and openness in the discussion of the IPEF Pillars.

In addition, the IPEF scheme must be synergized with the previous ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) scheme.

Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan also said that Indonesia and the US can further strengthen bilateral relations that have existed since 73 years ago. One of them is the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) initiative which has been formed since 1996.



“Through the TIFA forum, the two countries can discuss trade and investment issues, as well as various potential collaborations. It is hoped that the TIFA Ministerial Level meeting can be held,” said Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

Regarding the Generalized System of Preference (GSP) facility, the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan also conveyed the importance of authorizing the reinstatement of the GSP for Indonesia. Indonesian products, which are mostly small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will complement the needs of the US industry, not as competitors. In addition, Indonesia is ready to become an alternative supplier to the US industry with competitive quality and price.

“Therefore, the decision and support of the US Congress to immediately re-authorize the granting of GSP facilities to Indonesia plays a major role in encouraging the economic development of the two countries,” said Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

Regarding the G20, Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan appreciated the US support for this year’s G20 Presidency. The Minister of Trade hopes that US support will help G20 member countries to produce useful G20 achievements and priority agendas.

In strengthening bilateral trade cooperation, Ambassador Kim conveyed the need to increase the potential of agricultural commodities between Indonesia and the US, which has only been realized by around 30 percent in the coming year.

“We will make every effort to encourage business actors to take advantage of access to agricultural products in Indonesia, which are already open and ready to be optimized,” said Ambassador Kim.



Indonesia and US trade

In the January-April 2022 period, total trade between Indonesia and the US was recorded at USD13.77 billion, or an increase of 26.65 percent from the same period the previous year which was recorded at USD 10.87 billion.

Meanwhile, in 2021, the total trade between the two countries will be recorded at USD37.02 billion, a significant increase of 36 percent compared to the previous year which was recorded at USD27.20 billion. In 2021, Indonesia’s exports to the US will be recorded at USD 25.77 billion, while imports from the US to Indonesia will be recorded at USD 11.25 billion.

Thus, Indonesia recorded a surplus of USD14.52 billion. Indonesia’s mainstay export commodities to the US in 2021 are palm oil, live crustaceans, leather footwear, crustaceans and mollusks, and furniture. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s main imports from the US are crude oil, soybeans, vaccines, starch residues, and flour. ***






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