Kick Off Season 7 IndonesiaNEXT | 34 Digital Talent Terbaik Season 6 Terjaring

Kick Off Season 7 IndonesiaNEXT | 34 Digital Talent Terbaik Season 6 Terjaring

Kick Off Season 7 IndonesiaNEXT | 34 Digital Talent Terbaik Season 6 Terjaring | — Telkomsel secara konsisten berkontribusi nyata dalam membuka peluang akselerasikan pembangunan bangsa melalui pelaksanaan program tanggung jawab sosial unggulannya di bidang pendidikan, IndonesiaNEXT.

Di akhir bulan Juni 2022, Telkomsel menandai rampungnya tahun ke 6 pelaksanaan program tersebut dengan mengumumkan 34 digital talent terbaik dari 10.504 peserta dalam acara Crowning Season 6 sekaligus Kick-off Season 7.

Program IndonesiaNEXT sekaligus merupakan perwujudan komitmen Telkomsel selaku digital ecosystem enabler dalam meningkatkan kompetensi, kapabilitas, dan daya saing digital talents Indonesia.

IndonesiaNEXT merupakan salah satu program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) unggulan Telkomsel yang terbuka untuk seluruh mahasiswa di Indonesia dari segala jurusan, dengan jenjang studi mulai dari Diploma hingga S2.

Dalam penyelenggaraan Season 6-nya, IndonesiaNEXT juga membuka kesempatan bagi dosen dan tenaga pendidik untuk turut berpartisipasi. Kehadiran program IndonesiaNEXT Season 6 di tengah masa pandemi juga menghadirkan metode pembelajaran daring baru berpola merdeka belajar secara bersamaan (synchronous) maupun mandiri (asynchronous), guna menyesuaikan dengan kondisi kalender akademik, penerapan study from home (SFH), serta peta persebaran mahasiswa di seluruh Indonesia.

Dengan tema ‘Fortitude and Action’, tercatat sebanyak 10.504 pendaftar dari 695 perguruan tinggi menjalani serangkaian kegiatan pengembangan khusus pada program IndonesiaNEXT Season 6, mulai dari Inspiring Webinar, Hard Skills Training, International Certification, Soft Skills Training, hingga Area dan National Bootcamp.

Direktur Human Capital Management Telkomsel, Muharam Perbawamukti menjelaskan, melalui program IndonesiaNEXT, Telkomsel membuka peluang terus berkembang bagi digital talents, mulai dari mahasiswa, pelajar, dosen, hingga tenaga pengajar.


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INFO BISNISThe NextDev Upaya Bangkitkan Startup Digital Indonesia

Sebagai bagian dari tanggungjawab sosial Telkomsel dan untuk mendukung tercapainya Indonesia Emas 2045, IndonesiaNEXT menghadirkan serangkaian pelatihan dan sertifikasi profesi tingkat internasional, membangun fortitude dan action dalam jiwa peserta.

“Kami harap program ini dapat menjadi bekal bagi digital talents dalam melangkah maju, menghadapi persaingan global, serta menciptakan solusi dan inovasi terbaik,” kata Muharam.



Pengumuman IndonesiaNEXT Season 6

Telkomsel menutup program IndonesiaNEXT Season 6 dengan mengumumkan digital talents terbaiknya dalam acara Crowning Season 6. Sebanyak 34 digital talent terbaik dari 10.504 peserta telah tersaring melalui proses ujian International Certification, Soft Skills Assessment, dan Qualification Panels IndonesiaNEXT.

Lebih lanjut, panel IndonesiaNEXT mengukuhkan seorang mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor M. Justi Makmun Jusrin sebagai Best of The Best Talent di program IndonesiaNEXT Season 6, dengan presentasi implementasi teknologi digitalnya yang berjudul ‘Sistem Drone Termal Konservasif’.

Selepas mengapresiasi para peserta IndonesiaNEXT Season 6, Telkomsel kemudian mengumumkan berlanjutnya program IndonesiaNEXT ke Season 7 dengan konsep pelaksanaan daring dan materi pelatihan yang baru.




Sejak penyelenggaraan pertamanya pada 2016, IndonesiaNEXT telah menjangkau 34 provinsi dengan total pendaftar lebih dari 73 ribu mahasiswa dari lebih dari 2.900 perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.

Lebih dari 5.000 mahasiswa dan pelajar serta 200 dosen dan tenaga pengajar kini sudah mengantongi sertifikasi keahlian profesi internasional.

IndonesiaNEXT adalah perwujudan komitmen Telkomsel selaku digital ecosystem enabler untuk terus berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan kompetensi, kapabilitas, dan daya saing digital talents Indonesia.

“Kami berharap program CSR di bidang pendidikan ini dapat memunculkan dampak positif secara luas dan merata hingga ke seluruh penjuru tanah air. Melalui IndonesiaNEXT, kami berupaya membuka peluang bagi para pemuda untuk menjangkau pendidikan, untuk mengolah potensi keahlian, serta untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri mereka. Semoga bekal dan pengalaman yang didapat oleh para peserta bisa memberikan manfaat sebesar-besarnya dan membuka peluang untuk kemajuan bangsa Indonesia,” ucap Muharam.

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai program IndonesiaNEXT dapat diakses di dan media sosial @IndonesiaNEXT. ***

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Kick Off Season 7 IndonesiaNEXT | 34 Best Digital Talent Season 6 Netted | — Telkomsel has consistently contributed significantly in opening up opportunities to accelerate national development through the implementation of its leading social responsibility program in the field of education, IndonesiaNEXT.

At the end of June 2022, Telkomsel marked the completion of the 6th year of implementing the program by announcing the 34 best digital talents from 10,504 participants in the Crowning Season 6 event as well as Kick-off Season 7.

The IndonesiaNEXT program is also a manifestation of Telkomsel’s commitment as a digital ecosystem enabler in increasing the competence, capability, and competitiveness of Indonesia’s digital talents.

IndonesiaNEXT is one of Telkomsel’s flagship Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs which is open to all students in Indonesia from all majors, with study levels ranging from Diploma to Masters.

In organizing its Season 6, IndonesiaNEXT also opens opportunities for lecturers and teaching staff to participate. The presence of the IndonesiaNEXT Season 6 program in the midst of the pandemic also presents a new online learning method with a pattern of independent learning to learn simultaneously (synchronously) and independently (asynchronously), in order to adapt to the conditions of the academic calendar, the application of study from home (SFH), as well as a map of the distribution of students across the country. Indonesia.

With the theme ‘Fortitude and Action’, there were 10,504 registrants from 695 universities undergoing a series of special development activities for the IndonesiaNEXT Season 6 program, ranging from Inspiring Webinar, Hard Skills Training, International Certification, Soft Skills Training, to Area and National Bootcamp.

Telkomsel’s Director of Human Capital Management, Muharam Perbawamukti explained, through the IndonesiaNEXT program, Telkomsel opens up opportunities to continue to grow for digital talents, ranging from students, students, lecturers, to teaching staff.

As part of Telkomsel’s social responsibility and to support the achievement of Indonesia Gold 2045, IndonesiaNEXT presents a series of international level professional training and certifications, building fortitude and action in the souls of participants.

“We hope that this program can be a provision for digital talents to move forward, face global competition, and create the best solutions and innovations,” said Muharam.



Announcement of IndonesiaNEXT Season 6

Telkomsel closed the IndonesiaNEXT Season 6 program by announcing its best digital talents at the Crowning Season 6. A total of 34 of the best digital talents from 10,504 participants were screened through the International Certification, Soft Skills Assessment, and Qualification Panels IndonesiaNEXT exams.

Furthermore, the IndonesiaNEXT panel confirmed Bogor Agricultural University student M. Justi Makmun Jusrin as Best of The Best Talent in the IndonesiaNEXT Season 6 program, with a presentation on the implementation of digital technology entitled ‘Conservative Thermal Drone System’.

After appreciating the participants of IndonesiaNEXT Season 6, Telkomsel then announced the continuation of the IndonesiaNEXT program to Season 7 with the concept of online implementation and new training materials.




Since its first implementation in 2016, IndonesiaNEXT has reached 34 provinces with a total registrant of more than 73,000 students from more than 2,900 universities in Indonesia.

More than 5,000 students and students as well as 200 lecturers and teaching staff now have international professional expertise certifications.

IndonesiaNEXT is a manifestation of Telkomsel’s commitment as a digital ecosystem enabler to continue to contribute to increasing the competence, capability, and competitiveness of Indonesia’s digital talents.

“We hope that this CSR program in the field of education can have a positive impact widely and evenly throughout the country. Through IndonesiaNEXT, we seek to open opportunities for young people to reach education, to cultivate potential skills, and to increase their confidence. Hopefully the provisions and experiences gained by the participants can provide the greatest benefit and open up opportunities for the progress of the Indonesian nation,” said Muharam.

Further information about the IndonesiaNEXT program can be accessed at and social media @IndonesiaNEXT. ***






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