Singel Perdana DBANDIETS Band ‘Milikmu’ Tembus Industri Musik Indonesia

Singel Perdana DBANDIETS Band 'Milikmu' Tembus Industri Musik Indonesia

Singel Perdana DBANDIETS Band ‘Milikmu’ Tembus Industri Musik Indonesia | — Band asal Kota Medan bernama DBANDIETS Band telah berhasil menyelesaikan single hits perdana mereka yang berjudul “Milikimu” dan sudah berhasil merilis single perdana tersebut pada digital platform musik Indonesia, seperti spotify, youtube, facebook, instagram dan lainya.

Band ini sendiri berdiri tahun 2010 yang digawangi oleh tiga Personil tetap, Ary diposisi Bass, Dedi Ardiansyah di Guitar Melody dan Made (Tom Tom) diposisi Drumer, sekaligus penulis lagu di single perdana mereka

Keinginan DBandiets Band menembus industri musik Indonesia karena karya lagu yang diciptakan cukup diterima masyarakat umum di Kota Medan khususnya.

Ditambah, dengan masuknya dua personil baru yg sudah lama berkecimpung didunia musik Kota Medan, yaitu Ozi diposisi Guitar Rhyteem bersana suara khas dan garangnya Fuad Lubis pada posisi Vocalist Memberikan warna tersendiri di DBandiets Band.

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DBandiets Band memiliki beberapa karya, namun kali ini Dbandiets menyajikan singel hits perdana yg berjudul “Milikimu” dengan harapan lagu ini dapat diterima dan dinikmati masyarakat luas.

Genre PopRock yang diusung sesuai dengan karakter sang Vocalist Fuad Lubis menampilkan aura energik full power dan Dinamis. DBandiets Band masuk dalam daftar Band yang harus diperhitungkan.

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Memiliki bascamp yang beralamat di Jalan Garu III Kecamatan Medan Amplas, yanh menjadi markas kumpul dan berdiskusi membahas karya karya yang akan mereka suguhkan kedepannya.

DBandiets Band sudah menjadi bagian suksesnya Kota Medan yang melahirkan generasi para musisi di Indonesia. Mereka berharap bisa terus sukses dan berkarya. ***

google translate

Singel Perdana DBANDIETS Band ‘Milikmu’ Tembus Industri Musik Indonesia | — A band from Medan City named DBANDIETS Band has successfully completed their first hit single entitled “Milikimu” and has successfully released the debut single on Indonesian digital music platforms, such as Spotify, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and others.

The band itself was founded in 2010 which was fronted by three permanent personnel, Ary in the Bass position, Dedi Ardiansyah in Guitar Melody and Made (Tom Tom) in the Drummer position, as well as songwriters on their debut single.

DBandiets Band’s desire to penetrate the Indonesian music industry is because the songs that are created are quite accepted by the general public in the city of Medan in particular.

Plus, with the entry of two new personnel who have been in the music world for a long time in Medan, namely Ozi in the Guitar Rhyteem position with the distinctive and fierce voice of Fuad Lubis in the Vocalist position.

DBandiets Band has several works, but this time Dbandiets presents its first hits single entitled “Milikimu” with the hope that this song can be accepted and enjoyed by the wider community.



The PopRock genre that is carried according to the character of the Vocalist Fuad Lubis displays a full power and dynamic energetic aura. DBandiets Band is on the list of bands to be reckoned with.

Having a bascamp which is located at Jalan Garu III, Medan Amplas District, which is the headquarters for gathering and discussing the works that they will present in the future.

DBandiets Band has become a part of the success of Medan City which gave birth to a generation of musicians in Indonesia. They hope to continue to be successful and work. ***






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