Bisnis Hari Ini: Inilah Lokasi Pendaftaran Wilayah Sumut | — Executive General Manager PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut, Putut Andriatno mengapresiasi masyarakat yang telah mendukung Program Subsidi Tepat dengan telah melakukan pendaftaran melalui website dan Aplikasi MyPertamina.
“Pendaftaran ini ditujukan agar penyaluran BBM subsidi baik Solar maupun Pertalite tepat sesuai dengan segmen yang diatur oleh pemerintah. Pendaftaran ini juga untuk melindungi konsumen yang berhak,” ujar Putut di Medan, Kamis, 28 Juli 2022.
BISNIS HARI INI: Pertamina Jadikan Siantar dan Sibolga Pilot Project Registrasi Subsidi Tepat
Ia menjelaskan, pihaknya juga telah membuka booth pendaftaran langsung di beberapa SPBU untuk membantu dan mempermudah akses masyarakat dalam melakukan pendaftaran Program Subsidi Tepat.
Adapun lokasi pendaftaran Subsidi Tepat di Sumatera Utara (Sumut) tersebut adalah SPBU 14.225.311 Jalan S. Parman, Ps Baru, Sibolga, SPBU 14.225.314 Jalan Sibolga-Tarutung, Pancuran Gerobak, Sibolga, SPBU 14.225.315 Jalan Padangsidempuan, Sibuluan Nalambok, Sarudik, Tapanuli Tengah. SPBU 14.225.324 Jalan Padangsidempuan, Sibuluan Indah Pandan, Tapanuli Tengah.
Selain itu itu, tersedia juga booth pendaftaran di Pematangsiantar berlokasi di SPBU 14.211.205 Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani dan SPBU 14.226.342, Jalan Padangsidempuan No. 157 Lopian, Badiri.
“Saat ini seluruh proses pendaftaran masih terus berlangsung dan khusus di Sumut, kami telah membuka booth pendaftaran langsung di Sibolga, Tapanuli Tengah dan Pematangsiantar,” katanya.
BISNIS HARI INI: Subholding Gas Pertamina Percepat Transformasi Bisnis Berbasis Digital
Dijelaskan Putut, untuk mempermudah proses pendaftaran baik secara mandiri maupun di booth, konsumen perlu menyiapkan dokumen yang nantinya akan diupload melalui website yaitu Foto KTP, Foto Diri, Foto STNK (tampak depan dan belakang), Foto Kendaraan tampak keseluruhan, Foto Kendaraan tampak depan Nomor Polisi dan untuk konsumen layanan umum atau non-kendaraan juga menyiapkan Foto Surat Rekomendasi dan Foto KIR.
Menurutnya, hingga 27 Juli lalu masyarakat Sumatera Utara yang sudah mendaftar mencapat 3160 pendaftar. Ke depan, Program Subsidi Tepat ini akan disinergikan dengan regulasi penetapan penyaluran BBM subsidi yang ditentukan pemerintah.
Sebagai informasi, sesuai Kepmen ESDM nomor 37.K/HK.02/MEM.M/2022, bahan bakar jenis Pertalite ditetapkan sebagai BBM Penugasan oleh Pemerintah. Selain itu, dipilihnya proses pendaftaran melalui website ini pun bukan tanpa alasan. Sesuai Peraturan BPH Migas No. 06/2013, penggunaan sistem teknologi IT dalam penyaluran BBM dapat dilakukan. Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai mekanisme penyaluran subsidi tepat sasaran dapat menghubungi Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135 serta sosial media resmi @ptpertaminapatraniaga dan @mypertamina. ***
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Business Today: This is the Location for Subsidy North Sumatra Region | — Executive General Manager of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut, Putut Andriatno appreciates the people who have supported the Right Subsidy Program by registering through the website and the MyPertamina Application.
“This registration is intended so that the distribution of subsidized fuel, both Solar and Pertalite, is in accordance with the segments regulated by the government. This registration is also to protect entitled consumers,” said Putut in Medan, Thursday, July, 28, 2022.
He explained that his party had also opened direct registration booths at several gas stations to assist and facilitate public access in registering the Appropriate Subsidy Program.
The details of the Right Subsidy registration location in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) are gas station 14,225,311 Jalan S. Parman, Ps Baru, Sibolga, gas station 14,225,314 Jalan Sibolga-Tarutung, Pancuran Gerobak, Sibolga, gas station 14,225,315 Jalan Padangsidempuan, Sibuluan Nalambok, Sarudik, Central Tapanuli. Gas station 14,225,324 Jalan Padangsidempuan, Sibuluan Indah Pandan, Central Tapanuli.
In addition, there is also a registration booth at Pematangsiantar located at SPBU 14,211,205 Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani and SPBU 14,226,342, Jalan Padangsidempuan No. 157 Lopian, Badiri.
“Currently the entire registration process is still ongoing and specifically in North Sumatra, we have opened direct registration booths in Sibolga, Central Tapanuli and Pematangsiantar,” he said, Thursday, July 28, 2022.
Putut explained, to simplify the registration process both independently and at the booth, consumers need to prepare documents that will later be uploaded via the website, namely photo ID cards, self photos, vehicle registration photos (front and back view), vehicle photos overall view, vehicle photos front view number Police and for consumers of public services or non-vehicles also prepare Photo of Recommendation Letter and Photo of KIR.
According to him, until July 27, the people of North Sumatra who have registered have reached 3160 registrants. In the future, the Appropriate Subsidy Program will be synergized with the regulation on the distribution of subsidized fuels determined by the government.
For information, according to the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources number 37.K/HK.02/MEM.M/2022, Pertalite type fuel is designated as Assignment Fuel by the Government. In addition, the choice of the registration process through this website is not without reason. According to BPH Migas Regulation No. 06/2013, the use of IT technology systems in the distribution of fuel can be done. For further information regarding the mechanism for distributing targeted subsidies, please contact the Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135 and the official social media @ptpertaminapatraniaga and @mypertamina. ***