Bisnis Hari Ini: Telkomsel Siapkan Jaringan Broadband Terbaik Sukseskan Danau Toba Rally 2022

Bisnis Hari Ini: Telkomsel Siapkan Jaringan Broadband Terbaik Sukseskan Danau Toba Rally 2022

Bisnis Hari Ini: Telkomsel Siapkan Jaringan Broadband Terbaik Sukseskan Danau Toba Rally 2022 | — Telkomsel memastikan kesiapan akses jaringan broadband berteknologi terdepan untuk mendukung kenyamanan konektivitas digital di Kejurnas Rally Danau Toba Rally 2022 yang akan diselenggarakan pada 5 – 7 Agustus di Kabupaten Simalungun, Sumatera Utara.

Kejurnas Rally yang akan diikuti oleh 50 tim dari seluruh Indonesia ini diperkirakan akan disaksikan langsung oleh ribuan penggemar rally nasional.

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Telkomsel telah memastikan kesiapan infrastruktur termasuk kapasitas dan kualitas jaringan broadband guna terpenuhinya kenyamanan akses konektivitas digital seluruh peserta dan penonton selama event berlangsung.

General Manager Network Service Assurance Sumbagut Telkomsel, Ardhiono Trilaksono mengatakan, Telkomsel siap menghadirkan jaringan terbaiknya untuk mensukseskan event Danau Toba Rally 2022 melalui dukungan fasilitas jaringan broadband 4G/LTE di lokasi-lokasi kritikal.



“Hal ini kami hadirkan untuk memastikan para peserta, penonton dan tamu undangan lainnya dapat tetap nyaman dan lancar berkomunikasi,” kata Ardhiono.

Untuk memastikan kelancaran jaringan komunikasi di lokasi gelaran Danau Toba Rally 2022, Telkomsel telah melakukan serangkaian drive test dan walk test jaringan di lokasi venue Hotel di sekitar Parapat, Bandara Udara Silangit serta beberapa tempat kritikal event seperti Terminal Sosor Saba Parapat dan Aek Nauli.

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Selain itu, Telkomsel juga menghadirkan booth produk dan pelayanan untuk memastikan kebutuhan produk bagi para peserta, penonton dan tamu undangan bisa dipenuhi.

“Dengan optimalisasi jaringan broadband 4G/LTE serta hadirnya booth produk dan layanan selama event berlangsung, Telkomsel berharap bisa turut mensukseskan event Danau Toba Rally 2022, khususnya dari sektor teknologi jaringan telekomunikasi. Telkomsel akan hadir membuka lebih banyak peluang untuk mendukung perkembangan ekosistem digital melalui berbagai produk dan layanan terdepan dalam mendukung seluruh kegiatan positif di Sumatera Utara,” ungkap Ardhiono. ***

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Business Today: Telkomsel Prepares Best Broadband Network to Succeed Lake Toba Rally 2022 | — Telkomsel ensures the readiness of broadband network access with advanced technology to support the convenience of digital connectivity at the 2022 Lake Toba Rally National Championship which will be held on August 5-7 in Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra.

The National Rally Championship which will be attended by 50 teams from all over Indonesia is expected to be witnessed by thousands of fans of the national rally.

Telkomsel has ensured the readiness of the infrastructure including the capacity and quality of the broadband network in order to fulfill the convenience of accessing digital connectivity for all participants and viewers during the event.

General Manager of Network Service Assurance of Sumbagut Telkomsel, Ardhiono Trilaksono, said that Telkomsel was ready to present its best network to make the Lake Toba Rally 2022 event a success through the support of 4G/LTE broadband network facilities in critical locations.



“We present this to ensure that participants, spectators and other invited guests can stay comfortable and communicate smoothly,” said Ardhiono.

To ensure the smooth communication network at the location of the 2022 Lake Toba Rally, Telkomsel has carried out a series of drive tests and network walk tests at hotel venues around Parapat, Silangit Airport as well as several critical event venues such as Saba Parapat and Aek Nauli Sosor Terminals.

In addition, Telkomsel also presents product and service booths to ensure product needs for participants, spectators and invited guests can be met.

“By optimizing the 4G/LTE broadband network as well as the presence of product and service booths during the event, Telkomsel hopes to be able to contribute to the success of the 2022 Lake Toba Rally event, especially from the telecommunications network technology sector. Telkomsel will be here to open more opportunities to support the development of the digital ecosystem through various leading products and services to support all positive activities in North Sumatra,” said Ardhiono. ***






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