Akhirnya Kapal MV Mathu Bhum Kembali Berlayar

Akhirnya Kapal MV Mathu Bhum Kembali Berlayar

Akhirnya Kapal MV Mathu Bhum Kembali Berlayar | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Akhirnya Kapal MV Mathu Bhum V.298 diizinkan berlayar kembali setelah keluarnya putusan Majelis Hakim dalam sidang perkara nomor 1548/Pid.B/2022/PN-Mdn, Kamis, 4 Agustus 2022.

Kini, Kapal MV Mathu Bhum V.298 bersandar di Pelabuhan PT Prima Terminal Petikemas, guna melakukan penurunan barang kontainer yang gagal eksport karena barang rusak atau putus kontrak oleh buyer dan barang yang masih layak dimuat kembali untuk dilanjutkan berlayar.

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“Rencananya, malam ini Kapal MV Mathu Bhum segera berlayar kembali menuju Port Klang, Malaysia,” ujar Ketua APINDO Sumut, Haposan Siallagan ketika meninjau langsung proses Kapal MV Mathu Bhum V.298 yang bersandar di Pelabuhan PT Prima Terminal Petikemas, Minggu, 7 Agustus 2022.

Dengan dilepaskan Kapal MV Mathu Bhum sejak kamis 4 Agustus 2022, Haposan Siallagan menyampaikan terimakasih kepada Kepala Staf Presiden, stakeholder terkait yaitu Kepala OP Belawan, Kepala Kesyahbandaran, Kepala Kantor Bea Cukai Belawan, Kepala Kejaksaaan Tinggi beserta kajari belawan, pihak Kepolisian serta semua pihak yang turut membantu proses percepatan permasalahan hukum MV Mathu Bhum, sehingga barang-barang ekportir yang sebelumnya tertahan dan terkatung katung ditengah laut, masih bisa dikirim dan barang yang rusak segera dapat diturunkan.



Menurut Haposan Siallagan, kerugian dari 93 hari penahanan kapal kargo MV Mathu Bhum V.298 cukup besar dialami para pelaku eksportir khususnya pelaku UMKM, perusahaan pelayaran, petani, nelayan, serta kerugian pendapatan devisa negara khususnya juga berdampak terhadap perekonomian Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Sumut) pasca covid 19.Akhirnya Kapal MV Mathu Bhum Kembali Berlayar-1

“Bukan itu saja kerugian yang paling besar, imbas kepercayaan dunia internasional terhadap bangsa Indonesia akibat dari barang-barang komoditi ekspor yang sudah dipesan dan bahkan sudah dibayar oleh buyer diluar negeri tapi barang tidak sampai karena kapal pengangkut tertahan, serta telah ternodai citra dunia usaha dalam negeri dimata dunia akibat kasus penahanan MV Mathu Bhum,” katanya.

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Haposan Siallagan menambahkan, atas kejadian kasus MV Mathu Bhum menjadi pelajaran yang berharga bagi dunia usaha. “Kita bisa ambil hikmah dari semua ini, jangan sampai kasus MV Mathu Bhum V.298 terulang lagi dikemudian hari. Pelaku usaha berharap kepada pemangku kebijakan di wilayah Otoritas Pelabuhan Belawan untuk saling berkoordinasi dengan baik dan profesional, agar dapat terciptanya dunia usaha yang baik, apalagi Pelabuhan Belawan sebagai unjung tombak pintu perekonomian Sumut,” beber Haposan Siallagan yang didampingi Wakil Ketua APINDO Sumut, Ng Pin Pin; Sekretaris APINDO Sumut, Endy Kartono; Bahari (Wakil Ketua); Bambang Suhermanto (Sekretaris Eksekutif); dan Edy Irwansyah (K.Bid DPP APINDO Sumut).

Kapal MV Mathu Bhum malam ini akan kembali berlayar dari Pelabuhan Belawan, Indonesia menuju Malaysia dengan mengangkut 191 kontainer, berisikan berbagai komoditi yang sempat tertahan selama 93 hari lamanya. “Semoga barang ekspor asal Sumut sampai dengan selamat ketujuan,” ucap Ketua APINDO Sumut. ***

google translate

Finally the MV Mathu Bhum is back sailing | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Finally the MV Mathu Bhum V.298 was allowed to sail again after the decision of the Panel of Judges was issued in the trial case number 1548/Pid.B/2022/PN-Mdn, Thursday, August 4, 2022.

Now, the MV Mathu Bhum V.298 is leaning at the Port of PT Prima Terminal Petikemas, in order to unload container goods that failed to export because the goods were damaged or contracted by the buyer and goods that were still fit to be reloaded to continue sailing.

“The plan is, tonight the MV Mathu Bhum ship will soon sail back to Port Klang, Malaysia,” said the Chairman of APINDO North Sumatra, Haposan Siallagan when directly observing the process of the MV Mathu Bhum V.298 ship that rested at the Port of PT Prima Terminal Petikemas, Sunday, August 7 2022.

With the release of the MV Mathu Bhum Ship since Thursday, August 4, 2022, Haposan Siallagan expressed his gratitude to the Chief of Presidential Staff, relevant stakeholders, namely the Head of the Belawan OP, Head of Kesyahbandaran, Head of the Belawan Customs Office, Head of the High Prosecutor’s Office along with the study of Belawan, the Police and all parties involved helped accelerate the process of legal issues against MV Mathu Bhum, so that exporters’ goods that were previously held and suspended in the middle of the sea could still be shipped and damaged goods could be immediately unloaded.

According to Haposan Siallagan, the losses from the 93 days of detention of the cargo ship MV Mathu Bhum V.298 were quite large for exporters, especially SMEs, shipping companies, farmers, fishermen, and the loss of state foreign exchange earnings in particular also had an impact on the economy of North Sumatra Province (North Sumatra). post covid 19.



“That’s not only the biggest loss, the impact of international trust in the Indonesian people is the result of export commodity goods that have been ordered and even paid for by overseas buyers but the goods do not arrive because the transport ship is stuck, and the image of the business world has been tarnished. country in the eyes of the world due to the detention of MV Mathu Bhum,”

Haposan Siallagan added that the incident in the MV Mathu Bhum case was a valuable lesson for the business world. “We can take lessons from all of this, don’t let the MV Mathu Bhum V.298 case happen again in the future. Business actors hope that policy makers in the Belawan Port Authority area to coordinate well and professionally with each other, in order to create a good business world, especially Belawan Port as the spearhead of the North Sumatran economy,” said Haposan Siallagan who was accompanied by the Deputy Chairman of APINDO North Sumatra, Ng Pin Pin; Secretary of APINDO North Sumatra, Endy Kartono; Bahari (Vice Chair); Bambang Suhermanto (Executive Secretary); and Edy Irwansyah (K.Bid DPP APINDO North Sumatra).

Tonight the MV Mathu Bhum will return to sail from Belawan Port, Indonesia to Malaysia by transporting 191 containers, containing various commodities that had been held for 93 days. “Hopefully export goods from North Sumatra arrive safely to their destinations,” said the Chairman of APINDO North Sumatra. ***






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