Bisnis Hari Ini: Shopee Tanam 1.500 Bibit Pohon Kopi di Kaki Gunung Gede Pangrango

Bisnis Hari Ini: Shopee Tanam 1.500 Bibit Pohon Kopi di Kaki Gunung Gede Pangrango

Shopee Tanam 1.500 Bibit Pohon Kopi di Kaki Gunung Gede Pangrango | — Shopee bersama Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia (Kemen LHK RI) dan Komunitas Lingkungan Sangga Buana melakukan penanaman 1.500 bibit pohon kopi di Kampung Ciwaluh, Kaki Gunung Gede Pangrango, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat melalui program Shopee Tanam Hutan Indonesia.

Bibit pohon kopi ini merupakan hasil konversi dari hasil panen virtual permainan populer Shopee Tanam yang berlangsung pada 30 Juli hingga 5 Agustus 2022, yang merupakan gebrakan baru dalam aktivitas pelestarian lingkungan melalui pemanfaatan teknologi digital.

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Selain mempertimbangkan aspek kelestarian alam, program Shopee Tanam Hutan Indonesia fase kedua ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi secara ekonomi dan sosial bagi masyarakat lokal di Kampung Ciwaluh.

Kampung Ciwaluh sendiri merupakan salah satu kampung terdalam yang terletak di kawasan kaki Gunung Gede Pangrango. Lokasi Kampung Ciwaluh berdampingan dengan aliran hulu Sungai Cisadane yang menjadikannya cocok untuk ditanami banyak komoditas tanaman produktif, salah satunya kopi.

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Melalui penanaman 1.500 bibit pohon kopi yang merupakan jenis pohon produktif, diharapkan dapat membantu kesejahteraan warga lokal yang sebagian besar merupakan petani kopi.

Direktur Jenderal Perhutanan Sosial dan Kemitraan Lingkungan, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan RI, Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyanto, M.Sc., menekankan pentingnya kolaborasi lintas sektor untuk mendukung percepatan tata kelola perhutanan sosial yang berbasis ekologi, sosial dan ekonomi.

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“Kami mengapresiasi upaya yang dilakukan Shopee melalui program Shopee Tanam Hutan Indonesia fase kedua ini. Program ini merupakan contoh baik terkait sinergi antara pemerintah, swasta, dan masyarakat (public-private partnership) untuk mempercepat tata kelola hutan di Indonesia yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah, tidak hanya bagi lingkungan, namun juga kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kami berharap ke depannya dapat bekerja sama dengan lebih baik untuk melestarikan lingkungan, sekaligus memberikan nilai tambah pada perekonomian berbasis lingkungan hidup,” sebut Bambang.

Head of Government Affairs Shopee Indonesia, Ade Mulya menyebutkan, kegiatan Shopee Tanam Hutan Indonesia fase dua ini merupakan wujud komitmen jangka panjang #ShopeeAdaUntukIndonesia.



“Melalui kegiatan penanaman 1.500 bibit pohon kopi ini, kami berharap dapat meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan hidup di Kampung Ciwaluh, serta berdampak positif juga bagi daerah yang dilewati aliran Sungai Cisadane. Selain itu, diharapkan warga lokal Kampung Cisadane yang mayoritas bekerja sebagai petani kopi dapat memanfaatkan hasil panen kopi ini kedepannya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka,” ujar Ade.

Program ini sejalan dengan komitmen Shopee untuk mendukung program dari pemerintah, khususnya terkait percepatan tata kelola perhutanan yang berbasis ekologi, sosial, dan ekonomi.

“Kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada pengguna yang telah berpartisipasi dalam permainan Shopee Tanam dan juga kepada KLHK atas dukungannya dalam upaya pelestarian lingkungan yang melibatkan teknologi ini,” jelas Ade.

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Aktivitas penanaman pohon ini diikuti oleh puluhan peserta, termasuk diantaranya mitra pengemudi ShopeeFood dan kurir Shopee Xpress.

“Kami sangat senang melihat antusiasme mitra pengemudi dan kurir yang ikut dalam kegiatan penanaman hari ini. Melalui keterlibatan di Shopee Tanam Hutan Indonesia ini, kami berharap dapat merangkul rekan-rekan mitra kami untuk turut berkontribusi secara positif bagi negeri,” tambah Ade. ***

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Shopee Plants 1,500 Coffee Tree Seeds at the Foot of Mount Gede Pangrango | — Shopee together with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemen LHK RI) and the Sangga Buana Environmental Community planted 1,500 coffee tree seedlings in Ciwaluh Village, Foot of Mount Gede Pangrango, Bogor Regency, West Java through the Shopee Planting Forest Indonesia program .

These coffee tree seeds are the result of conversion from the virtual harvest of the popular game Shopee Tanam which takes place from July 30 to August 5, 2022, which is a new breakthrough in environmental conservation activities through the use of digital technology.

In addition to considering the aspect of nature conservation, the second phase of the Shopee Tanam Hutan Indonesia program aims to contribute economically and socially to local communities in Ciwaluh Village.

Ciwaluh village itself is one of the deepest villages located at the foot of Mount Gede Pangrango. The location of Ciwaluh Village is adjacent to the upstream flow of the Cisadane River which makes it suitable for planting many productive plant commodities, one of which is coffee.

Through the planting of 1,500 coffee tree seedlings, which are productive tree species, it is hoped that it can help the welfare of local residents, most of whom are coffee farmers.

Director General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership, Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Ir. Bambang Supriyanto, M.Sc., emphasized the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration to support the acceleration of ecological, social and economic-based social forestry governance.



“We appreciate the efforts made by Shopee through the second phase of the Shopee Planting Indonesian Forest program. This program is a good example of the synergy between the government, the private sector, and the community (public-private partnership) to accelerate forest governance in Indonesia that can provide added value, not only for the environment, but also for the welfare of the community. We hope that in the future we can work together better to preserve the environment, as well as provide added value to the environment-based economy,” said Bambang.

Shopee Indonesia’s Head of Government Affairs, Ade Mulya said, the Phase two of Shopee Planting Indonesian Forests is a form of #ShopeeAdaUntukIndonesia’s long-term commitment.

“Through the planting of 1,500 coffee tree seedlings, we hope to improve the quality of the environment in Ciwaluh Village, as well as have a positive impact on the area where the Cisadane River flows. In addition, it is hoped that the local residents of Cisadane Village, the majority of whom work as coffee farmers, can take advantage of this coffee harvest in the future to improve their welfare, “said Ade.

This program is in line with Shopee’s commitment to support programs from the government, particularly related to the acceleration of forest governance based on ecology, social and economy.

“We thank users who have participated in the Shopee Tanam game and also to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for their support in environmental conservation efforts involving this technology,” explained Ade.

This tree planting activity was attended by dozens of participants, including ShopeeFood driver partners and Shopee Xpress couriers.

“We are very happy to see the enthusiasm of the driver and courier partners who participated in today’s planting activities. Through this involvement in Shopee Tanam Hutan Indonesia, we hope to reach out to our partners to contribute positively to the country,” added Ade. ***






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