Tarif Ojek Online Terbaru Versi Kemenhub

Tarif Ojek Online Terbaru Versi Kemenhub

Tarif Ojek Online Terbaru Versi Kemenhub | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Pasca kenaikan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) beberapa waktu lalu, Kementerian Perhubungan (Kemenhub) melalui Ditjen Perhubungan Darat juga menaikan tarif ojol (ojek online) terbaru yang akan resmi berlaku per 10 September 2022.
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Berikut tarif baru ojek online yang diumumkan oleh Kemenhub:

Bacaan Lainnya
Tarif Ojol Zona I (Sumatra, Bali, dan Jawa selain Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi)
  • Biaya jasa batas bawah : Rp 2.000 per km
  • Biaya jasa batas atas : Rp 2.500 per km
  • Biaya jasa minimal dengan rentang biaya jasa per 4 km pertama antara Rp 8.000 sampai Rp 10.000



Tarif Ojol Zona II (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi/Jabodetabek)
  • Biaya jasa batas bawah : Rp 2.550 per km
  • Biaya jasa batas atas : Rp 2.800 per km
  • Biaya jasa minimal dengan rentang biaya jasa per 4 km antara Rp 10.200 sampai Rp 11.200
Tarif Ojol Zona III (Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara dan sekitarnya, Maluku dan Papua)
  • Biaya jasa batas bawah : Rp 2.300 per km
  • Biaya jasa batas atas : Rp 2.750 per km
  • Biaya jasa minimal dengan rentang biaya jasa per 4 km antara Rp 9.200 sampai Rp 11.000.

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Tidak Signifikan

Menyikapi tarif baru ojek online, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengemudi Ojek Daring Garda Indonesia Igun Wicaksono menjelaskan, pihaknya masih akan pelajari dan mengkaji lebih lanjut dengan asosiasi dan perwakilan lain mengenai penyesuaian tarif terbaru ini.

Ketua Umum Asosiasi Driver Online (ADO), Taha Syafaril mengungkapkan, kenaikan tarif ojol yang diberlakukan oleh Kemenhub, hampir tidak signifikan.

Menurutnya, rata-rata kenaikan rata-rata 7.5%, padahal kenaikan BBM pertalite sebesar 30%. ***

google translate

Tariff for Online Ojek, Latest Version of the Ministry of Transportation | OBROLANBISNIS.com — After the increase in fuel oil (BBM) some time ago, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Land Transportation also increased the latest ojol (online motorcycle taxi) rates which will officially take effect on September 10, 2022.

The following are the new rates for online motorcycle taxis announced by the Ministry of Transportation:

Ojol Tariff Zone I (Sumatra, Bali, and Java other than Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi)

  • Lower limit service fee: IDR 2,000 per km
  • Upper limit service fee: IDR 2,500 per km
  • Minimum service fee with service fee range per first 4 km between IDR 8,000 to IDR 10,000

Ojol Tariff Zone II (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi/Jabodetabek)

  • Lower limit service fee: IDR 2,550 per km
  • Upper limit service fee: IDR 2,800 per km
  • Minimum service fee with service fee range per 4 km between IDR 10,200 to IDR 11,200

Ojol Tariff Zone III (Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and surrounding areas, Maluku and Papua)

  • Lower limit service fee: IDR 2,300 per km
  • Upper limit service fee : IDR 2,750 per km
  • Minimum service fee with service fee range per 4 km between Rp 9,200 to Rp 11,000.



Not Significant

Responding to the new fare for online motorcycle taxis, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Garda Online Ojek Driver Association, Igun Wicaksono, explained that his party would still study and study further with other associations and representatives regarding this latest fare adjustment.

Chairman of the Online Drivers Association (ADO), Taha Syafaril, revealed that the increase in ojol tariffs imposed by the Ministry of Transportation was almost insignificant.

According to him, the average increase is 7.5%, whereas the increase in pertalite fuel is 30%. ***






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