Kaum Nelayan Belawan Menjerit Pasca Kenaikan BBM | Ngadu ke Ombusdman Sumut | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Kaum nelayan kecil yang berada di Perairan Belawan menjerit pasca kenaikan BBM jenis solar.
Solar telah menjadi bahan bakar kebutuhan bagi para nelayan dalam mencari nafkah kehidupan di tengah laut, yang kini harga solar melambung seiring keluarnya kebijakan pemerintah menaikan harga BBM.
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Ironisnya, dari pengakuan para nelayan Belawan, tak pernah mencicipi dan merasakan BBM solar subsidi pemerintah, yang saat ini harganya sebesar Rp6.800.
Sebelum kenaikan harga senilai Rp 5.150, BBM solar yang diperoleh nelayan untuk melaut, didapat dari pedagang pengecer dengan harga Rp7.500/liter. Dan kini, harga belinya melambung Rp 9.500/liter. Setiap pergi melaut, nelayan membutuhkan solar rata-rata antara 10 – 30 liter.
Keluhan dan aduan para nelayan Belawan yang tergabung dalam Kesatuan Nelayan Tradisional Indonesia (KNTI) Kota Medan, terungkap dalam pertemuan Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Sumut, Jumat, 16 September 2022.
Hadir pada pertemuan ini Kepala Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Sumut, Abyadi Siregar bersama Kepala Keasistenan Pemeriksaan James Marihot Panggabean, Direktur Fitra Irfan Hamdani Hasibuan, Mbak Wulan dari Perkumpulan Inisiatif, Ketua KNTI Kota Medan Isa Basir dan sejumlah perwakilan nelayan.
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Perwakilan nelayan Belawan diantaranya Ahmad Aji, Syafarudin dan Herman menyampaikan, nelayan kecil sejak lama tidak menikmati solar bersubsidi, karena untuk bisa mendapatkan BBM bersubsidi sangat lah rumit dan sulit.
Dijelaskan, untuk bisa mendapat BBM bersubsidi, nelayan harus menunjukan surat rekomendasi pengisian BBM bersubsidi dari Dinas Pertanian, Kelautan dan Perikanan (DPKP) Pemko Medan ke SPBN (Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Nelayan).
Dan rekomendasi tersebut bisa didapat jika nelayan telah memiliki ‘Pass Kecil’ atau surat izin kapal tangkap dengan kapasitas 1 – 10 GT dari DPKP.
“Nelayan banyak tidak paham mengurusnya, juga jauh. Harus ke DPKP di Medan atau ke Balai Perikanan di Medan Labuhan. Masa berlaku surat rekomendasinya juga singkat, jadi nelayan harus bolak balik mengurusnya jika ingin mendapat BBM bersubsisi. Kan repot, sementara waktu kita di darat tidak banyak, dan sosialisasi tentang ini juga tidak ada dari pemerintah,” ucap Ahmad Aji.
Saat ini, lanjutnya, kondisinya semakin parah, karena SPBN yang ada di Bagan Deli Belawan sudah tutup, tidak lagi melayani pembelian BBM subsidi dari nelayan.
“Tapi anehnya, solar bersubsidi itu tetap beredar di pasaran dan dibeli nelayan dengan harga Rp9.500 per liter dari pedagang pengecer. Kami menduga masalah BBM ini sarat permainan dan yang menderita kami nelayan,” ucap Ahmad Aji lagi.
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Surati Pemko Medan
Menyikapi aduan para nelayan Belawan, Kepala Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Sumut Abyadi Siregar menyatakan, pihaknya akan menindaklanjuti permasalahan yang disampaikan nelayan terkait kesulitan untuk mendapatkan BBM bersubsidi.
Abyadi mengatakan, Ombudsman akan mengkaji permasalahan ini dan akan menyurati Pemko Medan agar segera membuka kantor unit pelayanan DPKP di Belawan serta melakukan sosialisasi terkait syarat-syarat pengurusan izin kapal, surat rekomendasi pengisian BBM dan lainnya.
“DPKP itu harus buka kantor unit layanannya di Belawan, karena nelayan di Medan kebanyakan tinggal di Belawan. Jadi nelayan tak jauh mengurus surat-surat perizinan dan dokumen lainnya. Pemerintah harus hadir melayani masyarakat,” ujar Abyadi.
Di kantor unit layanan itu nantinya, lanjut Abyadi, harus memberikan layanan sesuai standar pelayanan publik, seperti harus jelas dituliskan jenis layanan apa saja yang diberikan, berapa biayanya, dan berapa lama waktu pengurusannya. Dan ini semua harus disosialisasikan ke masyarakat nelayan.
Kemudian terkait BBM bersubsidi yang tak pernah didapatkan nelayan kecil di Belawan serta masalah telah tutupnya SPBN di Bagan Deli Belawan, Ombudsman akan mempelajari hal ini dengan melakukan koordinasi ke Pemko Medan, Pertamina dan SKK Migas.
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“Masalah ini perlu dilakukan penelusuran lebih dalam. Kenapa nelayan tak bisa mendapatkan BBM bersubsidi secara langsung dari SPBU dan SPBN, sementara BBM bersubsidi beredar dipasaran tapi harus dibeli nelayan dari pedagang pengecer dengan harga yang tinggi,” ujar Abyadi.
Perlu juga dilakukan penelusuran, sebenarnya alokasi kouta BBM bersubsidi untuk nelayan di Belawan itu berapa besar dari SKK Migas, berapa besar yang terserap dan melalui perusahaan apa disalurkan.
“Kemudian SPBN di Belawan yang tutup itu apakah masih tetap mendapat kouta BBM bersubsidi dan kemana disalurkan. Ini semua baru bisa terjawab jika kita sudah bertemu dengan pihak Pertamina dan SKK Migas,” tegas Abyadi.
Sebelumnya, informasi yang disampaikan nelayan, SPBN yang berada di Bagan Deli memperoleh kouta BBM solar bersubsidi sebesar 32 ton dan dalam 2 hari langsung habis. Tetapi BBM bersubsidi dari SPBN ini juga tidak bisa didapatkan, karena nelayan tidak bisa menunjukkan surat rekomendasi pengisian BBM bersubsidi dari Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan.
Menurut nelayan, mereka telah beberapa kali mengajukan protes karena BBM bersubsidi dari SPBN itu hanya dinikmati para pengusaha yang memiliki kapal tangkap ikan diatas 20 dan 30 GT. ***
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Belawan Fishermen Scream After Fuel Increase | Complain to the North Sumatra Ombusdman | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Small fishermen in Belawan waters screamed after the increase in diesel fuel.
Solar has become the fuel needed for fishermen to earn a living in the middle of the sea, which is now the price of diesel soaring along with the government’s policy to increase fuel prices.
Ironically, from the confession of the Belawan fishermen, they have never tasted and tasted the government subsidized diesel fuel, which currently costs Rp. 6,800.
Prior to the price increase of IDR 5,150, the diesel fuel obtained by fishermen for fishing was obtained from retailers at a price of IDR 7,500/liter. And now, the purchase price has soared to Rp. 9,500/liter. Every time they go to sea, fishermen need an average of between 10 – 30 liters of diesel.
The complaints and complaints of Belawan fishermen who are members of the Indonesian Traditional Fishermen’s Union (KNTI) of Medan City, were revealed at a meeting of the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative for North Sumatra, Friday, September 16, 2022.
Present at this meeting were the Head of the Indonesian Ombudsman for the North Sumatra Representative, Abyadi Siregar with the Head of Assistant Investigation James Marihot Panggabean, Director Fitra Irfan Hamdani Hasibuan, Mbak Wulan from the Initiative Association, Chairman of the Medan City KNTI Isa Basir and a number of fishermen representatives.
Representatives of Belawan fishermen including Ahmad Aji, Syafarudin and Herman said that small fishermen have not enjoyed subsidized diesel for a long time, because getting subsidized fuel is very complicated and difficult.
He explained, to be able to get subsidized fuel, fishermen must show a recommendation letter for filling subsidized fuel from the Department of Agriculture, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DPKP) of the Medan City Government to the SPBN (Fishermen’s Fuel Filling Station).
And these recommendations can be obtained if the fishermen already have a ‘Small Pass’ or a fishing boat permit with a capacity of 1 – 10 GT from DPKP.
“Many fishermen do not understand how to take care of it, they are also far away. Must go to DPKP in Medan or to the Fisheries Center in Medan Labuhan. The validity period of the recommendation letter is also short, so fishermen have to go back and forth to take care of it if they want to get subsidized fuel. It’s troublesome, while we don’t have much on land, and there’s no socialization about this from the government either,” said Ahmad Aji.
Currently, he continued, the condition is getting worse, because the SPBN in Bagan Deli Belawan has closed, no longer serving the purchase of subsidized fuel from fishermen.
“But strangely, the subsidized diesel continues to circulate in the market and is bought by fishermen at a price of Rp. 9,500 per liter from retailers. We suspect that this fuel issue is full of games and that we are fishermen who suffer,” said Ahmad Aji again.
Write to Medan City Government
Responding to complaints from Belawan fishermen, the Head of the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative for North Sumatra, Abyadi Siregar, stated that his party would follow up on the problems raised by fishermen regarding the difficulty of obtaining subsidized fuel.
Abyadi said that the Ombudsman will review this issue and will write to the Medan City Government to immediately open a DPKP service unit office in Belawan and conduct socialization related to the requirements for obtaining ship permits, recommendation letters for refueling and others.
“The DPKP must open its service unit office in Belawan, because fishermen in Medan mostly live in Belawan. So fishermen are not far away from taking care of permits and other documents. The government must be present to serve the people,” said Abyadi.
In the office of the service unit, Abyadi continued, they must provide services according to public service standards, such as clearly writing what types of services are provided, how much they cost, and how long it takes to administer. And all this must be socialized to the fishing community.
Then regarding the subsidized fuel that small fishermen in Belawan never got and the problem with the closure of the SPBN in Bagan Deli Belawan, the Ombudsman will study this by coordinating with the Medan City Government, Pertamina and SKK Migas.
“This issue needs to be investigated more deeply. Why can’t fishermen get subsidized fuel directly from gas stations and gas stations, while subsidized fuel circulates in the market but fishermen have to buy it from retailers at high prices,” said Abyadi.
It is also necessary to investigate, the actual allocation of the quota of subsidized fuel for fishermen in Belawan is how much from SKK Migas, how much is absorbed and through what company is distributed.
“Then the closed SPBN in Belawan, will it still receive a quota of subsidized fuel and where will it be distributed. This can only be answered if we have met with Pertamina and SKK Migas,” said Abyadi.
Previously, according to information provided by fishermen, the SPBN located in Bagan Deli received a quota of 32 tons of subsidized diesel fuel and within 2 days it ran out immediately. However, subsidized fuel from the SPBN cannot be obtained, because fishermen cannot show a recommendation letter for filling subsidized fuel from the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service.
According to the fishermen, they have protested several times because the subsidized fuel from the SPBN is only enjoyed by entrepreneurs who own fishing vessels above 20 and 30 GT. ***