UNPRI Motivasi Mahasiswa Baru Agar Raih Prestasi

UNPRI Motivasi Mahasiswa Baru Agar Raih Prestasi

UNPRI Motivasi Mahasiswa Baru Agar Raih Prestasi | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB) Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) sebuah perjalanan akademik tentunya bukan sebatas mendapat gelar akademik.

Yang terpenting dicapainya kompetensi akademik mencakup aspek pengetahuan kognitif, keterampilan, sikap serta karakter dan kepribadian. 

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Demikian penegasan Rektor UNPRI Prof Dr Chrismis Novalinda Ginting M.Kes pada acara PKKMB di Kampus Jalan Sampul Medan, kemarin.

Acara dihadiri, Pendiri UNPRI Prof Dr dr I Nyoman E.L MKes AIFM, Ketua BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn, Wakil Rektor (WR) I UNPRI Abdi Dharma MKom, WR II Prof Dr Ermi Girsang MKes, WR IV Dr dr Ali Napiah Nasution MKT, WR III Said Rizal MA dan para dekan serta wakil dekan di jajaran UNPRI.

Rektor mengatakan, kebijakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) yang dicanangkan Kemdikbudristek menekankan pentingnya ‘perluasan kebebasan’ bagi mahasiswa, selama menempuh proses pembelajaran di kampus.

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Perluasan kebebasan ini mencakup perluasan pembelajaran dengan cara mengambil sejumlah mata kuliah di luar bidang studi utama dan  perluasaan interaksi dengan berbagai pihak baik di dalam maupun di luar kampus. 

“Adanya perluasan kebebasan tersebut diharapkan kompetensi akademik yang dicapai di kampus akan semakin relevan dengan permasalahan dan tantangan di dunia nyata. Dengan demikian, ketika telah menyelesaikan studi kelak, adik-adik akan memiliki kemampuan beradaptasi yang tinggi di berbagai bidang pekerjaan yang menjadi pilihan,” jelas Chrismis. 

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UNPRI juga memiliki wadah dalam mengembangkan kreatifitas adik-adik sekalian. Ada Unpri Creative yang siap menerima kalian menjadi anggota. Kampus ini juga telah menghasilkan beberapa karya mahasiswa yang dibanggakan secara nasional maupun internasional.

Berbagai program dan prestasi telah dicapai antara lain Hibah Transfer Kredit Internasional Ke Archarya Institute India yang diperoleh oleh 5 mahasiswa dari Program Studi Sistem Informasi. 

Program Kampus Mengajar dimana 79 mahasiswa dan 38 orang dosen terpilih untuk ikut serta dalam Kampus Mengajar 1 ada 45 mahasiswa dan 44 dosen yang terpilih untuk ikut serta dalam kampus mengajar 2 berjumlah 94 mahasiswa dan 17 dosen yang terpilih untuk mengikuti Program Kampus Mengajar 3.



Sebanyak 49 mahasiswa mengikut Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat termasuk didalamnya Program Sekolah Ekspor.

UNPRI Terpilih sebagai pelaksana 7 Course dalam Program Kredensial Mikro Mahasiswa Indonesia dengan peserta terbanyak untuk LLDIKTI wilayah 1 sebanyak 1120 peserta.

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Selanjutnya, 12 orang mahasiswa mengikuti program Magang Mahasiswa Bersertifikat (Eksternal) dari Forum Human Capital Indonesia dan 8 orang mahasiswa terpilih mendapatkan Beasiswa Mendikbudristek “Merdeka Belajar Untuk Semua” melalui Perguruan Tinggi Mitra Indonesia Cyber Education (ICE) Institute tahap 1 tahun 2021. 

Pada tahap 2 sebanyak 92 orang mahasiswa menerima beasiswa dan juga 30 orang dosen, 1 orang mahasiswa dari Program Studi Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris terpilih sebagai penerima Awardee IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards) tahun 2022  untuk belajar di Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Sementara di tempat terpisah Ketua BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn, meminta, agar mahasiswa aktif untuk memanfaatkan dan mengikuti kegiatan kemahasiswaan dengan baik di kampus ini.



“Kita harapkan bahwa orientasi prestasi mahasiswa semakin berkembang pesat,” Tommy, Selasa, 20 September 2022.

Tommy menambahkan, UNPRI terus melakukan proses pembelajaran secara utuh.  Melalui kegiatan ko-kurikuler yang terstruktur dan terencana didukung kerjasama yang baik dengan unit-unit kegiatan mahasiswa dan organisasi kemahasiswaan lainnya akan terlaksana kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kedewasaan dan kemandirian mahasiswa. ***



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UNPRI Motivates New Students to Achieve Achievements | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI), an academic journey, of course, is not limited to getting an academic degree.

The most important thing is the achievement of academic competence includes aspects of cognitive knowledge, skills, attitudes and character and personality.

This was the statement by the Chancellor of UNPRI Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting M.Kes at the PKKMB event at Jalan Sampul Medan Campus, yesterday.

The event was attended by UNPRI Founder Prof Dr dr I Nyoman E.L MKes AIFM, Head of BPH UNPRI Dr Tommy Leonard SH MKn, Deputy Chancellor (WR) I UNPRI Abdi Dharma MKom, WR II Prof Dr Ermi Girsang MKes, WR IV Dr dr Ali Napiah Nasution MKT , WR III Said Rizal MA and the deans and deputy deans in the ranks of UNPRI.

The Chancellor said that the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) policy launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture emphasized the importance of ‘expanding freedom’ for students, during the learning process on campus.

The expansion of this freedom includes the expansion of learning by taking a number of courses outside the main field of study and the expansion of interaction with various parties both inside and outside the campus.

“With the expansion of freedom, it is hoped that the academic competencies achieved on campus will be more relevant to the problems and challenges in the real world. Thus, when they finish their studies later, they will have high adaptability in various fields of work that they choose,” Chrismis explained.

UNPRI also has a place to develop the creativity of all of you. There is Unpri Creative ready to accept you as a member. This campus has also produced several student works that are proud of both nationally and internationally.



Various programs and achievements have been achieved, including the International Credit Transfer Grant to Archarya Institute India which was obtained by 5 students from the Information Systems Study Program.

The Teaching Campus Program where 79 students and 38 lecturers were selected to participate in the Teaching Campus 1, there were 45 students and 44 lecturers selected to participate in the Teaching Campus 2 totaling 94 students and 17 lecturers who were selected to take part in the Teaching Campus Program 3.

A total of 49 students participated in Certified Independent Internships and Studies including the Export School Program.

UNPRI was chosen as the implementer of 7 Courses in the Indonesian Student Micro Credential Program with the most participants for LLDIKTI region 1 as many as 1120 participants.

Furthermore, 12 students took part in the Certified (External) Student Internship program from the Indonesian Human Capital Forum and 8 selected students received the Mendikbudristek Scholarship “Merdeka Learning for All” through the Indonesian Cyber ​​Education (ICE) Institute Partner College Phase 1 in 2021.

In phase 2, 92 students received scholarships and 30 lecturers, 1 student from the English Education Undergraduate Study Program was selected as the recipient of the 2022 IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards) Awardee to study at Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Meanwhile, in a separate place, the Head of BPH UNPRI, Dr. Tommy Leonard SH MKn, requested that students be active to take advantage of and participate in student activities well on this campus.

“We hope that student achievement orientation will develop rapidly,” Tommy, Tuesday, September 20, 2022.

Tommy added, UNPRI continues to carry out a complete learning process. Through structured and planned co-curricular activities supported by good collaboration with student activity units and other student organizations, activities aimed at increasing student maturity and independence will be carried out. ***





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