Rute HTI TPL Berhasil Ditaklukan Pembalap Nasional dan Internasional | Ijeck Raih Posisi Kedua | — Kejuaraan Danau Toba Asia-Pacific Rally Championship (APRC) 2022 yang berlangsung di Terminal Sosor Saba, Parapat, Kabupaten Simalungun, telah berakhir dengan kemenangan pembalap senior asal Indonesia, Rifat Sungkar dan Co Driver, Benyamin Searcy dari Mitsubishi Expander Rally Team, Minggu, 25 September 2022.
Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) yang dikelola PT Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk (TPL) menjadi rute yang berat untuk ditaklukkan para perally nasional dan internasional, namun di satu sisi para perally merasa tertantang dan sangat puas dengan jalur lintasan yang ada di area konsesi TPL.
BISNIS HARI INI: Pegadaian Medan Ajak Rider HPCI Manfaatkan Layanan Amanah
Sementara itu, Wakil Gubernur Sumatera Utara, Musa Rajekshah dan Co Driver Hervian Soejono dari tim Bla bla bla Motorsport mampu menaklukkan SS HTI TPL dengan meraih posisi kedua diikuti posisi ketiga, Ricardo Gelael dan Co Driver Rony Maroun dari tim Jagonya Ayam.
“Danau Toba APRC 2022 ini tidak mungkin bisa berhasil tanpa dukungan dari sponsor dan tim pendukung, khususnya saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada TPL yang sudah mendukung dengan menyediakan lahan konsesi yang menjadi rute Rally ini dan kita akan mempersiapkan diri untuk ajang Asia Rally Cup sesuai dengan pengamatan dan penilaian dari FIA sebelum kita menuju World Rally Championship,” ucap Musa yang akrab disapa Bang Ijeck.
Harapannya lagi, melalui ajang sport tourism yang sudah dibangun di Danau Toba, bahkan lahan konsesi TPL yang menjadi SS terbaik diakui oleh FIA (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile), maka kawasan pariwisata prioritas Danau Toba ini mampu diperkenalkan ke kancah internasional.
Pencapaian ini juga semakin menarik perhatian karena banyak para perally muda yang memiliki potensi dan mampu memberikan persaingan serta menambah warna di ajang Danau Toba APRC 2022 kali ini.
BISNIS HARI INI: Tiap Hari Cuan USDT dari Redford Trading
TPL dengan dukungan penuh sebagai salah satu sponsor utama memberikan hadiah senilai Rp 150.000.000 kepada Jawara Danau Toba APRC 2022, yang diserahkakn oleh Direktur TPL, Anwar Lawden.
“Kejuaran Danau Toba APRC 2022 telah selesai kita laksanakan, saya bersyukur kejuaraan ini berjalan dengan baik dan cuaca yang sangat mendukung walaupun sedikit mendung. Kepada para pemenang saya ucapkan selamat atas keberhasilannya menaklukkan rute di TPL Sektor Aek Nauli. Semoga di masa mendatang terus meraih prestasi dan efek berkelanjutan dari kejuaraan ini terhadap pariwisata Sumut khususnya Danau Toba semakin baik,“ sebut Anwar. ***
google translate
TPL HTI Route Successfully Conquered by National and International Racers | Ijeck Wins Second Place | — The 2022 Lake Toba Asia-Pacific Rally Championship (APRC) which took place at Terminal Sosor Saba, Parapat, Simalungun Regency, has ended with the victory of senior Indonesian racer Rifat Sungkar and Co Driver, Benjamin Searcy from the Mitsubishi Expander Rally. Team, Sunday, September 25, 2022.
Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) managed by PT Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk (TPL) is a difficult route for national and international perally to conquer, but on the one hand the perally feel challenged and very satisfied with the existing track in the TPL concession area.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Musa Rajekshah and Co Driver Hervian Soejono from the Bla bla bla Motorsport team were able to conquer the SS HTI TPL by taking second place followed by third position, Ricardo Gelael and Co Driver Rony Maroun from the Jagonya Ayam team.
“Lake Toba APRC 2022 would not have been possible without the support of sponsors and support teams, in particular, I would like to thank TPL for their support by providing the concession land that will serve as the route for this Rally and we will prepare ourselves for the Asia Rally Cup according to observations and assessment from the FIA before we head to the World Rally Championship,” said Musa, who is familiarly called Bang Ijeck.
The hope is again, through the sport tourism event that has been built on Lake Toba, even the TPL concession area which is the best SS is recognized by the FIA (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile), then this Lake Toba priority tourism area can be introduced to the international scene.
This achievement is also increasingly attracting attention because there are many young perally who have the potential and are able to provide competition and add color to the Lake Toba APRC 2022 event this time.
TPL with full support as one of the main sponsors gave a prize of Rp. 150,000,000 to the 2022 Lake Toba APRC Champion, which was handed over by the Director of TPL, Anwar Lawden.
“We have completed the 2022 APRC Lake Toba Championship, I am grateful that this championship went well and the weather was very supportive even though it was a little cloudy. Congratulations to the winners for their success in conquering the route at TPL Sector Aek Nauli. Hopefully in the future we will continue to achieve achievements and the sustainable effect of this championship on North Sumatra tourism, especially Lake Toba, will get better,” said Anwar. ***