Ajang Mr dan Miss UNPRI 2022

Ajang Mr dan Miss UNPRI 2022

Ajang Mr dan Miss UNPRI 2022 | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Puncak perayaan Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) Fiesta 2022 dimeriahkan dengan pemilihan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi terbaik di ajang Mr dan Miss 2022 yang berlangsung meriah.

Alex Safria Laia dinobatkan sebagai Mr 2022 dan Jesiska Muararan sebagai Miss UNPRI 2022. Kegiatan rutin setiap tahunnya ini diadakan bersamaan dengan Ulang Tahun ke 21 UNPRI di Kampus Utama Jalan Sampul Medan. 

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Acara yang turut dihadiri Plt Kepala Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDikti) Sumatera Utara Prof Dr Ibnu Hajar Damanik MPd, Pendiri UNPRI Prof. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Ehrich Lister, M.Kes, AIFM, Komisaris Independen PT Royal Prima Tbk Dr Heriyanti SH MKn, Ketua BPH UNPRI Dr. Tommy Leonard S.H., M.Kn., Rektor UNPRI Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting M.Kes, Koordinator Sekolah Global Prima Dr Willy Tanjaya SH MKn, Wakil Rektor (WR I) UNPRI Abdi Dharma MKom, WR II  Prof.Dr Ermi Girsang MKes, WR III Said Rizal SHI, MA, WR IV Dr dr Ali Napiah Nasution MKT, para Dekan seluruh Fakultas di UNPRI.

Rektor UNPRI, Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting M.Kes memaparkan perkembangan UNPRI selama kurun waktu 1 tahun terakhir serta program rencana kedepannya. 

Saat ini, UNPRI semakin besar dengan bertambahnya program studi baru yaitu Program Doktor Ilmu Hukum sehingga sudah ada 3 Program Doktor dengan total menjadi 40 prodi.

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UNPRI juga sedang dalam proses pengajuan untuk Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis, semoga prodi ini dapat segera dilaksanakan. 

“Semoga seiring dengan pertambahan prodi baru tersebut juga membawa UNPRI menjadi semakin terdepan dalam memajukan pendidikan di Sumatera Utara dengan tetap mengutamakan kualitas,” tambahnya.

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Kata Rektor, kemajuan yang sangat menggembirakan terlihat dari hasil peringkat akreditasi program Doktor, Magister, sarjana dan diploma, dimana pada tahun ini peringkat akreditasi program studi sudah 75 persen yang meraih nilai B (baik sekali), dan 3 prodi sudah terakreditasi Unggul. Dan yang sudah akreditasi unggul (A) program studi Doktor (S3) Ilmu Kedokteran.

Sedangkan Plt Kepala Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDikti) Sumatera Utara Prof Dr Ibnu Hajar Damanik MPd menyampaikan selamat ulang tahun buat keluarga besar UNPRI. 

“UNPRI adalah kampus yang sangat pesat perkembangannya sehingga terkenal di Sumut, bahkan sudah seluruh Indonesia, semoga menjadi kampus dunia karena UNPRI ini adalah satu-satunya kampus yang memiliki fasilitas dan prasarana dan sarana yang luar biasa,” tambahnya.


Buktinya, UNPRI ini berkembang pesat karena penambahan program studi (prodi) yang terus bertambah baik prodi sarjana, master, doktor bahkan sekarang lagi pengurusan program spesialis. “Semoga UNPRI kedepan bisa kolaborasi, inovatif, sehingga bisa menjadi universitas dunia,” harap Ibnu.

Sementara terpisah Ketua BPH UNPRI Dr. Tommy Leonard, SH.,M.Kn kepada wartawan, Senin, 24 Oktober 2022, mengapresiasi perkembangan UNPRI yang saat ini telah memiliki 3 Program Doktor.

“Diharapkan akan lahir prodi baru yang mampu menguatkan sistem akademik di kampus ini,” katanya. ***

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Mr and Miss UNPRI 2022 Event | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The highlight of the celebration of the Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) Fiesta 2022 was enlivened by the selection of the best students and students at the Mr and Miss 2022 event which took place lively.

Alex Safria Laia was crowned as Mr 2022 and Jesiska Muararan as Miss UNPRI 2022. This annual event is held in conjunction with UNPRI’s 21st Anniversary at Jalan Sampul Medan Main Campus.

The event which was also attended by the Acting Head of the Institute for Higher Education Services (LLDikti) North Sumatra Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik MPd, Founder of UNPRI Prof. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Ehrich Lister, M.Kes, AIFM, Independent Commissioner of PT Royal Prima Tbk Dr. Heriyanti SH MKn, Head of BPH UNPRI Dr. Tommy Leonard S.H., M.Kn., UNPRI Chancellor Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting M.Kes, Global Prima School Coordinator Dr Willy Tanjaya SH MKn, UNPRI Vice Chancellor (WR I) Abdi Dharma MKom, WR II Prof.Dr Ermi Girsang MKes, WR III Said Rizal SHI, MA, WR IV Dr dr Ali Napiah Nasution MKT, Deans of all Faculties at UNPRI.

UNPRI Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting M.Kes explained the progress of UNPRI during the last 1 year and future plans.

Currently, UNPRI is getting bigger with the addition of a new study program, namely the Doctoral Program in Law, so that there are already 3 Doctoral Programs with a total of 40 study programs.

UNPRI is also in the process of submitting for the Specialist Medical Education Program, hopefully this study program can be implemented soon.


“Hopefully, along with the addition of the new study program, UNPRI will also be at the forefront of advancing education in North Sumatra while still prioritizing quality,” he added.

The Chancellor said, very encouraging progress can be seen from the results of the accreditation rankings for Doctoral, Masters, undergraduate and diploma programs, where this year the accreditation rating of study programs has reached 75 percent with a B value (very good), and 3 study programs have been accredited as Superior. And those with superior accreditation (A) are Doctoral study programs (S3) in Medical Sciences.

Meanwhile, the Acting Head of the North Sumatra Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti), Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik MPd, wished a happy birthday to the big family of UNPRI.

“UNPRI is a very rapidly developing campus so it is famous in North Sumatra, even throughout Indonesia, hopefully it will become a world campus because UNPRI is the only campus that has extraordinary facilities and infrastructure,” he added.

The proof is that UNPRI is growing rapidly due to the addition of study programs (prodi) which continue to improve, both undergraduate, master, doctoral programs and even now they are managing specialist programs. “Hopefully in the future UNPRI can collaborate, be innovative, so that it can become a world university,” hoped Ibnu.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPH UNPRI, Dr. Tommy Leonard, SH., M.Kn told reporters, Monday, October 24, 2022, appreciating the development of UNPRI which currently has 3 Doctoral Programs.

“It is hoped that a new study program will be born that is able to strengthen the academic system on this campus,” he said. ***




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