Mansyur Residence Salurkan CSR Berupa Sembako pada Warga Sekitar Gang Melati

Mansyur Residence Salurkan CSR Berupa Sembako pada Warga Sekitar Gang Melati

Mansyur Residence Salurkan CSR Berupa Sembako pada Warga Sekitar Gang Melati | — Manajemen Mansyur Residence memiliki tangungjawab sosial berupa Corporate Social Responbility (CSR) membantu masyarakat sekitar operasional perusahaan.

Sebagai bentuk kepedulian, Mansyur Residence menyalurkan bantuan sosial berupa paket sembako dan uang tunai kepada sejumlah warga sekitar Gang Melati dan Gang Famili Jalan Dr Mansyur Kelurahan Tanjung Rejo Kecamatan Medan Selayang, Senin, 19 Desember 2022.

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Sembako yang dibagikan berisikan beras, minyak goreng (migor) dan gula serta teh untuk Kepala Keluarga (KK) yang berdomisili di sekitaran Gang Melati dan Gg Famili.

“Bantuan ini wujud nyata kehadiran Mansyur Residence di tengah masyarakat, sebagai bentuk kepedulian kepada warga sekitar. Aksi hari ini bukan akibat warga terdampak proyek pembangunan Mansyur Residence, melainkan kepedulian perusahaan dan manajemen apartemen,” kata Devi Marlin SH MH selaku Humas Mansyur Residence kepada wartawan.

Sambung Devi Marlin, program CSR Mansyur Residence menyasar kepada masyarakat sekitar operasional perusahaan, yang tanpa disuruhpun pihak Mansyur Residence telah menyiapkan bantuan, karena merupakan tanggungjawab dari perusahaan.

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Devi mengaku, prihatin melihat kondisi masyarakat sekitar yang beberapa waktu lalu terimbas banjir. “Kabarnya banjir selutut orang dewasa itu telah lama dirasakan oleh warga. Jadi, bukan disebabkan oleh pembangunan proyek melainkan karena aliran air yang menyempit serta pendangkalan sungai yang berada di belakang pemukiman warga,” tutur Devi diamini Dedek Tri selaku pengawas proyek Mansyur Residence.

Meskipun demikian, tambah Dedek Tri, Mansyur Residence, tidak berlepas tangan alias lepas tanggung jawab. “Kami tetap memberikan perhatian sebagai bentuk kepedulian. Bahkan, kami berupaya untuk memperbaiki kerusakan rumah. Namun sayangnya ditolak, meski itu masuk dalam program CSR kami,” beber Dedek Tri.

Salah seorang warga penerima bantuan sembako yang mewakili warga, Fitri mengucapkan terimakasih atas bantuan dari pihak Mansyur Residence. “Kami sangat bersyukur bahwa pihak Mansyur Residence mau peduli dengan warga sekitar. Bantuan ini sangat berharga bagi kami. Semoga kedepannya terjalin hubungan yang lebih baik lagi,” kata Fitri.

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Saat awak media mengkonfirmasi mengenai alasan pihaknya bersama ibu-ibu lainnya tidak ikut melakukan aksi protes di depan apartemen soal pembongkaran akses jalan, Fitri menepis hal tersebut.

“Untuk apa kami ikut-ikutan proses soal jalan dan pembongkaran paving block Mansyur Residence. Tidak ada gunanya. Soalnya jalan itu berbelok, apa hubungannya dengan rumah kami yang berada di belakang?” tutur Fitri mengaku, kalau melintasi jalan keluar dari Gang Melati cukup terus saja menuju jalan besar. ***

google translate

Mansyur Residence Distributes CSR in the Form of Staple Foods to Residents Around Gang Melati | — The management of Mansyur Residence has a social responsibility in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to help the community around the company’s operations.

As a form of concern, Mansyur Residence distributed social assistance in the form of food packages and cash to a number of residents around Gang Melati and Gang Famili Jalan Dr Mansyur Tanjung Rejo Village, Medan Selayang District, Monday, December 19 2022.

The basic food items that were distributed consisted of rice, cooking oil (migor) and sugar and tea for the heads of households (KK) who live around Gang Melati and Gg Famili.

“This assistance is a concrete manifestation of Mansyur Residence’s presence in the community, as a form of concern for local residents. Today’s action is not the result of residents being affected by the Mansyur Residence development project, but the concern of the company and apartment management,” said Devi Marlin SH MH as Mansyur Residence Public Relations to reporters. 

Devi Marlin continued, Mansyur Residence’s CSR program targets the community around the company’s operations, for which Mansyur Residence has prepared assistance without being told, because it is the responsibility of the company.



Devi admitted that she was concerned about the condition of the surrounding community which had been affected by the floods some time ago. “Reportedly, residents have experienced knee-deep flooding for a long time. So, it was not caused by project construction, but because the water flow was narrowing and the river silting behind residents’ settlements,” said Devi agreed by Dedek Tri as the supervisor of the Mansyur Residence project.

Even so, added Dedek Tri, Mansyur Residence, did not let go of hands, aka responsibility. “We continue to pay attention as a form of concern. In fact, we are trying to repair damage to the house. But unfortunately it was rejected, even though it is included in our CSR program,” explained Dedek Tri.

One of the recipients of basic food assistance representing the residents, Fitri expressed her gratitude for the assistance from the Mansyur Residence. “We are very grateful that the Mansyur Residence is willing to care about local residents. This assistance is very valuable for us. Hopefully in the future there will be even better relations,” said Fitri.

When the media crew confirmed the reason why they and the other mothers did not take part in the protest action in front of the apartment regarding the demolition of the access road, Fitri dismissed this.

“Why are we joining in the process of the road and the demolition of the Mansyur Residence paving blocks. It’s no use. The problem is that the road turns, what does this have to do with our house which is behind?” said Fitri, admitting that if you cross the exit from Gang Melati, you just need to continue towards the main road. ***






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