Paket GamesMAX Booster #AntiNgelag

Paket GamesMAX Booster #AntiNgelag

Paket GamesMAX Booster #AntiNgelag | — Untuk menjawab kebutuhan pelanggan akan pengalaman memainkan mobile games dengan lancar dan nyaman #AntiNgeLag, Telkomsel meluncurkan GamesMAX Booster, sebuah paket dengan kuota khusus aplikasi mobile games yang menurunkan latensi jaringan.

Paket Paket GamesMAX Booster sudah dapat diakses pelanggan mulai 21 Desember 2022. Kehadiran ragam produk dan layanan digital untuk mendukung berbagai aktivitas pelanggan, seperti GamesMAX Booster merupakan salah satu upaya Telkomsel dalam meningkatkan kualitas pengalaman mobile gaming pelanggan di mana pun dan kapan pun.

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Paket GamesMAX Booster merupakan pengembangan inovasi dari produk Telkomsel sebelumnya, yakni GamesMAX Power, yang bertujuan meningkatkan pengalaman bagi para gamers saat bermain menggunakan jaringan berteknologi terdepan Telkomsel.

Pelanggan di seluruh Indonesia bisa mendapatkan paket GamesMAX Booster dengan harga mulai Rp 5.000 dan besaran kuota data hingga 36 GB. Paket tersebut tersedia dengan berbagai pilihan masa berlaku mulai dari 3, 7, dan 30 hari.

Kuota khusus aplikasi mobile games yang terdapat pada paket GamesMAX Booster tidak hanya dapat meningkatkan experience dalam memainkan games, tetapi juga dapat dipakai untuk download ataupun update aplikasi di Google Play Store dengan kecepatan tinggi.

Pelanggan bisa membeli paket GamesMAX Booster melalui Aplikasi MyTelkomsel, situs, atau USSD *363*508#. Kemudian pelanggan dapat memilih game yang akan di-boost melalui Aplikasi Dunia Games.

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Vice President Digital Lifestyle Telkomsel, Nirwan Lesmana mengatakan, ekosistem digital gaming nasional punya potensi yang sangat besar untuk terus tumbuh menjadi salah satu kekuatan ekonomi digital kreatif nasional di masa depan.

Untuk itu, sangat penting bagi gamers agar terus berkembang dengan pengalaman bermain games yang lancar dan nyaman. 

Telkomsel meluncurkan paket GamesMAX Booster untuk menunjang aktivitas digital pelanggan dalam bermain mobile games #AntiNgeLag, membuka peluang bagi mereka untuk maju bersama inovasi teknologi jaringan terdepan Telkomsel.

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“Dengan jaringan stabil Telkomsel dan Paket GamesMAX Booster, kami harap gamers dapat mengerahkan seluruh potensi dan skill mereka secara lebih optimal,” kata Nirwan Lesmana.

Kuota pada Paket GamesMAX Booster berlaku untuk Game Mobile Legends Bang Bang, Garena Free Fire, Arena of Valor, PUBG Mobile, Roblox, Ragnarok X: Next Generation, dan Shellfire.

Sebagai tambahan, untuk setiap pembelian Paket GamesMAX Booster, pelanggan juga akan mendapatkan bonus game voucher sesuai paket yang dipilih (Mobile Legends Bang Bang/ Free Fire).

Dunia Games akan mengirimkan kode game voucher tersebut melalui SMS dari 98888, lalu pelanggan dapat menukarkan voucher tersebut pada laman

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“Kenyamanan pelanggan dalam setiap aktivitas digital mereka adalah prioritas utama Telkomsel yang secara konsisten terus memotivasi perusahaan untuk berinovasi dalam setiap pemanfaatan ekosistem aset dan kapabilitas jaringan terdepannya. Kami berharap kehadiran paket GamesMAX Booster dapat menjawab kebutuhan pelanggan akan pengalaman bermain game yang maksimal #AntiNgeLag. Ke depannya, sebagai digital lifestyle enabler, Telkomsel akan terus berupaya mewujudkan komitmen dalam meningkatkan pengalaman gaya hidup digital masyarakat,” ucap Nirwan. ***

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GamesMAX Booster Package #AntiNgelag | — To answer customers’ needs for a smooth and comfortable mobile game mobile experience #AntiNgeLag, Telkomsel launched GamesMAX Booster, a package with a special quota for mobile games application that lowers network latency.

The GamesMAX Booster Packages can be accessed by customers starting December 21, 2022. The presence of a variety of digital products and services to support various customer activities, such as GamesMAX Booster is one of Telkomsel’s efforts to improve the quality of customer mobile gaming experience wherever and whenever.

The GamesMAX Booster package is an innovative development of the previous Telkomsel product, namely GamesMAX Power, which aims to improve the experience for gamers when playing using Telkomsel’s advanced technology network.

Customers throughout Indonesia can get the GamesMAX Booster package with prices starting at IDR 5,000 and a data quota of up to 36 GB. These packages are available with various validity periods ranging from 3, 7, and 30 days.

The special quota for mobile games applications contained in the  GamesMAX Booster package cannot only increase experience in playing games, but can also be used to download or update applications on the Google Play Store at high speed.

Customers can buy the GamesMAX Booster package through the MyTelkomsel Application, the website, or USSD *363*508#. Then the customer can choose the game which will be boosted through the Dunia Games Application.

Telkomsel’s Vice President of Digital Lifestyle, Nirwan Lesmana said, the national digital gaming ecosystem has enormous potential to continue to grow to become one of the strengths of the national creative digital economy in the future.



For this reason, it is very important for Gamers to continue to grow with a smooth and comfortable gaming experience.

Telkomsel launched the  GamesMAX Booster package to support customers’ digital activities in playing #AntiNgeLag mobile games, opening opportunities for them to advance with Telkomsel’s leading network technology innovations.

“With Telkomsel’s stable network and the GamesMAX Booster Package, we hope that gamers can optimize their full potential and skills,” said Nirwan Lesmana.

The quota on the GamesMAX Booster Package applies to Game Mobile Legends Bang Bang, Garena Free Fire, Arena of Valor, PUBG Mobile, Roblox, Ragnarok X: Next Generation, and Shellfire.

In addition, for every purchase of the GamesMAX Booster Package, customers will also get a bonus game voucher according to the chosen package (Mobile Legends Bang Bang/ Free Fire).

Dunia Games will send the game voucher code via SMS from 98888, then the customer can exchange the voucher on the page.

“Convenience of customers in each of their digital activities is Telkomsel’s top priority which consistently motivates companies to innovate in every utilization of its leading network asset ecosystem and capabilities. We hope that the presence of the GamesMAX Booster package can answer customer needs for a maximum game playing experience  #AntiNgeLag. going forward, as a digital lifestyle enabler, Telkomsel will continue to make efforts to fulfill its commitment to enhancing people’s digital lifestyle experience,” said Nirwan. ***






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