Apindo Sumut Khawatir Investor Bakal Kabur Gegara Tuntutan Jaksa Dalam Kasus Migor Berlebihan

Apindo Sumut Khawatir Investor Bakal Kabur Gegara Tuntutan Jaksa Dalam Kasus Migor Berlebihan

Apindo Sumut Khawatir Investor Bakal Kabur Gegara Tuntutan Jaksa Dalam Kasus Migor Berlebihan | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Apindo Sumut) menilai, tuntutan yang disampaikan Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) dalam persidangan kasus minyak goreng (migor) terlalu berlebihan.

“Tuntutan tersebut dikhawatirkan mengganggu investasi serta membuat para investor dan calon investor ketakutan menjalankan usaha atau menanamkan investasi di Indonesia,” kata Ketua Apindo Sumut, Haposan Siallagan menanggapi persidangan kasus migor yang memasuki tahapan penuntutan yang dibacakan JPU dalam sidang di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor) Jakarta Pusat.

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Seperti diketahui, kasus migor menyeret mantan Dirjen Daglu Kementerian Perdagangan, Indra Sari Wisnu Wardhana dan tim asistensi Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Weibinanto Halimdjati alias Lin Che Wei. Kemudian, Komisaris PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia Master, Parulian Tumanggor, Senior Manager Corporate Affairs Permata Hijau Group, Stanley MA dan General Manager bagian General Affairs PT Musim Mas, Pierre Togar Sitanggang.

Mereka didakwa melakukan korupsi secara bersama-sama dan melanggar Pasal 2 ayat (1) atau pasal 3 juncto Pasal 18 UU 31/1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU 20/2001 tentang Perubahan atas UU 31/1999 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Juncto Pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHPidana.

Pada tuntutan pokoknya, JPU meminta Tumanggor divonis 12 tahun penjara dan denda Rp 1 miliar subsider 6 bulan kurungan.

Jaksa meminta hakim menyatakan Tumanggor terbukti bersalah melakukan tindak pidana korupsi sebagaimana dakwaan primair Pasal 2 ayat (1) UU Pemberantasan Tipikor.

Jaksa menyebutkan, tindakan Tumanggor dilakukan bersama Indra Sari Wisnu Wardhana dan Weibinanto Halimdjati alias Lin Che Wei. Kemudian, Stanley MA dan Pierre Togar Sitanggang.

Bacaan Lainnya

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Dalam kasus ini, JPU menuntut Tumanggor lebih tinggi dibanding keempat terdakwa lainnya. JPU meminta hakim menjatuhkan hukuman uang pengganti senilai Rp 10,9 triliun terhadap Tumanggor.

Jika uang pengganti tersebut tidak dibayarkan maka harta benda milik terdakwa dan korporasi akan disita. Sementara apabila harta benda tersebut tidak mencukupi, maka Tumanggor akan diganjar dengan hukuman pidana badan selama 6 tahun penjara.

Menyikapi kasus tersebut, Haposan Siallagan bilang, bahwa tuntutan JPU tersebut memperlihatkan bahwa kepastian hukum di Indonesia benar-benar tidak ada.

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“Kita sepakat siapapun yang bersalah, ya harus dihukum. Tapi magnitude (kasusnya) jangan tuntutannya tidak sesuai dengan perbuataannya atau tuntutannya jangan terkesan dipaksakan menghukum seberat-beratnya tanpa dasar hukum. Ini yang akan membuat orang dan investor akan semakin takut berusaha dan menanam investasinya di Indonesia,” ujar Haposan Siallagan, dalam keterangnnya kepada wartawan, Selasa, 3 Januari 2023.

Haposan Siallagan mengaku, kaget jika dalam tuntutan tersebut juga ada uang pengganti dan ancaman menyita aset perusahaan dan pribadi yang nilainya sangat besar dan dapat mengancam ratusan ribu pekerja yang telah mengantungkan nasibnya oleh perusahaan.

“Ini dipastikan akan semakin membuat orang takut berusaha di Indonesia,” ucapnya.

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Terkait industri sawit, tambah Haposan Siallagan, semua perizinan baik ekspor maupun impor selalu berada di Kementerian Perdagangan. Kemudian rekomendasinya berasal dari kementerian teknis, yakni Kementerian Perindustrian dan Kementerian Pertanian.

Ketika kita ada masalah dan staf di kementerian tidak bisa memberikan solusi, tentu kita akan naik ke otoritas yang lebih tinggi. Ketemu Dirjen bahkan Menteri. Ini proses biasa dan lazim dijalani oleh pengusaha.

“Saya juga pernah melakukan hal tersebut. Ini proses yang biasa, bussiness as usual. Kalau itu dianggap salah, sebagai pengusaha tentu akan bingung. Kita harus kemana lagi kalau ada masalah agar ada solusi. Bisa dipastikan tidak akan ada lagi orang yang menjadi pengusaha atau melakukan usaha di Indonesia,” cetus Haposan. ***

google translate

Apindo Sumut Worried Investors Will Run Away Because of Prosecutor’s Prosecution in Migor Case Exaggeration | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The Indonesian Entrepreneurs Association of North Sumatra Province (Apindo Sumut) considers that the demands made by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) in the trial of the cooking oil (migor) case are too excessive.

“These demands are feared to disrupt investment and make investors and potential investors afraid of running a business or investing in Indonesia,” said the chairman of Apindo North Sumatra, Haposan Siallagan in response to the trial of the migor case which entered the prosecution stage which was read out by the prosecutor in a hearing at the Corruption Court (Tipikor). ) Central Jakarta.

As is known, the Migor case dragged on the former Director General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade, Indra Sari Wisnu Wardhana and the team of assistants to the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Weibinanto Halimdjati alias Lin Che Wei. Then, Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia Master, Parulian Tumanggor, Senior Manager Corporate Affairs Permata Hijau Group, Stanley MA and General Manager of General Affairs at PT Musim Mas, Pierre Togar Sitanggang.

They were charged with jointly committing corruption and violating Article 2 paragraph (1) or article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law 31/1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by Law 20/2001 concerning Amendments to Law 31/1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts Corruption Juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

In his main demands, the public prosecutor asked Tumanggor to be sentenced to 12 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion, a subsidiary of 6 months in prison.

The prosecutor asked the judge to declare Tumanggor guilty of committing the crime of corruption as in the primary charge of Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Corruption Eradication Law.

The prosecutor stated that Tumanggor’s actions were carried out together with Indra Sari Wisnu Wardhana and Weibinanto Halimdjati alias Lin Che Wei. Then, Stanley MA and Pierre Togar Sitanggang.

In this case, the public prosecutor demanded that Tumanggor be higher than the other four defendants. The public prosecutor asked the judge to impose a penalty of Rp 10.9 trillion in compensation against Tumanggor.

If the replacement money is not paid then the assets belonging to the defendant and the corporation will be confiscated. Meanwhile, if the assets are insufficient, then Tumanggor will be rewarded with a corporal punishment of 6 years in prison.

Responding to this case, Haposan Siallagan said that the prosecutor’s demands show that legal certainty in Indonesia really does not exist.

“We agree that whoever is guilty must be punished. But the magnitude (of the case) should not be in accordance with his actions or the demands should not seem forced to punish as severely as possible without any legal basis. This will make people and investors even more afraid to try and invest in Indonesia,” said Haposan Siallagan, in his statement to journalists, Tuesday, January 3, 2023.



Haposan Siallagan admitted that he was surprised if the demands included compensation money and threats to confiscate company and personal assets which were of enormous value and could threaten hundreds of thousands of workers who had depended on the company for their livelihood.

“This will certainly make people more afraid to do business in Indonesia,” he said.

Regarding the palm oil industry, added Haposan Siallagan, all permits for both export and import are always at the Ministry of Trade. Then the recommendations come from technical ministries, namely the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Agriculture.

When we have a problem and the staff at the ministry cannot provide a solution, of course we will go up to a higher authority. Meet the Director General and even the Minister. This is a normal process and is commonly followed by entrepreneurs.

“I have also done this before. This is a normal process, business as usual. If it is considered wrong, as an entrepreneur, of course, we will be confused. Where should we go next if there is a problem so that there is a solution. We can be sure that no one will become an entrepreneur anymore or doing business in Indonesia,” said Haposan. ***






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