MD Pictures Gandeng Telkomsel Hadirkan Film-film Populer

MD Pictures Gandeng Telkomsel Hadirkan Film-film Populer | — PT MD Pictures Tbk (FILM) dengan bangga mengumumkan kemitraan inovatif bersama Telkomsel, perusahaan telekomunikasi digital terdepan Indonesia.

Kemitraan antara kedua pemimpin pasar di industri perfilman dan industri telekomunikasi tersebut akan menghadirkan film-film populer dan serial orisinal MD Pictures untuk jutaan penonton Indonesia melalui video streaming platform Telkomsel, MAXstream.

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Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan digital yang signifikan, saat ini MD Pictures juga menguasai pangsa pasar distribusi film di bioskop.

Founder & CEO MD Pictures Manoj Punjabi mengatakan, memasuki tahun 2023 ini, selain akan terus merilis film-film box office di bioskop, MD bersama MAXstream siap untuk memperluas ekspansi digital dan meningkatkan market share untuk menyapa para penonton di mana pun dan kapan pun.

Langkah strategis Telkomsel untuk berkolaborasi dengan MD Pictures seraya menegaskan komitmen perusahaan telko tersebut dalam memperluas bisnis digitalnya.

Vice President Digital Lifestyle Telkomsel, Nirwan Lesmana menjelaskan, sebagai digital lifestyle enabler, Telkomsel berkomitmen untuk terus membuka lebih banyak peluang hadirnya ragam konten hiburan digital orisinal berkualitas karya insan kreatif nasional.

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“Melalui video streaming platform kami, MAXstream, Telkomsel telah menghadirkan lebih dari 300 konten orisinal dan lebih dari 5.000 konten lisensi maupun kolaborasi,” sebut Nirwan.

Dengan kolaborasi bersama MD Pictures, MAXstream dapat mendorong lebih banyak lagi konten lokal berkualitas untuk maju lebih jauh dalam meraih pencapaian sekaligus melangkah lebih dekat untuk menggapai pelanggan.

“Ke depannya kami berharap agar MAXstream, the home of entertainment, dapat terus mendukung pertumbuhan serta mengakselerasi kemajuan industri perfilman dan kreatif Tanah Air,” ucap Nirwan.

Kerjasama MAXstream

Membuka tahun 2023, MD Pictures dan MAXstream Telkomsel akan merilis Film HIDAYAH pada 12 Januari 2023, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Film Bismillah Kunikahi Suamimu pada 23 Februari 2023 serentak di bioskop seluruh Indonesia.

Selain itu, MD Pictures juga akan merilis Film Atas Nama Surga dan Serial Princess and The Boss di platform MAXstream.

MAXstream adalah layanan video streaming yang menghadirkan konten lokal maupun internasional berupa konten orisinal maupun kolaborasi dari streaming platform kelas dunia, seperti HBO, Vidio, Viu, tvN, Celestial Movies, Cartoon Network, Lionsgate Play, Disney+ Hotstar, Netflix, hingga Prime Video.

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Sejak diluncurkan di tahun 2018, MAXstream telah menjadi salah satu layanan digital yang paling diminati pelanggan dengan 8 juta active users dan 32 juta downloaders.

Bersama para sineas dan kreator lokal Indonesia, MAXstream bahkan telah sukses merambah pasar internasional di kawasan Asia, seperti Malaysia, Brunei, dan Thailand.

Informasi lengkap tentang MAXstream dapat diakses melalui tautan, dan aplikasinya dapat diunduh di Play Store dan App Store. ***

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MD Pictures Collaborates with Telkomsel to Present Popular Films | — PT MD Pictures Tbk (FILM) is pleased to announce an innovative partnership with Telkomsel, Indonesia’s leading digital telecommunications company.

The partnership between the two market leaders in the film industry and telecommunications industry will bring MD Pictures’ popular films and original series to millions of Indonesian viewers through Telkomsel’s video streaming platform, MAXstream.

In line with the significant digital growth, currently MD Pictures also dominates the film distribution market share in cinemas.

MD Pictures Founder & CEO Manoj Punjabi said, entering 2023, apart from continuing to release box office films in theaters, MD and MAXstream are ready to expand digital expansion and increase market share to greet audiences anywhere and anytime.

Telkomsel’s strategic move to collaborate with MD Pictures while emphasizing the telco company’s commitment to expanding its digital business.

Telkomsel’s Vice President of Digital Lifestyle, Nirwan Lesmana explained, as a digital lifestyle enabler, Telkomsel is committed to continuing to open up more opportunities for a variety of quality original digital entertainment content by national creative people.

“Through our video streaming platform, MAXstream, Telkomsel has presented more than 300 original content and more than 5,000 licensed and collaborative content,” said Nirwan.

By collaborating with MD Pictures, MAXstream can encourage more quality local content to go further in achieving achievements while at the same time getting closer to reaching customers.

“In the future we hope that MAXstream, the home of entertainment, can continue to support growth and accelerate the progress of the Indonesian film and creative industry,” said Nirwan.



MAXstream Collaboration

Opening 2023, MD Pictures and MAXstream Telkomsel will release the film HIDAYAH on January 12, 2023, which will then be followed by the film Bismillah Kumarhi Husband on February 23, 2023 simultaneously in theaters throughout Indonesia.

Apart from that, MD Pictures will also release the film Atas Nama Langit and the Princess and The Boss series on the MAXstream platform.

MAXstream is a video streaming service that delivers local and international content in the form of original and collaborative content from world-class streaming platforms, such as HBO, Vidio, Viu, tvN, Celestial Movies, Cartoon Network, Lionsgate Play, Disney+ Hotstar, Netflix, to Prime Video.

Since its launch in 2018, MAXstream has become one of the most popular digital services for customers with 8 million active users and 32 million downloaders.

Together with local Indonesian filmmakers and creators, MAXstream has even successfully penetrated international markets in the Asian region, such as Malaysia, Brunei and Thailand.

Complete information about MAXstream can be accessed via the link, and the application can be downloaded at the Play Store and App Store. ***






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