Perayaan HPN 2023 Sukses | Putaran Transaksi Uang Capai 50 Miliar Rupiah

Perayaan HPN 2023 Sukses | Putaran Transaksi Uang Capai 50 Miliar Rupiah

Perayaan HPN 2023 Sukses | Putaran Transaksi Uang Capai 50 Miliar Rupiah | — Puncak perayaan Hari Pers Nasional (HPN) 2023 pada 9 Februari 2023 di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, yang dihadiri Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) berlangsung sukses.

Yang luar biasanya, dalam perayaan HPN 2023 di Sumatera Utara, tercatat perputaran transaksi uang mencapai Rp50 milliar, selama HPN 2023 yang digelar mulai 7 Februari 2023 hingga penutupan 11 Februari 2023.

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“HPN tahun ini berdampak positif, selama enam  hari  berlangsung diperkirakan ada perputaran transaksi uang sebesar Rp50 miliar. Ini berasal dari transaksi  yang terjadi antara pengusaha di semua tingkatan dengan para pengunjung selama perhelatan HPN 2023 berlangsung,” kata Gubernur Sumatera Utara, Edy Rahmayadi yang diwakili Asisten Pemerintahan dan Kesejahteraan Rakyat, Basarin Yunus Tanjung, pada penutupan Pameran HPN 2023 di Lapangan Astaka, Jalan Williem Iskandar, Kabupaten Deliserdang.

Selain itu juga disampaikan, bahwa HPN 2023 yang dilaksanakan di Sumatera Utara ini merupakan pelaksanaan HPN yang terbesar dan terbaik sepanjang sejarah perayaan HPN.

“Mulai dari persiapan hingga pelaksanaan puncak HPN yang dihadiri Presiden RI Joko Widodo hingga penutupan, kita mendapat pengakuan pengurus pusat maupun pengurus PWI provinsi, mendapat predikat HPN terbaik,” jelasnya.

Ia mengucapkan terimakasih kepada seluruh pihak yang telah berkontribusi atas kesuksesan HPN 2023. Terutama kepada insan pers, pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota hingga OPD Pemprov Sumatera Utara, pelaku UMKM, BUMN dan BUMD dan seluruh masyarakat.

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“Tak ada gading yang tak retak, banyak kekurangan dan kealpaan kami, atas nama Pemprov Sumatera Utara kami mohon maaf, ke depan menjadi koreksi dan evaluasi untuk lebih baik lagi,” ungkapnya.

Dia juga berharap, semangat kebersamaan dan sinergitas ini merupakan modal untuk melakukan pembangunan bangsa dan negara ini. Karenanya kemitraan pemerintah dengan pers  harus terus dibangun.

“Keberhasilan pemerintah akan sia-sia jika tidak tersampaikan kepada masyarakat. Tetapi adanya peran pers melalui pemberitaan hal itu bisa tersampaikan, yang sedang dan akan dilakukan pemerintah untuk masyarakat,” ujarnya.

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Sementara itu, Kepala Dinas Komunikasi dan Informastika Provinsi Sumut Ilyas S Sitorus melaporkan, berbagai rangkaian kegiatan HPN 2023 telah dilaksanakan dengan sukses, yakni mulai dari ekspedisi geopark, donor darah, seminar stunting, workshop literasi digital media sosial dan entrepreneurship untuk generasi milenial, seruan pers dan seminar anugerah jurnalistik Adinegoro, seminar internasional ‘Disrupsi Digital dan Tata Ulang Ekosistem Media yang Berkelanjutan’. 

Kemudian juda dialog Anugerah Kebudayaan PWI 2023, Kongres XXVI dan Seminar SPS, Pertemuan Dewan Kehormatan PWI Pusat dengan Dewan Kehormatan PWI se-Indonesia, Seminar Sejarah Pers Perempuan di Sumut, Seminar Internasional ‘Trade, Tourism and Investment Forum North Sumatera, Konvensi Nasional Media Massa, Seminar Olahraga Strategi Sumut dan Aceh Meningkatkan Prestasi Olahraga dan Kebangkitan Ekonomi Daerah dan Seminar Dana Bagi Hasil Perkebunan Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi.

“Kita telah melaksanakan 21 rangkaian kegiatan HPN 2023 yang dihadiri insan pers seluruh Indonesia, pers perwakilan negara dan duta besar negara sahabat,” kata Ilyas.

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Ilyas juga menyampaikan, untuk memeriahkan pameran HPN ini ada sebanyak 110 stan, baik dari Pemrov, PKK dan Kabupaten/Kota, Dekransda dan Kabupaten/Kota, OPD Kabupaten/Kota dan pelaku UMKM. Mereka menjual berbagai cendera mata khas Sumut, mulai dari kain songket, kain tenun, pernak pernik HPN dan kuliner, serta aneka minum tersedia di sana.

“Terima kasih atas dukungan Pemerintah Provinsi, kepada Bapak Gubernur Edy Rahmyadi, Forkopimda Sumut dan kawan-kawan jajaran OPD, semua pihak yang telah membantu suksesan rangkaian HPN 2023, termasuk kawan-kawan media yang terus menginformasikan perhelatan HPN ini, terimakasih untuk kita semua,” ungkap Ilyas S Sitorus yang juga Sekretaris Panitia Daerah HPN 2023. ***

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HPN 2023 Celebration Success | Round of Money Transactions Reaches 50 Billion Rupiah | — The highlight of the 2023 National Press Day (HPN) celebration on February 9, 2023 in North Sumatra Province, which was attended by Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was a success.

What is extraordinary, during the HPN 2023 celebration in North Sumatra, cash transaction turnover was recorded reaching Rp. 50 billion, during HPN 2023 which was held from 7 February 2023 to closing 11 February 2023.

“This year’s HPN has had a positive impact, for six days it is estimated that there will be a turnover of IDR 50 billion in cash transactions. This comes from transactions that occur between entrepreneurs at all levels and visitors during the 2023 HPN event,” said the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayadi who was represented Assistant for Government and People’s Welfare, Basarin Yunus Tanjung, at the closing of the 2023 HPN Exhibition at Astaka Field, Jalan Williem Iskandar, Deliserdang Regency.

In addition, it was also conveyed that the HPN 2023 which was held in North Sumatra was the largest and best HPN in the history of the HPN celebration.

“Starting from the preparations to the peak implementation of the HPN which was attended by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo until the closing, we received recognition from the central management and provincial PWI officials, getting the title of the best HPN,” he explained.

He expressed his gratitude to all parties who have contributed to the success of HPN 2023. Especially to members of the press, Regency/City governments to the OPD North Sumatra Provincial Government, MSME players, BUMN and BUMD and the whole community.



“There is no ivory that is not cracked, we have many shortcomings and omissions, on behalf of the North Sumatra Provincial Government we apologize, going forward it will be a correction and evaluation to make it even better,” he said.

He also hopes that this spirit of togetherness and synergy will be the capital for developing this nation and state. Therefore, the partnership between the government and the press must continue to be built.

“The success of the government will be in vain if it is not conveyed to the public. But the role of the press through reporting on this can be conveyed, what the government is doing and will do for the people,” he said

Meanwhile, the Head of the North Sumatra Province Communication and Information Service, Ilyas S Sitorus, reported that various series of HPN 2023 activities had been carried out successfully, starting from geopark expeditions, blood donations, stunting seminars, digital literacy workshops on social media and entrepreneurship for the millennial generation. and the Adinegoro journalism prize seminar, the international seminar ‘Digital Disruption and Reconstructing a Sustainable Media Ecosystem’.

Then also the PWI 2023 Cultural Award dialogue, the XXVI Congress and the SPS Seminar, the Central PWI Honorary Council meeting with the PWI Honorary Council throughout Indonesia, the Seminar on the History of Women’s Press in North Sumatra, the International Seminar ‘Trade, Tourism and Investment Forum North Sumatra, the National Mass Media Convention , North Sumatra and Aceh Sports Strategy Seminar on Improving Sports Achievement and Regional Economic Revival and Seminar on Plantation Profit Sharing Funds to Increase Economic Growth.

“We have carried out 21 series of HPN 2023 activities which were attended by members of the press from all over Indonesia, press representatives from countries and ambassadors from friendly countries,” said Ilyas.

Ilyas also said that to enliven the HPN exhibition there were 110 booths, both from the Provincial Government, PKK and Regency/City, Dekransda and Regency/City, Regency/City OPD and MSME players. They sell a variety of typical North Sumatran souvenirs, ranging from songket cloth, woven fabrics, HPN and culinary knick-knacks, as well as various drinks available there.

“Thank you for the support of the Provincial Government, to Mr. Governor Edy Rahmyadi, North Sumatra Forkopimda and friends from the OPD ranks, all parties who have helped the success of the 2023 HPN series, including media friends who continue to inform about this HPN event, thanks to all of us, ” said Ilyas S Sitorus who is also the Secretary of the 2023 HPN Regional Committee. ***






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