Kompak – Metal UKM Jurnalis Binaan TPL Ramaikan F1 Power Boat Lake Toba

Kompak - Metal UKM Jurnalis Binaan TPL Ramaikan F1 Power Boat Lake Toba

Kompak – Metal UKM Jurnalis Binaan TPL Ramaikan F1 Power Boat Lake Toba | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Pencinta kopi yang berkunjung ke lokasi F1 Power Boat World Championship 2023, Balige Kabupaten Toba, wajib menyinggahi stand Kompak.

Kompak adalah singkatan dari Komunitas Penggiat Kopi yang juga tergabung dalam lembaga METAL (Media Tani Lestari) Salah satu Usaha Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Media Binaan PT. Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk (TPL).

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Kompak dan Metal menyajikan minuman bubuk hitam alias kopi dengan cita rasa khas Prapat Kabupaten Simalungun.

Melalui binaan TPL, mereka menyajikan rasa dan aroma tak kalah dengan brand-brand ternama bisnis minuman kopi.

Ada berbagai jenis rasa yang disediakan oleh barista D’bRing’S Kopi Robusta dan PARKOPI Kopi Arabika Parapat.

Salah satu keunggulan minuman kopi yang dapat dicoba adalah Infused Kopi.

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“Best seller kami adalah Infused Kopi. Selain itu ada juga berbagai menu hidangan kopi lainnya, seperti Kopi Hitam; Kopi Susu; Kopi Susu Gula Aren; Vietnam Drip; Americano; Espresso Double; Sanger; Kopi Lemon; Kopi Lesehan; serta Cappucino yang bijih kopinya berasal dari Parapat, Simalungun,” beber barista D’bRing’S Kopi Robusta dan PARKOPI Kopi Arabika Parapat, Martua Hutapea, Jumat, 24 Februari 2023.

Ia mengaku senang bisa berpartisipasi meramaikan event internasional F1 Power Boat Lake Toba yang berlangsung mulai dari 24 – 26 Februari 2023, tentunya juga dengan dukungan TPL dan pemerintah yang selalu membantu dalam setiap event yang mereka ikuti.

“Kami ucapkan terimakasih atas dukungan TPL, Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Simalungun yang telah memberikan kesempatan bagi Kompak – Metal dapat mempromosikan sajikan minuman kopi D’bRing’S bagi wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara,” ucap Hutapea.

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D’bRing’S Kopi Robusta dan PARKOPI Kopi Arabika Parapat hadir di Ring 1side event perhelatan F1PowerBoat Balige (24-26/2/2023) mendapat dukungan dari TPL (Toba Pulp Lestari), IPJI (Ikatan Penulis Jurnalis Siantar Simalungun) dan METAL (Media Tani Lestari, Kelompok UMKM kaum Jurnalis).

Pemilik D’bring’S Kopi Robusta Parapat Simalungun, Affrenton Sembiring berterima kasih atas dukungan yang diberikan TPL, Metal dan IPJI DPC Siantar Simalungun.

“D’bring’S Kopi Robusta dan PARKOPI Kopi Arabika Parapat Simalungun berterima kasih atas dukungan TPL, Metal dan IPJI Siantar Simalungun pada pelaksanaan Event F1PowerBoat di Balige (24-26/2/2023),” ujar Affrenton Sembiring di tempat terpisah.

Menurutnya, TPL sebagai bapak angkat UKM Jurnalis, dalam beberapa event berskala nasional juga melibatkan Kompak. “Dua kali Kejuaraan Rally Nasional yang berlangsung di konsesi HTI TPL, mengajak Kompak untuk menampilkan ciri khas minuman kopi asal Parapat Simalungun. Kegiatan itu sangat berharga bagi kami,” cetusnya.

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Ia menerangkan, asal usul kopi yang diracik Kompak berasal dari kebun sendiri dari Desa Simpangan Bolon Kecamatan Parapat Kabupaten Simalungun. “Biji kopinya berasal dari kebun sendiri, petik sendiri dan olahannya juga dilakukan sendiri. Jadi, citra rasa kopi Parapat tidak kalah dengan daerah penghasil kopi lainnya,” bebernya.

Manager Media Relation TPL, Dedy Armaya didampingi Indra Sianipar dan Chistin Tampubolon dalam event F1 Power Boat Lake Toba menyempatkan waktu menyinggahi stand Kompak – D’bring’S Kopi Robusta dan PARKOPI Kopi Arabika Parapat.

Dedy Armaya mencicipi sajian kopi Parapat. “Mantap, citra rasa kopi Parapat ini. Bagi pengunjung perhelatan F1 Power Boat Lake Toba harus mencoba mencicipinya,” sebut Dedy.

Dedy Armaya mengakui, Kompak – D’bring’S Kopi Robusta dan PARKOPI Kopi Arabika Parapat merupakan salah satu binaan perusahaan TPL.

“Kita (TPL) membuka diri bagi komunitas-komunitas UKM Media dan jurnalis yang berada di wilayah operasional perusahaan untuk bersinergi, baik dalam bentuk pembinaan. Salah satunya adalah Kompak yang merupakan komunitas UKM Jurnalis yang telah membentuk kelompok Media Tani Lestari (METAL) Simalungun bersama para peracik kopi yang handal, sudah memiliki kualifikasi 100% halal membuat kami dari pihak TPL semakin tertarik bekerjasama,” ujar Dedy. ***

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Kompak – Metal UKM Journalist Assisted by TPL Enlivens F1 Power Boat Lake Toba | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Coffee lovers who visit the location of the 2023 F1 Power Boat World Championship, Balige, Toba Regency, must stop by the Kompak stand.

Compact is an abbreviation of the Coffee Activist Community which is also a member of the METAL (Media Tani Lestari) institution, one of the Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Media Fostered by PT. Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk (TPL).

Compact and Metal serves black powder drinks, aka coffee, with the distinctive taste of Prapat, Simalungun Regency.

Through TPL’s guidance, they provide flavors and aromas that are not inferior to well-known brands in the coffee drink business.

There are various types of flavors provided by the barista D’bring’S Robusta Coffee and PARKOPI Arabica Parapat Coffee.

One of the advantages of coffee drinks that you can try is Infused Coffee.

“Our best seller is Infused Coffee. Apart from that, there are also various other coffee menus, such as Black Coffee; Milk Coffee; Palm Sugar Milk Coffee; Vietnam Drip; Americano; Double Espresso; Sanger; Lemon Coffee; Lesehan Coffee; and Cappucino which is black. the coffee comes from Parapat, Simalungun,” explained the barista D’bRing’S Robusta Coffee and PARKOPI Arabica Coffee Parapat, Martua Hutapea, Friday, February 24, 2023.

He admitted that he was happy to be able to participate in enlivening the international F1 Power Boat Lake Toba event which took place from 24-26 February 2023, of course also with the support of TPL and the government who always help in every event they take part in.

“We thank you for the support of TPL, the Simalungun Regency Culture and Tourism Office, which has provided an opportunity for Kompak – Metal to promote serving D’bRing’S coffee drinks to local and foreign tourists,” said Hutapea.

Local and foreign tourists visiting the F1 Power Boat World Champions Ship 2023 show which took place in the Napitupulu Village.



D’bRing’S Robusta Coffee and PARKOPI Arabica Coffee Parapat attended the Ring 1side event of the F1PowerBoat Balige event (24-26/2/2023) received support from TPL (Toba Pulp Lestari), IPJI (Siantar Simalungun Journalist Writers Association) and METAL (Media Tani Lestari, the UMKM Group of Journalists).

The owner of D’bring’S Robusta Coffee Parapat Simalungun, Affrenton Sembiring is grateful for the support provided by TPL, Metal and IPJI DPC Siantar Simalungun.

“D’bring’S Robusta Coffee and PARKOPI Arabica Coffee Parapat Simalungun are grateful for the support from TPL, Metal and IPJI Siantar Simalungun during the implementation of the F1PowerBoat Event in Balige (24-26/2/2023),” said Affrenton Sembiring in a separate place.

According to him, TPL as the adoptive father of UKM Journalists, has also involved Kompak in several national-scale events. “Twice the National Rally Championships which took place in the HTI TPL concession, invited Kompak to display the characteristics of a coffee drink from Parapat Simalungun. This activity is very valuable to us,” he said.

He explained, the origin of the coffee brewed by Kompak came from his own garden from Simpangan Bolon Village, Parapat District, Simalungun Regency. “The coffee beans come from their own garden, they are picked by themselves and the processing is also done by themselves. So, the taste image of Parapat coffee is not inferior to other coffee-producing regions,” he explained.

TPL Media Relations Manager, Dedy Armaya accompanied by Indra Sianipar and Chistin Tampubolon in the Lake Toba F1 Power Boat event took the time to stop by the Kompak stand – D’bring’S Robusta Coffee and PARKOPI Arabica Coffee Parapat.

Dedy Armaya tastes Parapat coffee. “Great, this Parapat coffee taste image. Visitors to the Lake Toba Power Boat F1 event should try to taste it,” said Dedy.

Dedy Armaya acknowledged that Kompak – D’bring’S Robusta Coffee and PARKOPI Arabica Coffee Parapat are one of the TPL company’s mentors.

“We (TPL) open ourselves up to Media UKM communities and journalists who are in the company’s operational areas to synergize, both in the form of coaching. One of them is Kompak which is a UKM Journalist community that has formed the Media Tani Lestari (METAL) Simalungun group together with reliable coffee brewers who already have 100% halal qualifications have made us, from TPL, even more interested in collaborating,” said Dedy. ***






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