Pemilik Kendaraan Roda 4 di Sumut Antusias Daftar Program Subsidi Tepat Pertamina | — Pemilik kendaraan roda 4 di Sumatera Utara (Sumut) sangat antusias mendaftar Program Subsidi Tepat.
“Kami mencatat sejak 1 Maret ini, sebanyak lebih kurang 31.500 unit kendaraan telah mendaftar dalam Program Subsidi Tepat di Sumut, khusus segmen Solar. Jumlah pendaftar Program Subsidi Tepat mengalami peningkatan signifikan,” ujar Area Manager Comm, Rel & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut, Susanto August Satria di Medan, Selasa, 7 Maret 2023.
BISNIS HARI INI: Daftar Subsidi Tepat Bisa Melalui LinkAja
Ia menjelaskan, mulai hari ini, 7 Maret telah diterapkan perluasan wilayah implementasi uji coba Program Subsidi Tepat di Sumut. Program Subsidi Tepat ini bertujuan untuk mendata kendaraan yang menggunakan BBM bersubsidi.
Melalui pendataan ini, diharapkan penyaluran BBM bersubsidi dapat lebih termonitor dan mencegah kecurangan atau penyalahgunaan di lapangan. Sehingga BBM bersubsidi tersalurkan bagi masyarakat yang berhak.
Dalam meningkatkan jumlah pendaftar, Satria mengatakan, pihaknya telah menambah posko pendaftaran langsung. Bagi masyarakat yang memiliki akses internet, pendaftaran online juga terus dipastikan tidak ada kendala melalui website dan menu Subsidi Tepat di Aplikasi MyPertamina.
BISNIS HARI INI: Agus Susanto: Penyaluran Pupuk Subsidi Sesuai Aturan Berlaku
“Kami telah membuka lebih kurang 300 posko pendaftaran Subsidi Tepat di Sumut. Lokasi posko atau helpdesk Subsidi Tepat tersebut berada di SPBU, kantor pemerintahan (Kantor Samsat, kantor bupati/wali kota), dan fasilitas umum (terminal bus),” ucapnya.
Sementara itu, konsumen Pertamina Patra Niaga, Slamet mengaku tak ada kendala saat mengisi BBM subsidi dengan menggunakan kode QR. Dengan adanya Program Subsidi Tepat, ia merasa proses pengisian BBM jadi lebih cepat.
“Sebelum isi BBM Solar, saya menunjukan barcode ke petugas SPBU. Lebih bagus begini, jadi lebih tepat sasaran dan pengisian BBM lebih cepat,” kata Slamet di SPBU 14201127, Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Medan.
Menurut Slamet, ia sudah mendaftarkan kendaraannya melalui website sejak tiga bulan lalu. Saat beli BBM subsidi, ia menggunakan metode pembayaran dengan uang tunai.
BISNIS HARI INI: Wagub Dorong APERSI Kembangkan Rumah Subsidi di Sumut
“Saya daftar kendaraan untuk Program Subsidi Tepat ini dari website,” katanya.
Berbeda dengan Slamet, konsumen Pertamina Patra Niaga lainnya, Putra mengatakan ia baru saja mendaftakan kendaraannya di posko pendaftaran langsung di SPBU Pertamina.
“Tadi saya dibantu petugas SPBU mendaftar kendaraan saya untuk Program Subsidi Tepat. Dokumen yang diunggah itu ada foto KTP, foto STNK, dan foto kendaraan,” ujar Putra.
Sebelumnya, Pertamina Patra Niaga juga telah melakukan sosialisasi Program Subsidi Tepat bersama Pemprov Sumut, Pemkot Medan, Tebing Tinggi, Sibolga, Padangsidempuan, Pemkab Serdang Bedagai dan lain-lain.
Sebagai informasi, uji coba penerapan Subsidi Tepat secara menyeluruh telah didukung BPH Migas melalui SK BPH Migas No. T-928/MG.05/BPH/2022 tentang Pelaksanaan Uji Coba Pendistribusian JBT dengan QR Code dan SK Kepala BPH Migas nomor 04/P3JBT/BPH Migas/KOM/2020 mengenai Pengendalian Penyaluran Jenis BBM Tertentu.
Untuk informasi dan pertanyaan lebih lanjut mengenai Program Subsidi Tepat, masyarakat dapat mengecek sosial media resmi @ptpertaminapatraniaga, @mypertamina, website serta dapat menghubungi Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135. ***
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Owners of 4-wheeled Vehicles in North Sumatra Enthusiastically Sign Up for the Pertamina Precise Subsidy Program | — Owners of 4-wheeled vehicles in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) are very enthusiastic about registering for the Right Subsidy Program.
“We noted that since March 1, approximately 31,500 vehicles have registered for the Right Subsidy Program in North Sumatra, specifically for the Solar segment. The number of registrants for the Right Subsidy Program has increased significantly,” said Area Manager Comm, Rail & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional, North Sumatra. , Susanto August Satria in Medan, Tuesday, March 7 2023.
He explained, starting today, March 7, the expansion of the implementation area for the Right Subsidy Program in North Sumatra has been implemented. The Right Subsidy Program aims to record vehicles that use subsidized fuel.
Through this data collection, it is hoped that the distribution of subsidized fuel can be better monitored and prevent fraud or abuse in the field. So that subsidized fuel is channeled to the people who are entitled.
In increasing the number of registrants, Satria said, his party had added direct registration posts. For people who have internet access, online registration is also ensured that there are no problems through the website and the Right Subsidy menu in the MyPertamina Application.
“We have opened approximately 300 Precise Subsidy registration posts in North Sumatra. The locations of Precise Subsidy posts or helpdesk are located at gas stations, government offices (Samsat Office, regent/mayor office), and public facilities (bus terminals),” he said.
Meanwhile, Pertamina Patra Niaga consumer, Slamet, admitted that he had no problems filling up subsidized fuel using the QR code. With the Precise Subsidy Program, he feels that the fuel filling process is faster.
“Before filling up diesel fuel, I showed the barcode to the gas station attendant. It’s better this way, so it’s more targeted and filling fuel is faster,” said Slamet at gas station 14201127, Jalan Sisingamangaraja, Medan.
According to Slamet, he had registered his vehicle through the website three months ago. When buying subsidized fuel, he uses the cash payment method.
“I registered the vehicle for the Precise Subsidy Program from the website,” he said.
Unlike Slamet, another Pertamina Patra Niaga customer, Putra, said he had just registered his vehicle at the direct registration post at the Pertamina gas station.
“Earlier I was assisted by a gas station official to register my vehicle for the Precise Subsidy Program. The uploaded documents included a photo of an ID card, a photo of a vehicle registration, and a photo of the vehicle,” said Putra.
Previously, Pertamina Patra Niaga had also socialized the Right Subsidy Program with the North Sumatra Provincial Government, Medan City Government, Tebing Tinggi, Sibolga, Padangsidempuan, Serdang Bedagai Regency Government and others.
For information, BPH Migas has fully supported the pilot application of the Right Subsidy through SK BPH Migas No. T-928/MG.05/BPH/2022 concerning Implementation of JBT Distribution Trial with QR Code and SK Head of BPH Migas number 04/P3JBT/BPH Migas/KOM/2020 regarding Control of Distribution of Certain Types of Fuel.
For further information and questions regarding the Right Subsidy Program, the public can check the official social media @ptpertaminapatraniaga, @mypertamina, the website and can contact Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135. ***