Solusi Intelligent Urban Mobility Telkomsel Raih Penghargaan Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) Awards 2023

Solusi Intelligent Urban Mobility Telkomsel Raih Penghargaan Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) Awards 2023

Solusi Intelligent Urban Mobility Telkomsel Raih Penghargaan Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) Awards 2023 | — Komitmen Telkomsel sebagai digital ecosystem enabler dalam memperluas portofolio bisnis digital yang terus mengakselerasi hadirnya solusi layanan digital baru melalui pemanfaatan inovasi dan teknologi terdepan, mendapatkan pengakuan di tingkat global pada ajang penghargaan Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) Summit 2023 yang penyerahannya dilaksanakan selama penyelenggaraan Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2023 di Barcelona.

Dalam ajang tersebut, solusi Intelligent Urban Mobility sukses meraih penghargaan pada Kategori Innovative Mobile Service and Application Award.

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Melalui penghargaan ini, Telkomsel mendapat pengakuan atas keberhasilan dalam menghadirkan layanan dan solusi inovatif dengan memaksimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi jaringan 4G/LTE dan 5G bagi konsumen, industri, dan bisnis lainnya.

Direktur IT Telkomsel Bharat Alva mengatakan, Telkomsel mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) atas apresiasi yang diberikan. Penghargaan ini membuktikan komitmen Telkomsel sebagai digital ecosystem enabler dalam memperkuat ekosistem digital nasional melalui pemanfaatan teknologi terdepan, customer centric, dan kolaboratif.

“Telkomsel akan terus mendorong inovasi baru dan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan aset ekosistem dan kapabilitas Telkomsel dalam menciptakan lebih banyak peluang,” ucapnya.

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Solusi Intelligent Urban Mobility

Solusi Intelligent Urban Mobility dapat membantu korporasi maupun pemerintah dalam menganalisis pergerakan penduduk dan demografi melalui pemanfaatan big data analytics dari telco data insight untuk membantu pengambilan keputusan dan pengembangan kebijakan dengan lebih efektif dan tepat sasaran.

Sejak tahun 2018, solusi Intelligent Urban Mobility telah mampu mengatasi serta melayani permintaan layanan dari pelanggan korporasi dan government terkait Mobility Insights yang berguna untuk mendukung keputusan statistik di sektor transportasi, pariwisata, advertising, retailer, property/land.

Intelligent Urban Mobility dibangun dengan memperhatikan aspek data governance dan security. Solusi ini mengolah telco data insight melalui analisis location trajectory untuk memahami pola pergerakan dan memberikan mobility insight.

Melalui solusi Intelligent Urban Mobility, Telkomsel telah menghadirkan beberapa layanan, seperti MSIGHT dan MSIGHT memilki beberapa fitur, seperti Telco Risk Insight dan Lifestyle Insight. Telco Risk Insight berfokus pada pemberian insight terkait risiko keuangan berbasis analisa profil pelanggan.

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Kemudian Lifestyle Insight fokus pada penyediaan insight yang berhubungan dengan gaya hidup digital, seperti minat pelanggan yang berbasiskan aktivitas seluler, seperti SMS, telepon, internet, streaming, dan gaming.

Lalu, merupakan all-in-one digital survey platform yang memiliki kapabilitas menargetkan responden dengan akurat dan jangkauan terluas melalui pemanfaatan telco data insight Telkomsel. Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai keunggulan solusi layanan MSIGHT dan dari Telkomsel Enterprise dapat diakses melalui dan

Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) Awards sendiri merupakan salah satu penghargaan bergengsi di tingkat global yang mengapresiasi perusahaan telekomunikasi di berbagai negara atas pencapaian dan keberhasilannya dalam memaksimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi jaringan 4G dan pengembangan 5G di berbagai segmen market melalui solusi dan layanan inovatif.

Penghargaan yang didapat Telkomsel pada Kategori Innovative Mobile Service and Application Award dinilai oleh Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) berdasarkan pada berbagai aspek, seperti inovasi yang dilakukan, keunggulan solusinya, kematangan model bisnis, serta pada keberlanjutan dan potensi ke depannya.

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“Penghargaan ini menjadi momentum bagi Telkomsel sebagai digital solution powerhouse yang menghadirkan layanan solusi digital terintegrasi baik untuk segmen korporasi maupun industri. Kami harap solusi Intelligent Urban Mobility dapat memenuhi kebutuhan industri termasuk pemerintah dalam mengambil keputusan yang strategis, akurat, dan lebih cepat dengan jangkauan lebih tepat sasaran dengan memanfaatkan keunggulan kemampuan big data analytics,” pungkas Bharat.

Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai pemenang penghargaan Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) Awards dapat diakses pada laman ***

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Telkomsel’s Intelligent Urban Mobility Solution Wins Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) Awards 2023 | — Telkomsel’s commitment as a digital ecosystem enabler in expanding its digital business portfolio that continues to accelerate the emergence of new digital service solutions through the use of leading innovation and technology, received recognition at the global level at the 2023 Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) Summit award event which the handover was carried out during the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2023 in Barcelona.

In this event, the Intelligent Urban Mobility solution won an award in the Innovative Mobile Service and Application Award Category.

Through this award, Telkomsel received recognition for its success in presenting innovative services and solutions by maximizing the utilization of 4G/LTE and 5G network technology for consumers, industry and other businesses.

Telkomsel’s IT Director Bharat Alva said, Telkomsel would like to thank the Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) for the appreciation given. This award proves Telkomsel’s commitment as a digital ecosystem enabler in strengthening the national digital ecosystem through the use of leading, customer centric and collaborative technology.

“Telkomsel will continue to encourage new innovations and optimize the utilization of Telkomsel’s ecosystem assets and capabilities in creating more opportunities,” he said.



Intelligent Urban Mobility Solutions

Intelligent Urban Mobility solutions can assist corporations and governments in analyzing population movements and demographics by utilizing big data analytics from telco data insights to help make decisions and develop policies more effectively and on target.

Since 2018, Intelligent Urban Mobility solutions have been able to address and serve service requests from corporate and government customers regarding Mobility Insights which are useful for supporting statistical decisions in the transportation, tourism, advertising, retailer, property/land sectors.

Intelligent Urban Mobility was built by paying attention to aspects of data governance and security. This solution processes telco data insight through location trajectory analysis to understand movement patterns and provide mobility insight.

Through Intelligent Urban Mobility solutions, Telkomsel has presented several services, such as MSIGHT and MSIGHT has several features, such as Telco Risk Insight and Lifestyle Insight. Telco Risk Insight focuses on providing insight related to financial risk based on customer profile analysis.

Then Lifestyle Insight focuses on providing insights related to digital lifestyles, such as customer interests based on cellular activities, such as SMS, telephone, internet, streaming, and gaming.

Then, is an all-in-one digital survey platform that has the capability of targeting respondents accurately and with the widest reach through the use of Telkomsel’s telco data insight. Further information about the advantages of MSIGHT and service solutions from Telkomsel Enterprise can be accessed via and

The Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) Awards are one of the prestigious awards at the global level that appreciate telecommunications companies in various countries for their achievements and success in maximizing the utilization of 4G network technology and 5G development in various market segments through innovative solutions and services.

The award that Telkomsel received in the Innovative Mobile Service and Application Award category was assessed by the Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) based on various aspects, such as the innovations made, the superiority of the solution, the maturity of the business model, and on sustainability and future potential.

“This award is a momentum for Telkomsel to become a digital solution powerhouse that provides integrated digital solution services for both the corporate and industrial segments. We hope that the Intelligent Urban Mobility solution can meet the needs of industry including the government in making strategic, accurate and faster decisions with more targeted reach by taking advantage of the advantages of big data analytics capabilities,” concluded Bharat.

More complete information about the winners of the Global TD-LTE Initiative (GTI) Awards can be accessed on the page ***






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