Orasi Ilmiah Prof Asep Mengangkat Paradigma Pemidanaan Terhadap Kejahatan Korporasi dan Bisnis

Orasi Ilmiah Prof Asep Mengangkat Paradigma Pemidanaan Terhadap Kejahatan Korporasi dan Bisnis

Orasi Ilmiah Prof Asep Mengangkat Paradigma Pemidanaan Terhadap Kejahatan Korporasi dan Bisnis | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Direktur Jenderal Peraturan Perundang-undangan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM, Prof Dr Asep Nana Mulyana SH MH menyampaikan orasi ilmiah pada perayaan puncak Dies Natalis Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) ke 69, di Gedung Peradilan Semu USU, Medan, Sabtu, 11 Maret 2023.

Dirjen Perundang-undangan Kemenkum HAM yang juga jaksa senior, Asep Nana Mulyana dalam orasi ilmiahnya mengangkat tema ‘Paradigma Pemidanaan Terhadap Kejahatan Korporasi dan Bisnis’.

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Mantan Kepala Kejaksaan Tinggi Jawa Barat ini menyampaikan tentang pendekatan ekonomi dalam penegakan hukum terhadap kejahatan korporasi, entitas korporasi dan bisnis sebagai rational actor akan mengambil keputusan yang bermanfaat bagi aktivitas bisnisnya, yang berdasarkan pada pilihan rasionalnya.

Penghukuman terhadap entitas korporasi dan bisnis dapat dilakukan dengan Konsep Responsive Regulatioan (RR) yang tidak mengharuskan setiap pelanggaran diproses ke pengadilan, melainkan menitikberatkan pada perbaikan pelaku dengan seberat apapun hukuman yang akan dijatuhkan harus dimulai dengan persuasi, peringatan tertulis, sanksi perdata, sanksi pidana, penangguhan ijin usaha sampai pencabutan ijin usaha.

“Transformatif justice di Indonesia kini telah bergeser filosofi retributive menuju filosofi utilitas, dimana dari mengikuti tersangka/pelaku menuju ke mengikuti arah distribusi uang dan aset,” tuturnya.

Dijelaskan, tujuan dari transformatif ini kembali pada pilihan sanksi retributif atau utilitas, dimana aspek retributif terdiri dari balas dendam; derita dan penjara, social order, aspek kuantitas (output), dan over capacity dan crowded,” terangnya.

“Sedangkan aspek utilitas terdiri dari kepastian, keadilan, kemanfaatan, social welfare (kesejahteraan masyarakat), kedamaian, dan aspek kualitas (outcome),” kata Asep Mulyana.

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Turut hadir dalam kegiatan ini mantan JAM WAS Dr Muhammad Yusni, Kajati Sumut Idianto, SH.MH, Kajari Binjai Jufri Nasution, Kajari Deliserdang Jabal Nur, CEO ADHYAKSAdigital, Felix Sidabutar.

Kemudian Rektor USU Prof Dr. Muryanto Amin, Dekan Fakultas Hukum USU, Dr Mahmul Siregar, Ketua Ikatan Alumni FH USU, Hasrul Benny Harahap SH.Mhum, Ketua Panitia Dies Natalis FH USU Ke 69 Edwin Nasution serta seluruh Civitas Akademika Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Selanjutnya, Kepala Divisi Pelayanan Hukum dan HAM Kanwil Kemenkumham Sumut Alex Cosmas Pinem, Perancang Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Ahli Madya Yuli Rosdiana Sitorus. ***

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Prof. Asep’s Scientific Oration Raising the Criminal Paradigm Against Corporate and Business Crime | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The Director General of Legislation of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Prof. Dr. Asep Nana Mulyana SH MH delivered a scientific oration at the peak celebration of the 69th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law, University of North Sumatra (USU), at the USU Moot Court Building, Medan, Saturday, March 11, 2023.

The Director General of Legislation at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights who is also a senior prosecutor, Asep Nana Mulyana, in his scientific oration raised the theme “Paradigm of Punishment of Corporate and Business Crime”

The former Head of the West Java High Prosecutor’s Office conveyed an economic approach in law enforcement against corporate crimes, corporate and business entities as rational actors will make decisions that are beneficial to their business activities, based on their rational choices.

Punishment of corporate and business entities can be carried out with the Responsive Regulatory Concept (RR), which does not require that every violation be processed in court, but instead focuses on improving the perpetrators, no matter how severe the punishment to be imposed must begin with persuasion, written warnings, civil sanctions, criminal sanctions, suspension of business license until revocation of business license.



“Transformative justice in Indonesia has now shifted from a retributive philosophy to a utility philosophy, where from following the suspect/perpetrator to following the direction of the distribution of money and assets,” he said.

Explained, the purpose of this transformative returns to the choice of retributive or utility sanctions, where the retributive aspect consists of revenge; suffering and imprisonment, social order, aspects of quantity (output), and over capacity and overcrowding,” he explained.

“Meanwhile, the utility aspect consists of certainty, fairness, expediency, social welfare, peace, and quality aspects (outcome),” said Asep Mulyana.

Also present at this activity were former JAM WAS Dr. Muhammad Yusni, Head of North Sumatra Idianto, SH.MH, Head of Binjai Jufri Nasution, Head of Deliserdang Jabal Nur, CEO of ADHYAKSAdigital, Felix Sidabutar.

Then USU Chancellor Prof. Dr. Muryanto Amin, Dean of the USU Faculty of Law, Dr. Mahmul Siregar, Chair of the USU FH Alumni Association, Hasrul Benny Harahap SH.Mhum, Chair of the 69th USU FH Anniversary Committee Edwin Nasution and the entire Academic Community of the Faculty of Law, University of North Sumatra.

Furthermore, the Head of the Division of Legal and Human Rights Services at the North Sumatra Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Alex Cosmas Pinem, Drafter of Legislation Associate Expert Yuli Rosdiana Sitorus. ***






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