Telkomsel: Jaringan dan Produk Telah Dioptimalkan Sambut Ramadan dan Lebaran | — Telkomsel siap menyambut Ramadan hingga lebaran Idul Fitti 1444 Hijriah, dengan menghadirkan jaringan broadband, layanan pelanggan berkualitas serta produk yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan.
Telkomel memastikan kesiapan menghadapi lonjakan trafik dan kebutuhan produk yang selalu terjadi di momen RAFI, mulai dari optimalisasi jaringan serta mempersiapkan sejumlah titik layanan yang tersebar di seluruh Pulau Sumatera.
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Vice President Area Network Operations Tekomsel Sumatera, Wahyudi C Purnama mengatakan, Telkomsel berkomitmen untuk selalu menghadirkan akses jaringan broadband terdepan bagi para pelanggan kami di Sumatera, terutama pada momen Ramadhan dan Idul Fitri.
“Kami telah melakukan berbagai upaya optimalisasi kualitas dan penambahan kapasitas infrastruktur. Hal tersebut meliputi upgrading kapasitas core network VLR (Visitor Location Register), SMSC (Short Message Service Center), MMSC (Multimedia Message Service Center), HLR (Home Location Register),” katanya.
Untuk kapasitas jaringan telah dioptimalkan melalui lebih dari 34.500 ribu BTS (Base Transceiver Station), khususnya jaringan 4G yang tersebar di seluruh Sumatera.
BTS tersebut mampu menghadirkan bandwidth internet sebesar 3.22 Tb (Tera bit per second). Telkomsel juga telah menyiagakan 8 unit COMBAT (Compact Mobile Base Transceiver) yang akan memenuhi potenasi lonjakan kebutuhan kapasitas layanan jaringan di sejumlah titik keramaian.
Vice President Consumer Sales Area Sumatera, Mulya Budiman menambahkan, dalam rangka menghadirkan kenyamanan pelanggan menjalani momen RAFI tahun ini, Telkomsel telah memastikan ketersediaan produk dan layanan, menghadirkan berbagai program loyalitas serta promo produk unggulan yang customer-centric untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyaraka, sekaligus ragam keseruan dalam mendukung gaya hidup digital selama momen RAFI.
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“Telkomsel juga akan memastikan ketersediaan akses seluruh saluran layanan pelanggan abaik secara online maupun offline,” cetusnya.
Di momen RAFI tahun ini, Telkomsel juga akan mempersiapkan 156 titik utama untuk para pelanggan. Titik layanan tersebut tersebar di seluruh Sumatera yang meliputi area Bandara, Jalur Mudik, pusat perbelanjaan, tempat wisata dan pusat keramaian selama momen RAFI.
Telkomsel juga mempersiapkan layanan 12 GraPARI yang tersebar di seluruh Sumatera serta saluran Call Center 188 dengan pelayanan 24 jam 7 hari seminggu.
Telkomsel juga selalu berupaya mengoptimalkan kemanfaatan perusahaan untuk dapat membantu mengatasi masalah sosial ekonomi dan menciptakan nilai tambah bagi bangsa Indonesia melalui program corporate social responsibility (CSR). Telkomsel akan menjalankan sejumlah program CSR selama moment RAFI Tahun ini.
Vice President Corporate Communications Telkomsel, Saki Hamsat Bramono memaparkan, Telkomsel akan kembali menghadirkan serangkaian momen berbagi kebahagiaan kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan dengan memberikan bantuan kepada duafa, paket buka puasa/sahur gratis, paket bantuan sembako, serta beragam bantuan untuk masjid, serta yayasan dan panti asuhan. ***
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Telkomsel: Optimized Networks and Products to Welcome Ramadan and Eid | — Telkomsel is ready to welcome Ramadan until Idul Fitri 1444 Hijriah, by presenting a broadband network, quality customer service and products that suit customer needs.
Telkomel ensures readiness to face traffic spikes and product needs that always occur at RAFI moments, starting from network optimization and preparing a number of service points spread throughout the island of Sumatra.
Vice President Area Network Operations Tekomsel Sumatra, Wahyudi C Purnama said, Telkomsel is committed to always providing leading broadband network access for our customers in Sumatra, especially during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.
“We have made various efforts to optimize quality and increase infrastructure capacity. This includes upgrading the core network capacity of VLR (Visitor Location Register), SMSC (Short Message Service Center), MMSC (Multimedia Message Service Center), HLR (Home Location Register), he said.
Network capacity has been optimized through more than 34,500 thousand BTS (Base Transceiver Station), especially the 4G network which is spread throughout Sumatra.
The BTS is capable of providing internet bandwidth of 3.22 Tb (Tera bits per second). Telkomsel has also prepared 8 units of COMBAT (Compact Mobile Base Transceiver) which will meet the potential increase in the demand for network service capacity at a number of crowded points.
Vice President Consumer Sales Area Sumatra, Mulya Budiman added, in order to provide customer convenience during this year’s RAFI moment, Telkomsel has ensured the availability of products and services, presented various loyalty programs and promos for superior products that are customer-centric to meet the needs of the community, as well as a variety of excitement. in supporting the digital lifestyle during the RAFI moment.
“Telkomsel will also ensure the availability of access to all customer service channels, both online and offline,” he said.
At this year’s RAFI moment, Telkomsel will also prepare 156 main points for customers. These service points are spread throughout Sumatra which includes the airport area, Mudik Route, shopping centers, tourist attractions and crowd centers during the RAFI moment.
Telkomsel is also preparing 12 GraPARI services spread throughout Sumatra as well as the 188 Call Center channel with 24 hour service 7 days a week.
Telkomsel also always seeks to optimize the company’s benefits to be able to help overcome socio-economic problems and create added value for the Indonesian nation through its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. Telkomsel will run a number of CSR programs during this year’s RAFI moment.
Telkomsel’s Vice President of Corporate Communications, Saki Hamsat Bramono explained, Telkomsel will again present a series of moments of sharing happiness to people in need by providing assistance to duafa, free iftar/sahur packages, staple food assistance packages, as well as various assistance to mosques, as well as foundations and orphanages care. ***