Daftar Ruas Tol Gratis Mudik Lebaran 2023

Daftar Ruas Tol Gratis Mudik Lebaran 2023

Daftar Ruas Tol Gratis Mudik Lebaran 2023 | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Menyambut jutaan pemudik selama Lebaran 2023, Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol (BPJT) telah menyiapkan berbagai layanan guna mendukung kelancaran arus mudik maupun balik.

Salah satunya dengan mengoperasikan jalan tol baru secara fungsional, serta akan ada penambahan jalan tol baru yang mendukung arus lalu lintas selama masa mudik Lebaran 2023.

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Bagi para pemudik yang mudik dengan kendaraan pribadi, tentu ini sangat membantu perjalanan mudik mereka. Nah, berikut ini daftar ruas tol fungsional tersebut. Ada yang akan kamu lewati nanti?

Bacaan Lainnya

Tol Gratis Mudik Lebaran 2023

  • Jalan Tol Cinere – Jagorawi Seksi 3B Krukut – Limo (2,2 Km)
  • Jalan Tol Serpong – Cinere Seksi 2 Pamulang – Cinere (3,6 Km)
  • Jalan Tol Cibitung – Cilincing Seksi 4 Taruma Jaya – Cilincing (7,3 Km)
  • Jalan Tol Solo – Yogyakarta Sebagian Seksi 1.1 (6,1 Km)
  • Jalan Tol Sigli – Banda Aceh Seksi Blang Bintang – Baitussalam (13,2 Km)
  • Jalan Tol Ciawi – Sukabumi Seksi 2 Cigombong – Cibadak (11,9 Km)
  • Jalan Tol Cimanggis – Cibitung Seksi 2A Jatikarya – Cikeas (3,5 Km)
  • Jalan Tol Pasuruan – Probolinggo Seksi 4A Probolinggo Timur – IC Gending (8,6 Km)
  • Jalan Tol Stabat – Tanjung Pura sebagian Seksi 2 (7,2 Km)
  • Jalan Tol Kuala Tanjung – Parapat Seksi Kuala Tanjung – Pematang Siantar (96,5 Km) dan Dolok Merawan Sinaksak (20,40 Km)
  • Jalan Tol Jakarta – Cikampek 2 Selatan Paket 3 Kutanegara – Sadang (8,5 Km)

Siap Beroperasi

Selain tol fungsional, ada juga ruas tol tambahan yang telah siap beroperasi penuh untuk mendukung kelancaran arus mudik, di antaranya:

  • Jalan Tol Bekasi – Cawang – Kp Melayu Seksi 2A dan 2A Ujung (4,88 Km)
  • Jalan Tol Semarang – Demak Seksi 2 (16,01 Km)
  • Ramp 2, 4, 5, dan 8 Junction Wringinanom Jalan Tol Krian – Legundi – Bunder – Manyar

Rest Area Mudik Lebaran

Mengantisipasi melonjaknya pemudik selama mudik Lebaran, terdapat beberapa rest area fungsional baru untuk menjadi pilihan lain para pengemudi selain rest area lama yang sudah tersedia, yaitu di rest area KM 19B jalan tol Jakarta-Cikampek, rest area Km 338A, dan Km 319B jalan tol Pemalang-Batang.

Kemudian juga tersedia kapasitas toilet di rest area yang lebih banyak melalui toilet modular agar menghindari antrean pemudik.

Tercatat ada 127 rest area di seluruh jalan tol Indonesia, yang terdiri dari 79 rest area tipe A, 38 rest area tipe B, dan 10 rest area tipe C.

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Tempat Pengisian Bahan Bakar

Selain penambahan rest area fungsional, juga terdapat fasilitas pendukung untuk mengantisipasi pengisian bahan bakar kendaraan di rest area, yaitu Stasiun Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum (SPKLU) dan SPBU.

Untuk SPKLU, bisa ditemukan di rest area Km 207A dan Km 389B jalan tol Trans Jawa serta di rest area Km 163A jalan tol Trans Sumatera.

Kemudian untuk SPBU, telah ditambahkan pom bensin baru di rest area Km 792B jalan tol Gempol-Pasuruan, rest area Km 819A jalan tol Pasuruan-Probolinggo, dan rest area Km 66A jalan tol Pandaan-Malang.

Jalan tol fungsional ini akan dibuka sementara untuk mendukung kelancaran arus lalu lintas kendaraan saat mudik Lebaran, jadi manfaatkan sebaik mungkin. ***

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List of 2023 Eid Homecoming Free Toll Roads | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Welcoming millions of travelers during Eid 2023, the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) has prepared various services to support the smooth flow of going home and back.

One of them is by operating a new toll road functionally, and there will be the addition of a new toll road that will support traffic flow during the 2023 Lebaran homecoming period.

For travelers who go home by private vehicle, of course this is very helpful for their homecoming trip. So, here is a list of these functional toll roads. What are you going to miss later?

Toll roads that are still free Lebaran 2023 homecoming

  • Cinere – Jagorawi Toll Road Section 3B Krukut – Limo (2.2 Km)
  • Serpong – Cinere Toll Road Section 2 Pamulang – Cinere (3.6 Km)
  • Cibitung – Cilincing Toll Road Section 4 Taruma Jaya – Cilincing (7.3 Km)
  • Solo – Yogyakarta Partial Toll Road Section 1.1 (6.1 Km)
  • Sigli Toll Road – Banda Aceh Section Blang Bintang – Baitussalam (13.2 Km)
  • Ciawi – Sukabumi Toll Road Section 2 Cigombong – Cibadak (11.9 Km)
  • Cimanggis – Cibitung Toll Road Section 2A Jatikarya – Cikeas (3.5 Km)
  • Pasuruan – Probolinggo Toll Road Section 4A East Probolinggo – IC Gending (8.6 Km)
  • Stabat Toll Road – Tanjung Pura part of Section 2 (7.2 Km)
  • Kuala Tanjung Toll Road – Parapat Kuala Tanjung Section – Pematang Siantar (96.5 Km) and Dolok Merawan Sinaksak (20.40 Km)
  • Jakarta – Cikampek 2 South Toll Road Package 3 Kutanegara – Sadang (8.5 Km)

Ready to Operate

Apart from functional toll roads, there are also additional toll roads that are ready to fully operate to support the smooth flow of homecoming, including:

  • Bekasi – Cawang – Kp Melayu Section 2A and 2A Ujung Toll Roads (4.88 Km)
  • Semarang – Demak Toll Road Section 2 (16.01 Km)
  • Ramps 2, 4, 5 and 8 Wringinanom Junction Krian – Legundi – Bunder – Manyar Toll Road.

Eid Homecoming Rest Area

Anticipating the surge in travelers during Lebaran homecoming, there are several new functional rest areas to be another choice for drivers besides the existing existing rest areas, namely in the KM 19B rest area of the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road, the Km 338A rest area, and the Km 319B Pemalang toll road -Stem.

Then there is also more toilet capacity available in the rest area through modular toilets to avoid queues for travelers.

There are 127 recorded rest areas throughout Indonesia’s toll roads, consisting of 79 type A rest areas, 38 type B rest areas, and 10 type C rest areas.

Refueling Place

Apart from adding functional rest areas, there are also supporting facilities to anticipate refueling vehicles in rest areas, namely Public Electric Vehicle Filling Stations (SPKLU) and gas stations.

For SPKLU, it can be found in the Km 207A and Km 389B rest areas of the Trans Java toll road and in the Km 163A rest area of the Trans Sumatra toll road.

Then for gas stations, a new gas station has been added in the Km 792B rest area of the Gempol-Pasuruan toll road, the Km 819A rest area of the Pasuruan-Probolinggo toll road, and the Km 66A rest area of the Pandaan-Malang toll road.

This functional toll road will be opened temporarily to support the smooth flow of vehicle traffic during Lebaran homecoming, so make the most of it. ***



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