Anggota Perkumpulan Teochew Medan ‘Unjuk Gigi’ di Turnamen Tenis Meja Piala MITSU

Anggota Perkumpulan Teochew Medan ‘Unjuk Gigi’ di Turnamen Tenis Meja Piala MITSU

Anggota Perkumpulan Teochew Medan ‘Unjuk Gigi’ di Turnamen Tenis Meja Piala MITSU | — Turnamen Tenis Meja Piala MITSU diikuti 100 orang lebih peserta, yang digelar di Hall MITSU (Kampus STBA-PIA) Jalan Yos Sudarso, Sabtu dan Minggu, 27-28 Mei 2023, termasuk peserta dari Perkumpulan Teochew Medan.

Anggota Perkumpulan Teochew yang mengikuti turnamen Tenis Meja tersebut berhasil tampil gemilang dengan menjuarai beberapa nomor. Prestasi itu cukup mengharumkan nama Perkumpulan Teochew Medan.

REKOMENDASI: Djarot: Menjaga Pancasila, Menjaga NKRI, Menjaga Kekayaan Tanah Air

Anggota Perkumpulan Teochew berhasil meraih Juara III Ganda kategori di atas 100 tahun, yaitu Tony Wijaya & Harun Lie, serta pasangan Mulia Irawan & Sin Sin Wun.

Selain itu juga berhasil menyabet Juara II Single Putra Kelompok Umur 18-49 tahun, yaitu Tony Wijaya; Juara III Single Putra Kelompok Umur 18-49 tahun adalah Irwan dan Siddharta. Kemudian Juara I Single Putra Kelompok Umur diatas 50 tahun, yaitu Harun Lie. Dan Juara III Single Putra Kelompok Umur diatas 50 tahun direbut Mulia Irawan.

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Anggota Perkumpulan Teochew Medan ‘Unjuk Gigi’ di Turnamen Tenis Meja Piala MITSU-

Atas prestasi tersebut, Ketua Perkumpulan Teochew Medan, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan menyampaikan apresiasi yang sebesar-besarnya atas pencapaian anggotanya.

“Kita bersyukur anggota perkumpulan kita ini berpartisipasi di turnamen Tenis Meja MITSU ini, apalagi mereka menunjukkan prestasi yang membanggakan pula,” ujarnya.

REKOMENDASI: Perkumpulan Teochew Bersama Lions Club dan Institusi Bisnis IT&B Bantu Anak-anak Samosir

Dr. Agus Susanto Tan berharap, Perkumpulan Teochew Kota Medan semakin solid dan kompak, saling membantu, saling menghargai dan tetap menjalin komunikasi yang baik satu sama lain.

Anggota Perkumpulan Teochew Medan ‘Unjuk Gigi’ di Turnamen Tenis Meja Piala MITSU-1

“Kami pengurus senang selama ini sudah kompak, tapi perlu lagi ditingkatkan kedepan, baik pada kegiatan olahraga, kegiatan kemanusiaan dan kegiatan lainnya,” tegas Dr Agus Susanto.

Usai turnamen, Ketua Perkumpulan Teochew Medan, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan dan Ketua Pembina, Juswan Tjoe, Sekretaris Perkumpulan Teochew Sumatera Utara Jacob Lie dan Kabid Pemuda Darwin Tanandy foto bersama dan diskusi dengan sejumlah anggota yang mengikuti Turnamen Tenis Meja Piala MITSU. ***

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Members of the Medan Teochew Association ‘Show Off’ at the MITSU Cup Table Tennis Tournament | — The MITSU Cup Table Tennis Tournament was attended by more than 100 participants, which was held at the MITSU Hall (STBA-PIA Campus) Jalan Yos Sudarso, Saturday and Sunday, 27-28 May 2023, including participants from the Medan Teochew Association.

Members of the Teochew Association who took part in the Table Tennis tournament managed to perform brilliantly by winning several numbers. This achievement is enough to make the Medan Teochew Association proud.

Members of the Teochew Association won Third Place in the Doubles category over 100 years, namely Tony Wijaya & Harun Lie, as well as the couple Mulia Irawan & Sin Sin Wun.

Apart from that, they also succeeded in winning 2nd place in Men’s Singles for the 18-49 year old group, namely Tony Wijaya; The third place in Men’s Singles for the 18-49 year old group were Irwan and Siddharta. Then Champion I Men’s Singles Age Group over 50 years, namely Harun Lie. And the third place in Men’s Singles over the age group of 50 years was taken by Mulia Irawan.

For this achievement, the Chairperson of the Medan Teochew Association, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan expressed his greatest appreciation for the achievements of his members.

“We are grateful that the members of our association have participated in the MITSU Table Tennis Tournament, moreover they have shown proud achievements,” he said.

Dr. Agus Susanto Tan hopes that the Medan City Teochew Association will become more solid and compact, help each other, respect each other and maintain good communication with each other.

“We, the management, are happy that so far we have been united, but we need to improve in the future, both in sports activities, humanitarian activities and other activities,” emphasized Dr. Agus Susanto.

After the tournament, the Head of Medan Teochew Association, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan and the Chairperson of the Trustees, Juswan Tjoe, Secretary of the Teochew Association of North Sumatra Jacob Lie and Head of Youth Division Darwin Tanandy group photos and discussions with a number of members who took part in the MITSU Cup Table Tennis Tournament. ***



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