Institut Bisnis IT&B Rayakan Annivesary ke 18 Tahun

Institut Bisnis IT&B Rayakan Annivesary ke 18 Tahun

Institut Bisnis IT&B Rayakan Annivesary ke 18 Tahun | — Institut Bisnis IT&B merayakan Anniversary yang ke 18 tahun bersama jajaran manajemen, dosen, staf dan pengurus BEM Institut Bisnis IT&B di Grand Maximum Restoran, Medan – Sumatera Utara, 27 Mei 2023.

Wakil Rektor II Institut Bisnis IT&B selaku Ketua Panitia Perayaan Annivesary, Deva Djohan, B.Com., M.M., M.B.A. mengatakan, perayaan tersebut dilaksanakan secara sederhana, namun mengandung makna yang cukup mendalam bahwa pentingannya hubungan kebersamaan dan rasa kekeluargaan dalam memajukan suatu institusi.

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“Momentum perayaan hari ini, tentunya membuat kami flashback kembali perjuangan Institut Bisnis IT&B sejak 18 tahun yang lalu hingga saat ini. Tanpa terasa sudah 18 tahun Institut Bisnis IT&B berkiprah di dunia pendidikan. Sehingga, hari ini kami mengundang jajaran manajemen, dosen, staff, dan pengurus BEM untuk merayakan bersama-sama,” sebut Deva Djohan.

Rektor Institut Bisnis IT&B, Prof. Ir. H. Zulkarnain Lubis, M.S., Ph.D. menyampaikan, Institut Bisnis IT&B harus tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi institusi pendidikan yang unggul dalam mendidik generasi muda.

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Institut Bisnis IT&B Rayakan Annivesary ke 18 Tahun-

“Usia 18 tahun adalah usia yang sehat dan prima, demikian pula dengan usia kampus kita. Civitas akademika harus berjuang dan bersama-sama untuk mewujudkan kemajuan Institut Bisnis IT&B. Terutama para tenaga pendidik harus serius dalam menjalan Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi,” ujar Prof. Zulkarnain Lubis.

Sementara itu, Managing Director Institut Bisnis IT&B, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan mengaku, cukup terharu karena Institut Bisnis IT&B sudah berdiri selama 18 tahun dan terus berkiprah mengabdi untuk bangsa dan negara hingga saat ini.

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“Tanpa terasa hari demi hari, minggu demi minggu, bulan demi bulan, tahun demi tahun, hingga saat ini Institut Bisnis IT&B sudah mengabdi hingga 18 tahun, sejak tahun 2005. Saya selaku Managing Director melihat secara langsung perkembangan kampus hingga saat ini. Dalam perjalanan tersebut tentunya terkadang menghadapi kondisi yang lancar maupun tidak lancar, kadang manis dan pahit, namun semuanya telah dilalui dan kami akan terus berjuang dalam memajukan Institut Bisnis IT&B dengan mencapai visi-misi yang telah ditetapkan,” ucap Dr. Agus Susanto Tan.

Perayaan Anniversary tersebut, turut dihadiri oleh Wakil Rektor I, Sri Aprianti Tarigan; Wakil Rektor III, Albert Masli; Kaprodi Manajemen, Elyzabeth Wijaya; Kaprodi Pengelolaan Perhotelan, Tina Linda; Kaprodi Sistem Informasi, Thamrin; Kaprodi Kewirausahaan, Ika Puspa Satriany; Kaprodi Perdagangan Internasional, Hengky Kosasih dan Kaprodi Pasca Sarjana, Sahat Simbolon. Juga turut hadir dosen-dosen Institut Bisnis IT&B, yaitu Arifin Assaly, Edward, Rezeki, Bestadrian, Susanto, Stefvy, Benny, Eddy H., Erina, Mega Harefa, Yulia, Jimmy, Susy, Devia, Rouline, Christie, Liana, dsb. Serta perwakilan pengurus BEM Institut Bisnis IT&B. ***

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IT&B Business Institute Celebrates 18th Anniversary | — The IT&B Business Institute celebrates its 18th Anniversary with management, lecturers, staff and BEM IT&B Business Institute administrators at Grand Maximum Restaurant, Medan – North Sumatra, 27 May 2023.

Deputy Chancellor II IT&B Business Institute as Chair of the Annivesary Celebration Committee, Deva Djohan, B.Com., M.M., M.B.A. said, the celebration was carried out in a simple manner, but contained quite a deep meaning that the importance of togetherness and a sense of kinship in advancing an institution.

“Today’s celebration momentum certainly makes us flashback to the struggles of the IT&B Business Institute from 18 years ago until now. It goes without saying that the IT&B Business Institute has been active in the world of education for 18 years. So, today we invite management, lecturers, staff, and BEM administrators to celebrate together,” said Deva Djohan.

Rector of IT&B Business Institute, Prof. Ir. H. Zulkarnain Lubis, M.S., Ph.D. conveyed, the IT&B Business Institute must grow and develop into an educational institution that excels in educating the younger generation.

“The age of 18 is a healthy and prime age, as well as the age of our campuses. The academic community must strive and work together to realize the progress of the IT&B Business Institute. Especially educators must be serious in carrying out the Tri Dharma of higher education,” said Prof. Zulkarnain Lubis.

Meanwhile, the Managing Director of the IT&B Business Institute, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan admits that he is quite moved because the IT&B Business Institute has been established for 18 years and continues to serve the nation and the country to this day.

“Without realizing it, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, until now the IT&B Business Institute has served for 18 years, since 2005. I, as the Managing Director, have seen firsthand the development of the campus to date. In this journey, of course, we sometimes encounter conditions that are smooth or not smooth, sometimes sweet and bitter, but everything has been passed and we will continue to struggle in advancing the IT&B Business Institute by achieving the vision and mission that has been set, “said Dr. Agus Susanto Tan.

The anniversary celebration was also attended by Vice Chancellor I, Sri Aprianti Tarigan, Vice Chancellor III, Albert Masli, Head of Management Study Program, Elyzabeth Wijaya, Head of Hospitality Management Study Program, Tina Linda, Head of Information Systems Study Program, Thamrin, Head of Entrepreneurship Study Program, Ika Puspa Satriany, Head of Trade Study Program International, Hengky Kosasih and Head of Postgraduate Study Program, Sahat Simbolon. Also present were IT&B Business Institute lecturers, namely Arifin Assaly, Edward, Rezeki, Bestadrian, Susanto, Stefvy, Benny, Eddy H., Erina, Mega Harefa, Yulia, Jimmy, Susy, Devia, Rouline, Christie, Liana, etc. . As well as representatives of the BEM board of the IT&B Business Institute. ***



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