Tarif Listrik Juli – September Tak Jadi Naik | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Beberapa waktu lalu, ada isu yang menyebutkan bahwa akan ada kenaikan tarif listrik pada bulan Juli hingga September 2023.
Namun hal tersebut telah terbantahkan, karena pemerintah tidak jadi menaikan tarif listrik.
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Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM menyebutkan bahwa tarif listrik golongan nonsubsidi akan mengalami penyesuaian tarif setiap 3 bulan sekali, jika ada perubahan pada kurs, inflasi, Indonesia Crude Price (ICP), dan Harga Patokan Batubara (HPB).
Dengan memperhatikan indikator-indikator tersebut, semestinya mengalami kenaikan, namun pemerintah ingin menjaga daya beli masyarakat.
Sehingga, menurut Direktur Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan, Jisman P. Hutajulu, pemerintah memutuskan tidak menaikkan tarif listrik.
Berikut ini rincian Tarif Dasar Listrik untuk Rumah Tangga:
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July – September Electricity Rates Will Not Rise | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Some time ago, there was an issue stating that there would be an increase in electricity rates from July to September 2023.
However, this has been disputed, because the government did not raise electricity rates.
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, it states that non-subsidized electricity tariffs will undergo tariff adjustments every 3 months, if there are changes in exchange rates, inflation, the Indonesian Crude Price (ICP), and the Coal Benchmark Price (HPB).
Taking into account these indicators, it should have increased, but the government wants to maintain people’s purchasing power.
So, according to the Director General of Electricity, Jisman P. Hutajulu, the government has decided not to increase electricity rates.
The following details the Basic Electricity Tariff for Households: