Rayakan Anniversary ke 5 | Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Luncurkan Aplikasi TCN | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Bertepatan dengan perayaan Anniversary ke 5 tahun, Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu meluncurkan aplikasi TCN, yang merupakan rancangan dari Teochew Youth.
Perayaan yang sederhana namun bermakna ini, berlangsung di Gedung Yayasan Teochew, Minggu, 20 Agustus 2023.
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Ketua Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Medan, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan menyampaikan rasa syukur, karena bisa menyelenggarakan ulang tahun yang ke 5 Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu.
“Kita berdiri pada 18 Agustus 2018. Dan ini merupakan momen yang sangat berbahagia, bisa berkumpul sekaligus syukuran sederhana,” ujar Agus.
Sesuai visi-misi Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu, bisa saling mempererat kebersamaan dan persaudaraan. “Dimana sesama suku Teochew bisa saling membantu dan kompak. Juga disamping itu kita tetap membangun generasi masa depan,” katanya.
Membangun generasi disini, lanjut Dr Agus, sudah dimulai dengan membina atau membentuk Teochew Youth.
Pada perayaan ke 5 tahun ini, Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu juga akan meluncurkan aplikasi yang dirancang oleh anak muda.
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“Juga ada nantinya peluncuran aplikasi TCN, dimana nantinya para member bisa melihat semua kegiatan, dan keanggotaannya disana. Selain itu juga ada potongan merchant, restoran dan lainnya,” jelasnya.
Selain aplikasi yang diluncurkan, di ulang tahun yang kelima ini, harapannya bisa memberi makna lebih besar ke sesama.
“Harapnya ke depan lebih memberi makna bagi sesama, terutama di program pendidikan akan kita tingkatkan, memberikan beasiswa kepada anak-anak yang pintar, tapi tidak mampu secara finansial,” ungkapnya.
Sementara itu, Lina selaku Ketua Panita mengatakan, kebersamaan dalam perayaan ini bukanlah moment yang mudah, banyak suka duka yang telah dilewati bersama.
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“Kita rayakan ultah Teochew ke 5 ini adalah juga perayaan bagi kita semua. Perkumpulan Teochew didirikan sejak tahun 2018, dimana sekarang telah berkontribusi banyak pada masyarakat, terutama di bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, olahraga dan kebudayaan,” jelasnya.
Namun, kebersamaan membuat Teochew dapat melewati semua rintangan. “Semoga kita semua dapat terus bekerjasama, mengabdi pada nusa dan bangsa. Semoga kita semua dapat diberkati dan diberi kesehatan serta panjang umur, dengan adanya kita, perkumpulan teochew pasti selalu bersinar,” pungkasnya. ***
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Celebrate 5th Anniversary | United Teochew Association Launches TCN App | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Coinciding with the 5th anniversary celebration, the United Teochew Association launched the TCN application, which was designed by Teochew Youth.
This simple but meaningful celebration took place at the Teochew Foundation Building, Sunday, 20 August 2023.
Head of the Medan United Teochew Association, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan expressed his gratitude for being able to organize the 5th anniversary of the United Teochew Association.
“We were established on August 18 2018. And this is a very happy moment, being able to gather and at the same time give a simple thanksgiving,” said Agus.
In accordance with the vision and mission of the United Teochew Association, we can strengthen togetherness and brotherhood. “Where fellow Teochew tribes can help each other and work together. Apart from that, we continue to build future generations,” he said.
Building a generation here, continued Dr. Agus, has started by fostering or forming Teochew Youth.
On this year’s 5th anniversary, the United Teochew Association will also launch an application designed by young people.
“There will also be the launch of the TCN application later, where later members can see all activities, and membership there. Apart from that there are also discounts on merchants, restaurants and others,” he explained.
In addition to the applications launched, on this fifth anniversary, the hope is that it can give greater meaning to others.
“Hopefully in the future it will give more meaning to others, especially in the education program we will improve, providing scholarships to children who are smart but can’t afford it financially,” he said.
Meanwhile, Lina as Chair of the Committee said, being together in this celebration was not an easy moment, many ups and downs had been passed together.
“We celebrate the 5th Teochew anniversary, this is also a celebration for all of us. The Teochew Association was founded in 2018, which has now contributed a lot to society, especially in the fields of education, health, sports and culture,” he explained.
However, togetherness allowed Teochew to overcome all obstacles. “Hopefully we can all continue to work together, serve the homeland and the nation. Hopefully we can all be blessed and given health and longevity. With us, the Teochew association will always shine,” he concluded. ***